Dec 11, 2008


Dec 10, 2008

congrats to me i have a consultation date of January 29Th

2009 with Dr Ben-David in gainesville Florida at the university

of Florida shands hospital



Dec 09, 2008

so i actually made it to the seminar most of the things discussed i already knew thanks to my friends at i really want to thank all of you for answering my many questions it is to many to name but you know who you are i am going to call tomorrow to set up my consultation i also have to get some blood work done and a mental health evaluation i cant believe i actually am doing this i am nervous inside my skin and nothing is happening quite yet but i am still a little nervous maybe exited i have been really in pain from this kidney stone i am taking tramadol it works but it makes me feel dizzy and a little itchy after the seminar i had to stop on the side of the road on our hour drive to get some air but i made it home safely i never realized what it means to have kids cause i never had any until now my foster daughter and son ages 6 months and 4 months but the point is it felt good to actually come home after been gone for a while and see there faces they have changed my life so much i am gonna get healthy not only for me for them and the rest of my family i miss out on so much because i feel that i am to fat to do most of the things like riding rides at the theme parks i am afraid i can fit in the seats or the bars wont fit around me or those little bars at the ticket entrance i have to turn sideways to go through them but soon that will be a closed chapter in my life good night oh family

primary dr visit 12-08-08

Dec 08, 2008

i went to primary to day am a down but not by alot i weigh in at 331 even i go to seminar tomorrow i am so ready for this  i am nervous  but exited at the same time i am feeling under the weather today this kidney stone is realy hurting me today  my primary had to send me to th hopital for a stat ct scan with and with out contrast i am wainting on the results i just hope and pray thatt his kidney stone dont hurt my cances for wls i have been gathering alot of info i have been on the chat room here chattting with alot of you thanks for all the help and info till next time later and love all you my oh family

me again

Dec 03, 2008

100_5133.jpg picture by lissa386

check this out 

                  before   &       this would be after
Open / Close


Dec 03, 2008

100_4205.jpg picture by lissa386

journey started

Dec 02, 2008

well i callled today and registered for the seminar next tuesday the 9th day of december i have only 12 days until my 30th birthday my new yeards wish is to have a surgery date or to at least be close to getting a date i also taked to the medicaid office today and got the spec onthem paying for the surgery they said they will pay as long as the primary dr recommends it

better that the day before

Nov 17, 2008

well today is a new day and i feel better than yesterday i want to thank all those who made me feel better by reponding to my blog by email or comment. I especially wanna think my brother in-law. He has been such a big help in my life  i just wish that my sister will treat him right, before he leave.  cause she dont act right he is tring to take care of her and she act like she scared of him but it is alittle late to be scared she is pregnant from him he ask all the time do she want something or what she need these youngins' these days got issues i just understand when you have someone trying to take care of you you give thm your butt to kiss maybe one day she will grow up the baby is still doing good my other sister she has or  talks to a young man that i really dont like je has not done anything to me but it is just a feeling or a vibe i really dont like about him today has been a pretty good day.

home today and venting

Nov 16, 2008

well my baby came home today doing much better he still has to be on a  neubilizer but doing better i had a Revelation these kids i have 2 a foster daughter at 5 months old and a soon to be adoptive son but  they are my world they are my babies i want and need to get healthy for them i look at my self everyday and feel sad and depressed i dont like t he way i look by that i  mean my weight i try everyday so hard i am tired of struggling right now i dont know how i am going to feed my family i have existed all funds this is the second time the baby has been hospitalized and it takes extra money when is in there so this week it took more money and my budget for food there is not one it is real hard trying to take care of everybody and be nice i guess i dont have the skill not to be nice i am so tired of struggling i let my 18 year old cousin move in with me and then my 18 year old sister whom is pregnant i love them both very much much i am stressed out cause neither one of them work one is in school i am trying to take care of them but i cant and it  hurts not to be able to provide for your family now i admit i could have before i took on he challenge of taking these infants see i can not have kids and when the opportunity came  about to take the baby girl i did not even hesitate i was already in the process of preparing for the baby boy cause his mother did not want him so i told her i would take him and raise him like my own to give the baby a life i got her on July 17Th 2008 and then zah'vier elan henri joseph was born less that one month later so then and now i have 2 infants a 6 month old and an  3 moth old before i got them well let me back up   I  also have my 90 year old grandmother here as well and she has to eat to   let me also mention the fact because i am who i am the whole family loves to come to my house now back to my story before everyone moved in here i could go to walmart buy what i wanted with no regrets now i cant.
see it was just me and my husband here  now it is 7 of us  and i cant do it i have some bad thoughts in my head but i am trying to maintain i just need one hundred to two hundred dollars to get some grocery and i will feel alot better i am at the point i want to drive my truck off a bridge and not make it  but i know i cant i have babies to take care of and a family being almost 30 is not what it is cracked up to be i feel like my life should be different now that i am older but it aint and i hate when people say  your life is what you make it  cause it is not true i have work ed real hard to get the things we have  and  it really is a hard knock life  a baby does change things But two really mixes it up now i know i have made a lot of mistakes in my life but i try real hard sometimes i want to die so i dont have to live with the pain of life and then i come back to reality and know that i have a family i hate to walk down the street because i feel that people are laughing ;looking and talking about me i am very insecure about my weight and very depressed about my family's situation but you must believe i am gonna do whatever it takes.

primary care dr visit 11/13/08

Nov 13, 2008

well fam i went to my Dr today was in a little pain in stomach area and my lower back went in and got weighed not happy i now weigh in at 332 my Dr says it is because i have poly-cystic ovaries so it it hard for me to loose he called me in some more phentermine will add more my baby just got admitted to shands at lake shore for RSV keep him in your prayers for now fam ta-ta  here is a list of medicaid reuirements

Medicaid requirements


  • Presence of Morbid Obesity:
  • The patient is an adult (at least 18 years of age)
    There is no treatable metabolic cause for the obesity, such as adrenal or thyroid disorders
    Or BMI of 40 without comorbidity
    100 pounds overweight  
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to 35 with co-morbid conditions (cardiopulmonary problems, obesity related cardiomyopathy, severe diabetes mellitus, hypertension, sleep apnea, or arthritis)


      (We need this info before we can schedule any Appts. We must have a Primary Care Physician Referral)


        1. o
        3. Current Height & Weight Plans for participation in a postoperative multidisciplinary program that includes guidance on diet, physical activity, behavior management, and social support
        4. Letter of medical necessity from PCP for a referral to a Bariatric surgeon


          Medical records documenting diagnoses and appropriate treatments of co-morbid conditions


          History of participation in a three month physician supervised multidisciplinary weight loss program within the past six months that included:




        1. o

      About Me
      Lake City, FL
      Surgery Date
      Nov 06, 2008
      Member Since

      Friends 180

      Latest Blog 73
