11 Weeks

May 24, 2008

Still doing well.  Down a total of 55 pounds since surgery to a current weight of 240.  I haven't been 240 in over 11 years!  At this weight, I'm only 40 pounds from my ultimate goal of 200lbs.  Still dealing with food issues i.e. cravings, "head hunger", the occasional poor choice, but I'm getting beyond that.  I excersise at least 5 days per week and try to fit in physical activity wherever I can at other times.  Over the past couple of weeks I have really been able to see a difference in my energy level.  I can zip up the stairs at home with very little effort, I finally keep my truck clean after being picked on at work for having the "dirtiest truck on earth", and...how can I say...I'm more active with the wife these days too (you know what I mean).  I go see the doc for my three month appointment next week and I'm anxious to see how my blood work comes back.  I've been VERY careful about vitamins, protien, etc. but you never know.  During my last visit, my vitamin D was a little low so he prescribed a once-a-week regimen for 8 weeks.  I hope that will take care of it.  Till next time...

2 Months...and 5 days

May 12, 2008

Well, it's been just over two months since I was under the knife and I can honestly say that, overall, things have gone really well so far.  I am down another 5 pounds since my last post (247lbs) for a total of 48 pounds lost since surgery.  Just saying that is so surreal.  I tried pizza again for the first time just the other day, relenting to my 7 year old son's almost constant pleading.  I had one and a half (small) slices and I was fine.  I just knew I was going to be sick because bread (of any kind) thus far has made me extremely nauseated, however, this was fine.  We went with the thinnest crust they had and I took it really slow.  My wife (RNY in Nov. of 2007) has probably lost all she is going to lose.  She has 10 pounds to go until she reaches her goal and has been there for 2 months +.  I think she has done well enough but you know how the ladies are!  I think she's ok with the extra 10 pounds instead of 90 extra and 3 diabetes meds per day!  Best of luck to everyone!

7 Weeks

Apr 27, 2008

It's been 7 weeks (and 2 days) since surgery.  I'm down to 253 this morning after what seemed like a loooongg stall at 255.  So, that puts my total since surgery at 42 pounds (throwing confetti).  Protien has been difficult.  I decided (cause I'm so smart and all LOL) on my 4th week that I wasn't going to do the protien supplements any more and get all I needed from food-big mistake.  It;s been next to impossible to try to do it that way and I think it's lead to a little overeating.  Plus the food deamons have returned in a big way.  I CRAVE chocolate, fried foods, and sweets alot.  Problem is, I have very little problems when I sample these foods.  I actually WISH that they made me sick, but they don't.  So, it comes down to good 'ol willpower yet again.  I've done better over the past couple of weeks but still have to keep it on the brain of I'll stray before I even realize it!  I've really stepped up my excersise over the past week.  I walked/jogged 10 miles last week and plan to do at least 12 this coming week.  There is a new park with a really great walking trail here in town which makes walking or jogging alot more enjoyable than walking around in a circle at the high school track.  

Till next time...

6 Weeks...or so

Apr 15, 2008

I'm down 38 pounds since my surgery on March 7.  I'm starting to get compliments from people on the weight loss so far and it really is encouraging.  I'm starting to tolerate more foods and slightly more quanity also.  The weight loss has been kind of "easy" so far which is totally foreign to me, kind of "too" easy.  It makes me nervous, I think I'm going to wake up anytime now and still be 300 pounds.  



One Month

Apr 06, 2008

Tomorrow will be one month since my surgery.  In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday, but in other ways it seems like an eternity.  The good news is that I'm down 30 pounds since the morning of surgery.  The weight loss has slowed over the past week (which I expected) but I'm still losing at a pretty good rate.  I have been experimenting with new foods over the past week with mixed results.  I've only had one "really bad" incident and, of course, it was out of town on a work assignment.  I almost lost it in the dining hall!  Still no complications-knock on wood.  As of now I have good days and not-so-good days.  I get a little frustrated when I see people shoveling down resturant platters and desserts while I'm nibbling on my child-size chicken strip, but I know it's really for the best.  Whenever, I feel that way I think about the hundreds of people I have seen on this website either uninsured or fighting with thier insurance companies who would love to be in my shoes right now.  


