Uhg--weight 151 and it's Sept 25
Sep 25, 2007
Well, I havn't really lost any weight this month and it will be 9 months on October 4th. I have only lost during my periods in the last couple of months and so far this month, havn't had one (had 2 last month). Also, I havn't been an angel when it has come to eating. I have had tastes of deserts and expanded my food choices so maybe I need to track a little better. I want to try to hit 149 by the 4th.
Sept 9---152 lbs
Sep 09, 2007
I missed posting on my 8 month surgerversary. But I somehow got to 152 despite of myself. Yes, I have let some old sweet habits drift back into my life. I am a sugarholic, no doubt about it. I fallen into the habit of incorporating chocolate or something sweet into my life everyday--not alot but a bite here and there. I think this is definately puting the slow down on my weight loss. For the most part, I eat protein first and vegies and fruit, but then at the end of the night as a treat--chocolate. Vitamins-yes, water-yes--I get it all in but then chocolate! So how do I change this behavior that is rearing its little nasty chocolate head? I guess I am just going to have to white knuckle it. I don't want to be one of those all or nothing people, but I also don't want to have this behavior that hinders my weight loss. I guess it is moderation moderation moderation.
Anyhow, as you know if you have ever read my blog, I work in retail and see many different people come in an out of the store. Well some havn't seen me in a while and I am quite a shock to them. Some just ignore me like they have never seen me before. It is really funny. I love that I can fit into all the clothes now--so I can try them on. We mostly only carry up to a size 10 with a sprinkling of 12 and 14's. I did the tacky girl thing and asked my coworker (a good friend) how I measured up to the other people I work with. I have a hard time seeing my size and needed some comparisons. I made him promise not to tell anyone else because it is kind of petty. He put me in my order of the women I work with so it was a good gauge of how I am perceived. I know, silly, but I think most women do this. I have to say this ride is pretty fun because I love to get dressed now and look good in my clothes.
Talk soon--18 lbs to go
Anyhow, as you know if you have ever read my blog, I work in retail and see many different people come in an out of the store. Well some havn't seen me in a while and I am quite a shock to them. Some just ignore me like they have never seen me before. It is really funny. I love that I can fit into all the clothes now--so I can try them on. We mostly only carry up to a size 10 with a sprinkling of 12 and 14's. I did the tacky girl thing and asked my coworker (a good friend) how I measured up to the other people I work with. I have a hard time seeing my size and needed some comparisons. I made him promise not to tell anyone else because it is kind of petty. He put me in my order of the women I work with so it was a good gauge of how I am perceived. I know, silly, but I think most women do this. I have to say this ride is pretty fun because I love to get dressed now and look good in my clothes.
Talk soon--18 lbs to go
Moving right along--August 24
Aug 24, 2007
This week the scale has started to move again and I have lost 4 lbs. I have been adding more exercise to my routine--I go walking about 4 times a week which usually includes a decent hike in there if I have a Sunday off. I think alot of my slow weight loss last month was due to missing my period since I always seem to lose my weight right after. I don't know why I skipped last month--I am 46 so maybe menopause in starting or maybe it is because of my weight loss. I have always been regular my entire life so this is kind of new. This month it did come in full force and now I have lost 5 lbs this month so far. I have been trying to lighten up on the carbs I have been eating and exercising so maybe this has helped.
I have really been bored at work lately. It has been so slow and I am in the same old routine. I wish another well paying career would drop from the heavens that was different than retail. I think what is getting to me is constantly having to make a sale's goal. You are only as good as yesterday and the pressure is always on. Put that with this guy I have to work with that has absolutely no empahty for anyone and has to argue over every sale. He pretty much leaves me alone because he never wins when he does battle with me but it is just constant drama. An
Anyhow, just wanted to report that I have finally started losing a few pounds again.
I have really been bored at work lately. It has been so slow and I am in the same old routine. I wish another well paying career would drop from the heavens that was different than retail. I think what is getting to me is constantly having to make a sale's goal. You are only as good as yesterday and the pressure is always on. Put that with this guy I have to work with that has absolutely no empahty for anyone and has to argue over every sale. He pretty much leaves me alone because he never wins when he does battle with me but it is just constant drama. An
Anyhow, just wanted to report that I have finally started losing a few pounds again.
