208, Wow!

Sep 24, 2008

Well, the second job is really helping out.  It has me up walking all day, away from food temptation during my most vuneralble period (home alone), and the weight has started to fall off again fairly quickly.  I was at a dead stop for a while, but over the past three and a half weeks that I have been working on my time off, I have lost 4 pounds!  I really enjoy the job also, it's helped me not to get soooo burned out at my main, 40 a week job. 


Sep 13, 2008

The scale gods have smiled on me yet again!  After getting out of the shower this morning, the scale read 210.6.  Wow.  I continue to be amazed at the results this tool has afforded me.  I started a new job (part time in addition to my full time work) last week and I truly believe it's one of the best decisions I've made in a while.  Before I picked up this part time work, I would sit at home on my days off, both kids in school or preschool and often find myself sitting in front of the computer, watching tv, and ultimately snacking.  The new job is in a field I was in YEARS ago when I first got married and I'm really interested in, plus it reqires me to walk, interact with customers, and get physically active at times.  Plus it has gotten me out of the house and away from the snacks! 


Sep 08, 2008

Wow, how long's it been since I updated this thing?!  Well, I've dropped a couple (3 to be exact) more pounds down to 212.  I've still got my eye on the prize (200lbs even), but as I've said before, if I get there I get there.  This surgery has done more for me as it stands now that I ever expected.  I seriously thought I'd get to around 240lbs and stop...and at 300+lbs, that sounded great!  Wow, what a difference 6 months makes. 

Till next time



Aug 22, 2008

215lbs this morning.  I still can't believe I'm even typing those numbers.  A few months ago, I thought that I was destined to be 300+ for the rest of my life.  I had tried a million diets, read books, and did all the regular junk that all of us have done before to no avail.  Then, this.  Oh man, what a blessing this has been. 

Under 220

Aug 10, 2008

My weight loss has been...interesting.  Don't get me wrong, I've lost ALOT of weight in a relatively short period of time and for that I'm VERY thankful, but it's been strange.  My weight has not been a straight line down, it's been sort of like stair steps.  I'll lose a few pounds, then I'll stall for what seems like forever (usually a couple of days to a couple of weeks) and then lose 2-5 pounds seemingly overnight.  I almost fell off the scale yesterday morning when, again, seeming overnight, I went from 220 to 217lbs.  Happy, but confused.  How DOES that happen?!  Anyway, 17 pounds to goal!!!! 

Till next time..


5 Months, Almost

Aug 04, 2008

I'll be 5 months PostOp this coming Thrusday.  I haven't lost anything in about 3 weeks, but I'm...ok ( I guess) with that.  I have not been exercising nearly as much as I need to and my food choices have been less than ideal as of late; I suppose I should be thankful I haven't gained.  Still down around 100 pounds total sitting at 220lbs.  My goal still stands at 200 pounds even, but if I get there I do and if I don't...oh well.  I've improved on all fronts-health,happiness,activity levels, etc., so if I stay where I am it'll be ok.  Changing the subject for a minute, one of the guys I work with told me he had seen my profile on OH.com and basically said it looked good, was informative, etc.  But it was sort of like one of those "I overheard you talking the other day..." comments, where you all of a sudden get the deer-in-the-headlinghts look to you and race back in your mind what you may have said.  I quickly got online after I spoke with him and made sure I hadn't talked junk about anybody at work, WHEW!  I think I'm ok...although I won't be using the term "hump like a racehorse" anymore when I post to the forums!  LOL LOL LOL 


Jul 21, 2008

Well it happened.  I still can't believe it.  It's like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and be 320lbs again.  After haning around in the mid-220's for several days, I got on the scale day before yesterday and it read 220 even.  That's 79 pounds lost since surgery morning and 100 since October 2006, at my heaviest.  Not to get too emotional or weird, but this benchmark makes me reflect on my life up to this point.  Going waaay back I can remember when I about 13 I got on the scale at home (which I never did) and realized that I weighed 255 pounds (really).  My sister (we get along great now, but she was mean as hell when we were kids) saw the number and her mouth fell open.  She looked at me in disbelief and yelled , you need to lose A HUNDRED POUNDS!  Geez, you'll never do that!  You're gonna be fat forever!  This was years before gastric bypass was anywhere near mainstream and I didn't know anyone who had been able to take off that kind of weight.  As time went by, I would often start dieting, only to quickly give up.  Usually, I would do well for a few days (albiet I was hungry the whole time) and then fall off the wagon after I didn't see the "results" I thought I should.  The "results" were often pretty good, I often could drop 10-15 pounds in the first month of my diet, but again my mind would go back to the 100+ pounds that I needed to lose and the task would seem insurmountable.  I thank God for this opportunity, and pray that I can keep on track this time.  Now with 20 (or so) more pounds to lose I am having the same feelings that I used to mock when I was much heavier.  I would hear complaining about the last 10-15-20 pounds they want to lose and scoff.  "I wish I had only 20 more pounds to lose" I would say and feel sooo jealous.  How dare they even metion those last 20 pounds to someone like me?  They should be happy they don't have 100+ to lose like me!  But, I'l tell you, if you're reading this and you have 100+ 200+ or more to lose; It feels the same with 20 more to lose that it does with 100.  It makes me wonder it, at my goal, I'll still feel the need to lose "5 more" or if I can say, It's finished and I'm happy with that.  Whew!  Ok drama club meeting is adjourned.  LOL  Best of luck to everyone and God bless. 

Just over 4 months

Jul 13, 2008

Still doing ok.  My weight has been hanging in the mid-220's for the past couple of weeks.  I looked back at my posts from over the past couple of months and I think I've posted that "I've stalled" about 100 times!  So...I guess I'll just hush about it this time and say I'm doing ok.  I'd really love to get to 200lbs even, but if I don't lose another pound I've still done better than I ever have without WLS.  Took the family on vacation this past week and, let me tell you, it was totally different than before.  We all had a great time and I didn't have to stop and rest every few minutes!  Good luck to everyone!  Till next time...

June 21st

Jun 21, 2008

Nothing particually special about today, I just hadn't updated in a while.  Down to 230 this morning.  So....that's uhhh (not a math major) 65 since surgery and 90 from my highest of 320.  I have totally fallen off of the exersise wagon since the kids got out of school for the summer and I HATE it!  I'm still losing, but it has slowed considerably and I'm worried that it's going to altogether stop.  I just can't find the time with my schedule and with the kids around to get to the track.  I'm going to put my mind to this, however, and make it a priority.  I'm also continuing to struggle with food choices.  I can eat (unfortunately) literally whatever I want.  I can't eat AS MUCH as I used to, by far, but I have yet to "dump" on sweets/candy/etc.  I actually wish that these foods made me sick.  That way I'd stay away from them.  I'm just going to have to make more of a commitment to healthy choices. 

3 Month Follow Up

Jun 04, 2008

Had my three month follow up visit today.  The Weight was 238 at the Docs office, total of 57 pounds since surgery.  He was really impressed with my progress, even though I feel like I'm really, really slowing down here recently.  I'm scared to death that I'll get to 230 or so and just stop losing.  Don't get me wrong, I would have LOVED 230 six months ago, but time changes you.  I guess I'm just being impatient!  The lab drew blood for tests and I'm really anxious to see how that turns out.  Vitamin D was borderline low at my one month visit, but I've been doing alot more work outside in the sun, so I'm hoping that will boost my levels.  That, and the vitamins I'm taking.  TIll next time...

About Me
Williamston, NC
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2007
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