Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it. Hearing from people who have already had surgery and reading your profiles really help me understand and prepare myself for the next step in this journery.
Judy Anne,
I just read your story, thanks for sharing your journey. You will be a true inspiration to me as I start mine. Thank you for your kind words of support. I hope I can do as well as you have.
Thank you Judy for praying and it feels so wonderful to have people contact you to show their support. I will enjoy every min. of the journey to a better lifestyle. Thank you your words inspire me.
Happy Thanksgiving. I wish for you and your family a holiday filled with laughter, health, happiness, joy, smiles, family, friends, and good times. Thank you for all you do. Blessings, Lynnie
Happy POTW! I hope you enjoy your reign, it is well deserved. You are so great with the support and motivation. Thanks for everything Judy! CONGRATULATIONS and WEIGH to go! Blessings, Lynnie
You are definitely someone I have always had on my list of "must meets"..hopefully some day I will finally make it to SoCal during one of the events... until then.. reading about you online will have to do... You DO deserve POTW.
You are such a great choice for POTW. Bryan and Briana said they had a great time sitting with you on Friday. Thanks for being such a positive spirit and an excellent inspiration. Congrats!