160 lbs, 7th month aniversary recap
Aug 05, 2007
Well, this month I only lost 4 lbs. Hmmmmm. What happened. I went on vacation, I added little godiva chocolates to my diet (only 1 piece after dinner for a treat but about 70 cal) and did not really exercise. I am pretty stable on my eating, getting 60 gr protein first, 64 oz of water, and I never miss a vitamin. So I started walking this last week and didn't do the treats every night, but still want to have them once in a while. I have to do that or I feel totally deprived and will do something stupid like binge if I feel that way. I have to be careful because I was bullimic in my college years and I had to really learn not to label foods good or bad or that can trigger certain things. Although I would like to think I am way past that, sometimes those triggers can come back to haunt you. So that is my point in allowing myself a treat--not to feel deprived and cause a entire binge purge cycle which hasn't happened in quite a few years. sooooooo
Now my focus is on exercise. I want to become the workout mama. I use to run 5 miles a day. I use to go to the gym everyday. I use to play basketball, soccer and take dance classes. Now, work gets in my way so I will have to get past this road block. I really think this is going to be the key to my next 25 lbs. On my hike today, I wll contemplate how I will make this work.
On another note, I just can't believe how into me my boyfriend is. He has always been an affectionate person but now, he can't seem to keep his hands off of me--to the point where I go hide in the bathroom sometimes to get my own space. I am not complaining, but I find this very interesting--that physical appearance is so important to men. I knew this all along but it has just been so manifested to me now. I will admit it and I hope this doesn't come off as vain, but I love the shape of my body. I have a definate hour glass shape, have boobs and not alot of flab--my skin is shrinking up rather nicely. I love what I see in the mirror. I wear clothes really well, which is important for my business since I sell clothes. I have been getting alot more clients since they want my style. So far I havn't had 1 complication, been regular, don't dump at all (although get a little queesy for a few minutes after I eat) but all in all, this has been working out rather nicely.
On a bad note, my shopping addiction is quite on the brink of being out of control. My 2 credit card are maxed out even though I keep putting big chunks of money on them. I can't say no to a cute leather jacket or whatever. So this can be a bad bad potentially damaging thing I need to work on.
Anyhow, this is what is happening at 7 months out.
Now my focus is on exercise. I want to become the workout mama. I use to run 5 miles a day. I use to go to the gym everyday. I use to play basketball, soccer and take dance classes. Now, work gets in my way so I will have to get past this road block. I really think this is going to be the key to my next 25 lbs. On my hike today, I wll contemplate how I will make this work.
On another note, I just can't believe how into me my boyfriend is. He has always been an affectionate person but now, he can't seem to keep his hands off of me--to the point where I go hide in the bathroom sometimes to get my own space. I am not complaining, but I find this very interesting--that physical appearance is so important to men. I knew this all along but it has just been so manifested to me now. I will admit it and I hope this doesn't come off as vain, but I love the shape of my body. I have a definate hour glass shape, have boobs and not alot of flab--my skin is shrinking up rather nicely. I love what I see in the mirror. I wear clothes really well, which is important for my business since I sell clothes. I have been getting alot more clients since they want my style. So far I havn't had 1 complication, been regular, don't dump at all (although get a little queesy for a few minutes after I eat) but all in all, this has been working out rather nicely.
On a bad note, my shopping addiction is quite on the brink of being out of control. My 2 credit card are maxed out even though I keep putting big chunks of money on them. I can't say no to a cute leather jacket or whatever. So this can be a bad bad potentially damaging thing I need to work on.
Anyhow, this is what is happening at 7 months out.
160 lbs and holding
Aug 02, 2007
As things are going this month, I have only lost 4 lbs. And I keep going up and down even on that 4th pound. Has my weight loss been slowing down? I think so. Have I been eating too many sweet. Yeah, I think so. I noticed, that although I eat pretty well on target, take my vitamins, and drink all my liquid, I have been taking small bites of candy everyday. Now I believe you can have a little treat, but I wonder if this is sabatoging my weight loss. Also, I think that not exercising consistently has finally caught up in the lack of weight loss soooooo
I think it is time to go to level 2--EXERCISE! I went walking this morning for an hour--so that is a good start. I think it is time for me to start looking into gyms again. Time to get that scale moving.
I think it is time to go to level 2--EXERCISE! I went walking this morning for an hour--so that is a good start. I think it is time for me to start looking into gyms again. Time to get that scale moving.
