October 2007

Oct 21, 2007

Hi Everybody,

As time goes on there is not much to say, only because things are going well for me and my surgery.  Now I am just maintaining my weight loss hoping to lose an additional 15 pounds.  It is happening a little at a time, going up and down on the scale.  I don't know why I am doing the same things as I have always done but no results in the last couple of month.  I am just happy that I am able to stay where I am until my body is ready to lose again.  I am down 5 sizes and very happy about that.  What is happening right now with me is fun and funny.  I say hi to someone I know and they don't know me.  I play a guessing game with them and in time they look closely and see it is me.  Then the real excitement starts.  "Oh my, you look so good"  or  "Wow, you lost so much weight".  The best is "You look wonderful".  Then they ask questions.  I am proud to be able to tell them for of all Thank you and then tell them that all my diseases are gone and I take no medications at all any more.  Even though Gastric Bypass is getting very popular not everyone knows someone who had it so they are very interested.  It is fun talking about it and how it gave me a new life.  I never really told anyone about my health even though we all know that with obesity comes a lot of complications.  I guess when you don't complain everyone just thinks all is well.  So when I tell them I had GBP they asks me why.  Then I tell them all my illnesses and diseases I had.  I have had a few people interested in the surgery from seeing my results.  I do remind them that it is not a miracle but well worth it.  I tell them it takes a big commitment to make it work.  So anyone that is thinking of having this surgery I am here for you anytime to talk.  I want this to work for me and others.  I don't want to go back to the limited life I had.  Now I can do anything and have so much energy.  It has changed my life and I am so much happier now and enjoy life as it should be.  But it is what you make of this surgery that will last you your lifetime.  December will be 2 years for me.  They have been the best years of my life since my health worsened almost 7 years ago.  I thank God everyday for the strength he gave me to do this and the knowledge I needed to make it work.  I could not have done with without Him.

Remember I am here for anyone.

July and August 2007

Aug 21, 2007

I didn't realize I haven't been on here since June.  Probably because there is not much to report.  I am maintaining my weight but would like to lose 15 more pounds.  I had to put my Curves membership on hold.  I had an MRI of my back and they found arthritis so I have to go for physical therapy.  I also broke my toe in June that is still healing.  I still can't put a shoe on yet.  Once I get back to Curves I am sure my weight will move again.  This is the hardest of the pounds to lose.  But I feel great and I am enjoying life.  So I will be thankful for what I have so far and be patient with the last 15 lbs. I want to lose.  

My love to everyone.  Hope you are all having a great summer.

June 29, 2007

Jun 29, 2007

I have been so busy.  Good busy but to busy.  I had my appointment with Dr. Hamad last week.  Everything is going well.  She wishes that I lost more weight.  I will tell you what I told her.  I have read a lot about this surgery and I have also witnessed others that had the surgery.  I decided to keep my style of living and eating to a normal reasonable style.  I have seen to many people go overboard with this and then years later could not keep up with it.  To many have lost sooooo much weight and then could not keep up with the demands they put on themselves.  Don't get me wrong, we all want to make this happen for us but we really have to stay reasonable too.  At the beginning we need to be strict (and throughout our life we have to also) but once we know what we can tolerate we need to focus on that and eat accordingly.  I want this to be a lifetime change not just a few years then go back to where I was before.  I don't deny myself a few treats but I don't do it to often.  That would be a bad habit to get into.  I hope everyone knows what I am trying to say.  This is something that is now a part of my life "forever".  It must be a sensible lifetime change.  Putting to much pressure on ourselves will only mean defeat.  I am not 18 months post-op and know what I can eat and not eat and what makes me lose weight and what doesn't.  Once you have the knowledge of what our body are telling us then and only then can you succeed with wisdom and understanding of Gastric Bypass Surgery.  One more thing.  Keep up with your appointments.  I know some quit going after a while and that is the beginning of failing.  When I go back in December I will then be once a year.  I am worried about that.  I wish I had to answer more often to my surgeon.  It keeps you on the right path.  So now the pressure is on me to do well.  I don't make the support group meeting but I am thinking I should now.  We need to be refreshed as often as possible.  This is not an easy way out.  This is still work.  We need to keep that in our minds at all time.  We need to be aware of this everytime we put food in our mouths and make the right choices.  Never let you guard down.  It well mean disaster.  I have come to far to return to the unhealty state I was in.  I never want to go back there.  NEVER.  Now is a very important phase of this surgery and from here on out.  I have about 15 to 20 lbs to go.  