2 Weeks

Mar 21, 2008

Today marks 2 weeks since my surgery.  Knock on wood, I have had ZERO complications thank goodness.  I'm STILL not hungry, which is the strangest feeling-I have always been hungry.  I had my two week followup a little early this past Tuesday and the Doc told me I was doing well.  I had lost 17 pounds since surgery and 13 prior to, so I'm down 30 overall.  He cleared me to start my "stage 2" diet so I've been slowly introducing new food with overall good results.  That first taste of (semi) solid food was heavenly!  I go back in about 10 days and hopefully he'll clear me for "real" food.  Till next time.

It is done...

Mar 11, 2008

Well after over 2 years of research and months of planning and tests: It's done.  I am officially PostOp.  It feels funny for it to be "over".  I know, I know...lifelong committment but it's just hard to belive that time has come and passed.  My surgery was scheduled for 11AM, which required me to be at the hospital by 8AM.  Well, long story short, I didn't have surgery till after 2PM and I spent the better part of my first night in recovery due to a shortage of beds.  I wanted to get up SO BAD, but that's a "no-no" in recovery due to lack of space, among other issues.  Finally, about 4AM, I was taken to a room and my experience got alot better.  My nurses were fantastic and very reponsive to whatever I needed (and pretty, BTW!).  Big props to Mitzi and Stacey for thier hard work with this woozy, heavy dude.  The biggest issue I had was thirst.  I've never been deprived of food or drink (can't ya tell?) before.  Well, no food is no big deal because, belive me, it's the LAST THING you will want after surgery.  But I can remember my first word in recovery being "water" and quickly being told "no".  Nonetheless, after what seemed like an eternity I was able to drink and I quickly begin to feel better.  I got home Sunday (03-09) and was quickly overwhelmed with the huge amount of phone calls, cards, emails, and visits.  It feels good to know that so many people are concerned about you.  Thanks to God, my wife, my family, and friends (on OH.com, and in person) for getting me through this, without them (and you) I wouldn't have made it. 

Registered/testing done at hospital!

Feb 20, 2008

It's been a long journey but I think I'm finally coming to an end.  I was sitting around the house the other day when I realized that I hadn't been to the "patient testing center" at Pitt Memorial.  I dug my paperwork that I got back in December out of the clutter on my desk and realized that I needed to go within the next 7 days!  Wow, how time does fly!  I went today.  The "Patient Testing Center" for those of ya'll not from 'round here is basically an offsite office to do the hospital tests that they require (xrays,EKG,bloodwork) and to get you preregistered.  It's supposed to be streamlined and quicker, but it still took over 3 hours.  I didn't mind the wait so much as the THREE TIMES the nurse had to stick me with to get blood.   Only 16 days to go!!

Twenty-nine Days

Feb 07, 2008

Well, how time does fly!  When I scheduled my surgery I was 83 days Preop, however, 29 days from today I will be hopefully on the losing side.  Looking back at the past few weeks, I am sort of glad that I have had to wait as long as I have.  It has given me time to truly think this through and give it the attention it deserves.  I am at peace with my choice to go forward.  

My wife is doing great, down almost 40 pounds in 2.5 months!  

Till next time...

Not much to report

Jan 06, 2008

My wife has lost 26 pounds in her first month post-op.  She has had minimal complications (wound infection and minor irritation in new pouch remedied by Prevacid).  

I really hate that I had to put off my surgery as far as I did.  But, work beckons and I made promises a long time ago that I can't break.  The more time that goes by, the more second (third, fourth, etc.) thoughts I seem to have.  I know (after over 2 years of researching this) that it's the right thing to do, but as I tell more and more people about my plans I get all of the horror stories thrown at me.  Seems like everyone knows a guy who knows a guy who (well you know) "DIED during that surgreeee!"  

Anyway, I hadn't updated my blog recently so...here it is.


About Me
Williamston, NC
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 49
