November 10, 2006

Nov 10, 2006

I can't believe it will be 1 year next month for me. It has gone by so fast and each day has brought more and more happy and healthier days for me. I have been getting on the scale more than usual. I have between 10 to 12 lbs. to reach my 100 lb. weight loss at my 1 year mark. I have faithfully been exercising every day. So I should see a drop in my weight soon. At my last appointment with my surgeon I was told that now is the hard part of my journey. I see that now. At first it didn't take much to get the pounds off but it is not that easy anymore. Now I got to work at it. But nothing worth having is easy to come by. I feel I have accomplished so much already but I have more to go. The last 40 to 45 lbs. is going to be a challenge for me. I get a little anxious at times but patients is a virtue. I will be the happiest person on earth once I reach 100 lbs. Let's hope and pray I have good news by December 12th. See you here next month. To everyone getting ready for WLS and those of us that were blessed to get our ok from our insurance companies and had the surgery, God Bless and remember it is the best decision we could make knowing it is probably the last decision we could make to have a better, more happier and healtier life. I am so glad that obesity has been taken seriously by the medical profession and insurance companies. This surgery was our last chance of a longer and healthier life. There is so much more I want to see and do and now I got that chance.

October 25, 2006

Oct 25, 2006

I am a little behind in updating my journal. I have been so busy but it feels good. What I mean by that is before my GBP I had no energy to do anything. Now I got more energy then I ever have. I am back to being me again and doing for others and myself again. On November 3rd I am going to take a line dancing class. I am so excited. Well, I finally did it. I am in the next bracket of number on the scale. I have lost 90 lbs. I got 10 more to go before December 12th. My 1 year GBP surgery date. I know I can do it. I have a wedding to go to this weekend and I am looking forward to getting dressed up, finally. I use to be so uncomfortable going places but it has been fun going clothes shopping. Recently I have just been looking at something on the rack and buying it without trying it on. Before I would try things on and put them back. This surgery has really changed my life and has made me so happy and healthy once again. I thank God everyday for seeing me through the surgery and giving me my quality of life back. It's nice to enjoy life again.

September 16, 2006

Sep 16, 2006

Wow, it's 9 mos. (sent in a new picture, should be posted soon) since surgery. It has gone by so quickly. I went to a wedding last night (thank you to all my family and friends for a good time) and it was so much fun. I never been able to say that before I usually just sat and enjoyed others having a good time. I bought a new outfit and for once felt good going somewhere. There were people there that haven't seen me often during my weight loss. They were all so nice to say how good I am looking. Actually, a few even asked how I was feeling, which is the reason for WLS. I told them I have felt the best I ever have in 8 years. These are truely the best years of my life. Last night gave me more momentum (a pick me upper) to the every day routine of succeeding. I am motivated but days like these help. Anyhow, I seen my PCP last week. The visits are quick now. Not to much to discuss. The only medication that I am now on is 1/2 of a bloodpressure pill. I use to take 7 a day. Oh, and I was 50 (I had a surprise birthday party) on the 20th of last month. I FEEL 30. All I ask of my supporter is a prayer. My goal is to reach a 100 lb. weight loss (I have 15 to go) by December 12th, my one year anniversary. My boot is off and my tendon feel good. So back to exercising once again.

Life is good. Let's not take it all for granted and enjoy what we have. I got a new start on life and I am thankful for it every day. Let's give thanks for all we have and the many opportunities we have to make it the best it can be. My love to everyone. God Bless.



New Photo added September 28, 2006

August 17, 2006

Aug 17, 2006

Sorry to all of those who look forward to reading my profile around the 12th of each month. I am behind schedule. It has been a very busy and interesting month for me. I said I would be exercising. Well, that was short lived. I twisted my foot and an MRI showed I had a torn tendon. Ouch, it really hurt and still does. I am in a boot for 5 more weeks. So my weight has come to another standstill. I keep going between 78 lbs. to 80 lbs. weight loss. My goal is to reach 100 lbs. by my first anniversary of my surgery. I know I can do it but I need to stay health to accomplish it. I don't eat a lot and really don't feel like eating. I have to force myself to eat. I think I am hungry until I start eating then a few bites and I am full. My appointment with my surgeon went well. My bloodwork and levels are all in the good range. So I know I am getting in the foods I need and I take my vitamins every day. Well, catch up with you next month.

Hey Deb, you are looking great. Way to go.

July 15, 2006

Jul 15, 2006

Hi Everybody,

My journey has been wonderful. The weight is not coming off quickly and I seem to be a scale watcher thinking I am doing something wrong. I guess I got to get to know my body better and realize it wants to take a break sometimes too. My mind plays games on me and when I don't lose I think I did something wrong. So I get on the scale to reassure myself I am doing well. I see the numbers and with relief smile and go about my day. That mind is a powerful thing. LOL. Well, if you read my profile from the beginning you will know I had a goal set for me by this August. Ok so you went back to check. Yea, I am going to be 50 very soon. And yes, I have learned to line dance. Not like I planned but I am getting there. My knees stop me a lot but at least I am trying. I love music and I love to dance. I just bought myself an exercise program. I am not a summer person but I find I can take the heat better now. So I will exercise in my home. It is 3 levels of a one mile walk. Of course, I will start with the easiest. LOL. I will start that today. I am sure it will promote the weight loss. I am still not doing well with water but I keep trying. Be back in a month or so. God Bless.