Thank you Kate and Chris for contacting me and now a new friend Wildcat.  I am here to help you in any way I can.  Keep in touch with other GBP patients is a big help for me.  It is good support.  Chris had his surgery today. Kate is now at 2 weeks post-op. Wildcat2781 is losing it on his own.  Way to go ! ! !  A new and healthier life is waiting for you.  

Ok, on to a funny story.  Well, not real funny when it was happening but I can find humor in it now.  Several weeks ago I had an attack of arthritis in my foot.  It was so painful.  Then after that resided I broke my toes. I was told the arthitis may never flare up again.  It was due to my added engery and using my body more then it was use to.  The same with the broken toes.  My body is faster then my mind wants it to be.  It wasn't funny when it was happening but I was told to slow down that my body can't keep up with me anymore.  LOL  It's a good feeling but it hurts.  LOL  So I will slow down a little but not much.  I love being able to do more and do for others.   So I will just take it as it comes then slow down if I know it affects me in a painful way.  LOL

Take care everyone.  To all the GBP patients.  Be happy to be called a loser.  And keep being a loser for the rest of your lives.

May 2007

May 21, 2007

May passed me right up.  When spring sprung so did I.  I got all my spring cleaning done and left little time for anything else.  To report in:  I am maintaining my weight loss.  I have lost 8.5 inches at Curves ! ! !  I see my surgeon on June 19th.  I will report back in June at that time.  Hope everyone is enjoying this georgeous spring. 

April 28, 2007

Apr 28, 2007

Oh my,  I am so behind in updating my journal.  Life has been busy.  I would have updated a few weeks ago but my dog died and she was my life :(   I got Buffy a few years after my husband died and she was the answer to my prayers.  She filled the void in my heart she made all the difference in the world to me.  It was a shock.  She was fine and then all of a sudden became ill and died within two days.  No, we don't think it was the dog food.  Someone said she had all the signs of a stroke.  She was only 6 years old ?????  For 3 days I went crazy and tried to make food my confort again.  I was aware at that point that I still had it in me to want to eat under stress and loneliness.  Thank God, I couldn't eat a lot.  Now I know the surgery was a real success ! ! !  In 5 days I had another dog, well a puppy.  Maddi is 8 months old and needed a good home because her owners were moving and couldn't take her.  She is winning my heart and filling now a second void in my heart.  Well, as for my weight loss.  I know I lost a few more pounds but with going to Curves I maintained my weight.  The fat is turning into muscles and it really doesn't show a lose.  I have also lost inches here and there.  In one month exercising has made a difference.  I love going and other then my knees giving me some trouble it is a great feeling to be able to exercise.  It is a healthy exhaustion and not a tiresome one.  I look forward to going and feel so much better when I do.  It is a great stress reliever and supplies me with so much more energy.  It makes you feel good about yourself also.  After going through major surgery it gives you the help you need to continue to let the surgery do all it can for the good of our health.

 Have a good month everyone.  See you back here in May and hopefully on time next month.

April 11, 2007 * * * Remembering Buffy * * * I miss you Buffy * * *

February 25, 2007

Feb 25, 2007

Hi Everybody,

I'm a little late with my update this month.  Not much to report.  I am down 105 lbs. but the last 4 pounds took forever to lose.  I  have 20 lbs. to go.  It has really been a struggle for me to lose right now.  I am going to give my body a rest and just eat properly and then tackle the last 20 lbs. later. BUT  if I don't lose the last 20 lbs. I am very very happy with the results of my surgery.  It did what I read so much about and the reason for me to have the surgery.  I can't say enough about the miracle it performs with health issues.  It is so hard to believe now what I had gone through the past 7 years before my surgery just to endure each day.  I will never forget where I came from.  It is an important part of continuing this lifetime commitment.

