Told my family back in NJ of my decision

Sep 15, 2007

I had a lot of doubt that they would support me becasue I'm around the world and they cannot be here however, they thought if I want to do this, that it's a great idea!! They are all pretty heavy and although I'm obeise, I'm not as big as them...yet. I need to do this now before my weight gets even worse. 

So, that made me even more excited!!!!

The beginning of my journey

Sep 15, 2007

I went to the Dr. to talk about WLS. She is putting me on a 12 week weightloss program and I will also take a nutrition class, this is free since my husband is in the Air Force. (AIM HIGH AIR FORCE! LOL) Anyway, after that she will submit my health info to my insurence company, I feel pretty strongly that I should be eligible since I know several people who have also had it done. 

I'm so excited, I've never been a notmal healthy weight ever as an adult or child!!! 

Anyway, we are living in Germany right now so I know my family back in NJ is going to flip, and not in a good way, when I tell them. My mother weighs 450 pounds and refuses to have the surgery becasue although she has never done ANY research, is convinced it's "too dangerous". Even her Dr.'s have asked her why she doesn't get the surgery.  

So, I will start MY journey and be the heathy woman I know I can be!

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 46

Latest Blog 32
New update at 8 months post-op
No longer obese, just overweight!
Redirecting myself
Dear Sheryl
C'mon weight loss!!!
4 surgerversary update...a few days late
Hair is falling out
dizzy all the time
Wearing shorts!