July 24, 2007 Size 31 161 lbs
Jul 24, 2007
I went on vacation last week--the first in a long time that I actually went somewhere. I went to Portland, Oregon to visit Brian's parents. I think I actually lost a couple of pounds but was not drinking enough so my weight has popped up a lb. But one of the most exciting things was finally being able to fit into my size 31 earnest sewn jeans as well as my True Religions that have been hanging around the closet screaming to be worn. Yeah--that has to be one of my favorite wows--finally fitting in to a pair of women's designer jeans. It was easy to stay on my program because we were staying with Brian's dad, who is a diabetic and is controlling it through healthy eating and exercise. Talk about dicipline. I don't think he ate one carb. In the morning, he made me a breakfast of eggs, turkey peperoni, basil and spices--the same every morning--he is routine oriented like Brian but at least it was good. We ordered the same thing when we went out because we were both protein eating nuts. I think it helped us to bond--because we were protein soulmates. We did some hiking, shopping and saw a weired art show at the OMSI which had cadavers (real life dead bodies) posed in different positions. Very controversial and Briand booked through that very quickly. Also took the coast home and stopped at the "trees of mystery", went through the avenue of giants (virgin redwood trees) and visited several lighthouses. We stayed overnight in a couple of coastal towns. I was sad to have my vacation over but want to plan another soon. Thats all for now
July 5, 2007 164 lbs
Jul 05, 2007
This week and on July 4-my 6 month mark, I have hit 164 lbs. I am ahead of my projected weight loss of 100% which says I should be at 174. I know these are estimates but I like to think of myself ahead of my goal. As a matter of fact, my August goal is 166 so I already made that. Now to keep ahead. Now that I am gloating a little bit, my weight loss will shut down to balance the wheels of Karma. One little trick I play with myself is making my weight loss ticker read 1 lb less than I am. Yeah, I fib a little. But I am truly an honest person so it helps me stay on track when I have to make an honest person of myself. And see, I confessing it all right here. I am very goal oriented so it works for me.
Yesterday was a pretty fun fourth of July. Brian, me and my best friend Bridgette spent the day together. Bridgette has been on a dating slump lately so she has been our third entertaining wheel. We went out to breakfast at stacks and I had my all meat omlet or should I say 1/2 4 of it. I had a taste of Brian's blueberry pancakes and Bridgette's pecan waffles. Then we went on a hike in our nearby mountains. It was only a 4 1/2 miler with gradual downhills and then uphills. It was pretty hot and I work my bikini under my shorts and actually took off my overtop. I never would have done that before. I still won't wear the bikini in public thought. There is only a minimul amount of hikers on the trail. We then came home and relaxed and then had a barbeque and invited our other neighbor, Tammi, to join us. It was fun. After everyone left, Brian and I were left to our own devices :]..........I think he enjoyed his day to.
I have been going through the old closet and I can fit into most of my size 12's (yes, if this is the first post you read, I am a shopholic and already have a complete size 12 wardrobe). My boobs are making my size 12 tops a little more challenging so I think another 10-15 lbs should do it. I still need to fit into size 31 jeans and some size 10 dresses I have. But all clothing is not created equal in sizes. I can fit from 10-14 right now.
Well that sums things up for a while and I will try to add a few more pics
Yesterday was a pretty fun fourth of July. Brian, me and my best friend Bridgette spent the day together. Bridgette has been on a dating slump lately so she has been our third entertaining wheel. We went out to breakfast at stacks and I had my all meat omlet or should I say 1/2 4 of it. I had a taste of Brian's blueberry pancakes and Bridgette's pecan waffles. Then we went on a hike in our nearby mountains. It was only a 4 1/2 miler with gradual downhills and then uphills. It was pretty hot and I work my bikini under my shorts and actually took off my overtop. I never would have done that before. I still won't wear the bikini in public thought. There is only a minimul amount of hikers on the trail. We then came home and relaxed and then had a barbeque and invited our other neighbor, Tammi, to join us. It was fun. After everyone left, Brian and I were left to our own devices :]..........I think he enjoyed his day to.
I have been going through the old closet and I can fit into most of my size 12's (yes, if this is the first post you read, I am a shopholic and already have a complete size 12 wardrobe). My boobs are making my size 12 tops a little more challenging so I think another 10-15 lbs should do it. I still need to fit into size 31 jeans and some size 10 dresses I have. But all clothing is not created equal in sizes. I can fit from 10-14 right now.