 March is right around the corner and so is SPRING ! ! !  It is a time for new beginnings and to focus on life and be thankful everyday that we can share our love with family and friends.

January 13, 2007

Jan 13, 2007

Not much to report.  Things are going well and I am over the 100 lbs loss.  It isn't as easy as it was the first 6 months.  Now it is taking more work and excercise to take the weight off.  I hurt my back about a month ago and it has limited my activities.  I have had a lot of muscle pulls and I forget to ask my surgeon if that is do to the weight shifting and my body adjusting. All my bloodwork is coming back excellent. I am looking forward to this year.  I will be able to do so much more than I have in the past years.  I can't wait to work in my flower garden again.  But it is going to require a lot of attention.  All I could do in the past is just look at the weeds over taking the beautiful flowers.  Have a good month everyone.  If this weather stays as mild as it has been we will be seeing spring soon.  It's my favorite time of the year.

IT'S MY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! ! ! 12/12/06

Dec 12, 2006

If you have any comments or need to know anything about Gastric Bypass Surgery I will do my best to direct you to who can help or try to answer what I know.

December 12, 2006

Dec 12, 2006

Wow, It's 1 year today. This day a year ago was truely the first day of the rest of my new life ! ! ! My goal was 100 lbs. I made it to 97 lbs. I am very happy with that. I only have 28 lbs. to go. Hopefully, in 6 more months I will meet my goal. I feel great ! ! ! No more medical problems and the energy is more than I can take. I get ahead of myself sometimes and need to slow myself down. HA HA HA This year went so fast for me but each day brought a bigger smile to my face. I haven't seen that for many years. I use to have to push myself to just get up every morning and counting the hours until I can go to sleep at the end of my very hard day. Now I can get up and keep going and lay to rest at the end of the day anxious to start my new day. Every day brings me new adventures and new memories with family and friends that have been long overdue. I count my blessing every day and Thank God for what he has given me. "Thank you" to all my family and friends that gave me the inspiration to succeed. When I didn't think I was doing well with the weight loss you always gave me encouragement to continue with confidence that I can do it. And I did ! ! ! Stay with me for 28 more pounds. I have never been so ready for Christmas. It is a wonderful time of the year to share love and joy with others.

"Merry Christmas" everyone. My love to everyone.

"Hark now hear the angels sing, a King is born today. And man will live forever more because of Christmas day."

December 10, 2006

Dec 10, 2006

Today went ok. I had to take my bowel prep "orally". YUCK ! ! ! There is no way around it. Tried ginger ale with it and I felt so sick. Three hours later downed it with cranberry juice still no help. But I got through it. I had to. LOL. Last night was my last time for solid foods and I didn't even take advantage of it. Just more for the bowel prep to get rid of. This liquid diet all weekend is not easy. My son was afraid to eat in front of me and boy did that spaghetti smell good. I told him to do as he has always done. I got to get use to this. Once I have surgery it will be better, my hunger will subside for a while. Once I see the weight come off I know food will not be as important to me as it has in the past. Tomorrow is my antibiotics. They say that is worse due to the empty stomach and those don't want to stay down. I have two kinds to take and I was told at the doctors office to take what I can at the scheduled times and what stays, stays and what doesn't doesn't. Some are better then none. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow if I am not too sick to be at the computer. Nothing worth having is easy. The outcome will out weigh the journey to get there. Oh my, two days, wow, two days. It is so hard to believe. I am so ready.

About Me
Natrona Heights, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 54
July 7, 2008
May 27, 2008
February 17, 2008
March 12, 2007
It's my 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! ! !