June 20, 2006

Jun 20, 2006

I had a good report with my surgeon. I am right on track and doing well. Because I am not hungry she wants me to eat 5 small meals a day instead of three in order to get in all my protein. Other than that I AM DOING GREAT. I see her again in 3 months but I will report monthly as long as there is something to report. Keep checking in. Thank you for caring. It really helps that I have the support of my family and friends. My love to everyone.

June 17, 2006

Jun 17, 2006

I got several emails asking me to update my profile. I have been waiting to see my surgeron to update but I did see my family doctor last week so I will give you the information I have so far. My doctor said I am doing great. She reduced my blood pressure meds again and said I should be completely off of them by the time I reach my one year in December. She is pleased with my weight loss of 68 lbs. and glad the weight is coming off at a reasonable rate. My visits use to be long because there was so much to discuss. I told her I am so scared when I had the extra weight on me. I knew it was going to get worse and get the best of me eventually. I feared for my life. She was so happy for me that I was smiling again and enjoying life. I made her job hard but she always did well for me. I see her again in 3 months. I look forward to the day that I make an appointment for my yearly check-up to only see her once a year. That will be a big stepping stone for me and time for a celebration. I will be 50 in August and I feel like I am 40 again and not 80. I will report back after I see my surgeon on the 20th.

May 17, 2006

May 17, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't updated on time but my internet was down. It took me about a week to get back on. But I am back and ready for an update. I have lost 65 lbs. I think it should be more but I am having a hard time with the water. I need to lose 15 more pounds before I see my surgeon in June. I know I can come close if I continue to do the right things. I just got some clothes from a friend that has lost weight and gone back into my closet with clothes I put away hoping to get into them some day again. Well, it finally happened. So I got a new wardrobe. It really does feel good to be a smaller size. As I took off weight I could feel the changes in my body. I don't struggle to breath going up steps anymore. My legs can carry me better without dealing with the pain. Some of my shoes are even to big for me and some I can wear more comfortablly. I am more confident and smile so much more now. I feel better in society and don't think everyone is staring at me. They probably weren't but TV and commercials don't make you feel comfortable being heavy. I can finally cross my legs. I find myself doing it more and more (not good for circulation) and not even realize I am doing it. It's a great feeling and I am accomplishing what I set out to do which is being healthy again. I got so much energy. I thank God for watching over me and giving me the ability to let this surgery do it job. God has kept me positive and the will to become healthier so I can be the person I use to be. Having the energy I need to offer my friendship to others that may need me. I WISH ALL GBP PATIENTS A REWARING JOURNEY AND TO THOSE JUST STARTING THIS WILL BE THE REWARD OF YOUR LIFE. Oh, and I got my dimples back when I smile. I haven't seen them for many years. My love to everyone.

April 18, 2006

Apr 18, 2006

I had my appointment with my surgeon today. It went well but I have some improvements to make. If you remember my appointment was canceled last month and I had to wait til today to get in to see her again. They have my weight loss at 53 lbs. Dr. Hamad said I am behind with my weight loss. She doesn't inforce a guideline for WL but usually a patient has more of a lose then I do at 4 months. We discussed the possibility that I am not drinking enough water or getting the proper amount of exercise. She said she never said it would be easy. I told her I drink my water but get full really fast. She wants me to carry it around with me at all times. I see her again in 2 months to put me back on track with my appointments. So I got to work hard these next 2 months so she is pleased with my progress. I was really never a water drinker but I need to address this more. I am feeling great and what I have accomplished so far I know I could never do with the yo-yo dieting I use to do. She was happy to hear that all my diseases are gone and my blood pressure is in the good range. I will report back around the 12 of May.

April 12, 2006

Apr 12, 2006

It's my 4 month anniversary and I am doing so well. I have lost 54 lbs. ! ! ! I had to buy a few more clothes. Everything is starting to look to big on me and I can't get away with wear my old clothes anymore. I even got some hand me downs from family and friends. I should have enough to get me through the summer now. I have an appointment with my surgeon on April 18th so I will report back then if there is more to tell. This surgery has been a blessing to me. It has really made a difference in my life and the way I live it now. The weight is coming off slowly but it is coming off. My hair is coming out more than usual but nothing to worry about. I still got a lot left. LOL. I can eat anything now. Still making protein my first choice on my plate. The choice to have this surgery has been the best decision I have made for myself in a long time.



"When you have come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly."

About Me
Natrona Heights, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 54
July 7, 2008
May 27, 2008
February 17, 2008
March 12, 2007
It's my 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY ! ! !