Well that sums things up for a while and I will try to add a few more pics
Finally! June 21, 2007
Jun 21, 2007
I finally hit one of my MAJOR goals. One that has been tricky and alluding me because his weight keeps changing too. I weigh less than my boyfriend. Let me repeat. I weigh less than my boyfriend. Do you know what? I have never in my life ever weighed less than a boyfriend. Nope--I am attracted to the lean, to the muscular, to the fit. Isn't that ironic. Brian has been a hard goal to reach. He was a little heavier than when I met him. Thanks to my love of eating out, and supply of sugary sweets that I can have around but he seems to eat if they are here, as well as at his job--he and I managed to get his 6 foot frame up to 179 lbs. Oh yes, he goes bikeriding every day, but even though he does--it crept a little up. But after I had surgery, he started to lose the weight. Tricky of him. So as my weight crept down getting closer and closer until I thought I was there, I finally coerced him on to the scale and drats if he wasn't 5 lbs lighter. Hmmmmm. So I plugged away. And today.....2 lbs lighter than him. Goal accomplished. Next goal--getting into those low rise, pesky skinny leg true religion jeans I bought on ebay in a size 31 (because the were less expensive than the 32) Another thing that has never happened--designer jeans in a woman's size. I'll keep you posted
170 lbs finally, June 17
Jun 17, 2007
I thought it was time to check in finally. Well my weight loss has really slowed down this month. O memorial day, my boyfriend Brian and I went on a real intense hike which included wading through a pretty deep river 3 times and getting a little lost on a steep downdhill grade (yes, that meant having to go back up again and retracing our tracks.) I told him that if this happened 5 months ago, he would have had to call in the park rangers to carry me out, but I handled it no problem. Well, on May 30, I weighed in at 172 and then kept bouncing up and down between 174 and 172 until a couple of days ago after my period that I finally lost antoher 2 lbs. I have to admit, I have not been a saint on my eating and exercising. I still eat small healthy meals but then lateley I have been adding a nibble of chocolate here and there. It is usually only a 35 calorie bite but I wonder if that is hindering me. I also do not have a consistent exercise program in place. A few times a month I go on long uphill hikes, but I do not work out more than 2 times a week. I am on my feet all day so I do move around but I can't even kid myself, this is not cardivascular exercise. I walk into town but again--not getting my heart rate up. Since my work hours change every day, it is a little harder for me to get a consistent program. But that being said, it is only another excuse. I think if I want to lose at a faster rate, exercise is going to be my key to the 160's.
May 17, 2007---Met my next goal
May 17, 2007
At the beginning of this weigh loss journey, after surgery, I went to the main page and caluculated where I needed to be after 1 month of surgery and so on for each month after. I put in my original weight of 242 then put in that I wanted to lose 100% of my excess fat and it gives you a chart of how many pounds I should lose based on averages. So on my 5th month, I should be at 177 lbs. Well I hit that today. Now I can get ahead for once. I was lagging a little in the beginning but thanks to going off birth control (my boyfriend is still mourning the condom), I think that has helped my weight loss. I am one of those that weigh myself every day. When I don't lose for a couple of days, I don't get depressed but it does help me get back on the straight and narrow a little more. I'm very goal oriented so this works for me.
It's amazing, but I feel great, energentic and alive. I do get a little embarrassed that people keep complimenting me but I do have to say I look so cute in my clothes that I have bought over the last couple of years that now fit. I have great clothes--I worked at Nieman Marcus and now at another designer clothing boutique and spend alot of money on clothes. I know alot of people on this site like that they can buy less expensive clothes but I say bring on the designer clothes that I could never fit in before. I am a clothing and textile major and I love those fine fabrics and exquistie tailoring and I am worth the good stuff. I always have to keep my mouth shut with clothing postings because I don't want to get flamed for my extravegant ways. But don't get me wrong, I think Target is my favorite store. Anyway, that is where I am at today.
It's amazing, but I feel great, energentic and alive. I do get a little embarrassed that people keep complimenting me but I do have to say I look so cute in my clothes that I have bought over the last couple of years that now fit. I have great clothes--I worked at Nieman Marcus and now at another designer clothing boutique and spend alot of money on clothes. I know alot of people on this site like that they can buy less expensive clothes but I say bring on the designer clothes that I could never fit in before. I am a clothing and textile major and I love those fine fabrics and exquistie tailoring and I am worth the good stuff. I always have to keep my mouth shut with clothing postings because I don't want to get flamed for my extravegant ways. But don't get me wrong, I think Target is my favorite store. Anyway, that is where I am at today.
About Me
menlo park, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2002
Member Since