Congratulations, Judy Anne, on being named POTW! You are always so supportive of everyone and that is greatly appreciated! Enjoy your special week, and wear your tiara with pride! Sending lots of congrats from one Judy Ann to another!
WoooooWhooooo Judy Anne! What a wonderful choice for POTW! Congratulations on your honor and hoppe to see you again soon! ((((((((((((((bigbearhugz)))))))))))))
Judy Anne~~~ Congratulations on being this weeks POTW! Youragreataddtionto this site....and I love the way you make my brain work to figure out your tag lines!!
Judy- Well at thsi time you are "under". I know that all is going well. Take care of yourself and take the time to recover and rest. Sending lots of prayers, love and gentle hugs your way.