Hi Judy, Thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement, it means a lot. you have done so well and look great! Congrats! My big day is tomorrow, getting very nervous, trying to keep myself busy. Take care...
Thanks Judy!!I will take this at a stride,and remember all that I went through!!This is such an awsome "tool" I cant wait to be on the other side and use it!!!Pretty soon I will be sitting on the losing bench with you!!!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO LOL :)
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am looking forward to being on the "losing" side of life for a change. My life is about to take an exciting, wonderful change! You have treaded that path and you looked like you had fun every step of the way.
thank you so much for your thoughs and prayers ,your page is incredible ..i almost feel like in some of your storys it was me your were talking about its nice to feel not so alone thank you
Judy, Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement. I am excited about being on the losing side. You and your kids are beautiful. I am sure they are as proud of you as you are of them. Everyone keeps asking me if I am scared. I tell them no. I admit I am a little nervous about the whole surgery thing but, I have always been like that when I have had surgery. I have been working on this journey for about a year now and I'm ready to get the losing started.
Best Wishes
Mary P