Jason S.
Insurance Approved
Dec 17, 2007
Well, after weeks and weeks of worry, wearing out my keyboard researching policies, other folks experiences, etc. I called this morning and was told that my surgery has been approved! It all seems a little bit TOO easy. Anyway, that was a big worry for me, and I'm glad it's over.
Best of luck to everyone who is fighting with thier insurcance carrier for this surgery. I've certainly heard plenty of horror stories. I feel very blessed to have such a progressive insurer.
I have a date
Dec 11, 2007
March 7 seems so far away. But I chose that date due to making sure the wife was 100% (we have small kids) and I've got commitements at work through February.
Wish me luck!
The wife is postop!
Dec 03, 2007
Seems hard to believe but the wife is Postop! She had her surgery on 11/29 at PCMH in Greenville. She has (thus far) had zero complications and I hope it stays that way!
Looking at my appointment book for the next few months it looks like I'll probably be having mine in March of 2008. A long time to wait it seems but at least I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Nov 12, 2007
Just wanted to share a couple of things that are going on.. 1st the good news: Went with the Doc's office with the wife today for her history and physical, she was scheduled for her surgery on 11-29! Things went alot smoother than we anticipated. I hope that I'm not far behind her. Just want to make sure she's over the hump before I go in. Now this: Without giving too much of my life away, I'll say that I work for a law enforcment agency in a support position. One of my duties is to train new employees during our basic training sessions that we hold once or twice a year. These are held in a traditional classroom student/pupil setting so it's a little unnerving at first. Well, I have just started with the training program a few months ago and have just gotten my first copies of the student confidential evaluation forms. I recieved outstanding ratings on all areas of my instruction. Content, personality, time, accuracy, etc... EXCEPT one thing. Appearance. Yeah, apprearance . Thing about it is ( I wear a uniform), I ironed that shirt, polished those shoes, creased the pant and still got "gigged" on appearance . Not everyone did, but about 10 did (class was 22 folks). I know it's got to be about the weight. Most of the guys (and girls) that I work with have that "cement block" appearance. Flat stomach, broad shoulders, blah blah, you know what I mean. I had noticed that I can't quite get the shirt to stay tucked due to so much more "area" to cover in the front than in the back. It just kind of (trying not to sound "sissified") hurts me to know that I have poured hours into my lesson plan, presentation, and yes appearance only to have my weight detract from everything else. Deep breath....I'm more committed to this surgery now than ever. My employer has never mentioned my weight. So, I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I feel so bad for people who don't get jobs or have a hard time at work due to their weight. |
Oct 27, 2007
Well, that's it for a while. My last pre-op visit is November 19th. I called to try to get it rescheduled for an earlier time, but, they are booked solid until mid-December! So, I guess I'll just chill. It's not that I'm in a huge hurry, I just want to get the testing done and information submitted to insurance so that I can know if I'm approved or not. That's what's really weighing on my mind.
Anyway, I'll update later. Thanks for reading!
Oct 17, 2007
Well, things are moving right along. Met my surgeon for the first time yesterday during my endoscopy (he actually did the test). He's a really nice guy and I was impressed by his efficiency. He got there exactly at my appointment time, I didn't have to wait forever like you sometimes have to at medical appointments.
When the test was over, he told me that everything was fine, except for a few minor "abraisions" in my stomach. He presribed Nexium and told me to take it just up until surgery. He also found a hiatal (sp?) hernia but said he could fix that during surgery.
Till next time...
1st Preop Visit done...
Oct 14, 2007
Had my nutritionist consultation this week. More of a "class" than a consult, about 50 folks in one room. They went over preop/postop diets, protien, water, etc. Lots of good information, but alot that I had heard before also.
I have three more to go (upper GI, abdominal ultrasound, and psych. eval). They are scheduled between now and mid November. I'd like to have them all done in one day!
Anyway, till next time.
On my way!
Oct 04, 2007
After the "class" we went into seperate exam rooms and went over our medical and familiy histories. She told me I WAS a candidate for WLS based on the information I provided. I had also gathered my 5 year weight history prior to my arrival, which I was concerend about. I have a few "gaps" in my history (2000,2001,2004,2005,2007). She was really dismissive about it and told me "I shouldn't have any problems with insurance." I hope she's right.
Thanks to the support and info that I've gotten here, I was really well prepared. I'll get information next week about my preop appointments.
Thanks again!
Can't wait until Thursday
Oct 01, 2007
I'm really lucky, a coworker of mine is going to the same orientation (group setting) so whatever I miss maybe she will remember!
Wish me luck!