I'm 240, I cannot wait to be under 200 pounds!

Apr 29, 2008

When I got pregnant with my oldest girl, 8 years ago, I weighed 200 pounds. I am 40 pounds away from that! Please please please let those 40 pounds go by fast. I really want to fit into my size 14 dress that I bought in Hawaii right before I got pregnant and I'de LOVE to wear it when I go home to NJ in July.  I'de love to be down 100 pounds by the time my 6 month surgerversary is on August 5th. So far I am down 60 from surgery and 70 total. So that means I would have to lose 40 pounds by August or in 3 months so that's 13.333 pounds a month. I think I can do it. Man that does motivate me. That would be a major goal!!!!! It's been 8 years since I fit into my little Hawaiian dress!!

I'm still jogging. I workout a lot, I actually enjoy it. Who knew?!? Oh and I listen to Justin Timberlake when I do....yummy!

Well that's all for now. I'm taking 3 month pics on May 5th, monday!

I am no longer eligible for WLS!

Apr 13, 2008

One of my mini goals was to lose enough weight to be no longer eligable for weight loss surgery. As of this morning, I weigh 249, so that's 99 pounds overweight!!! I plan on jogging again today and another goal is to run a 5K run in 8 weeks. I am training myself for that now.

jogged today for the first time in YEARS!

Apr 06, 2008

I wore a size 18 jeans, regual 18 NOT 18 womens! WOO HOO! That's very exciting for me. 

I also jogged a little today, maybe a mile on and off. It's not much but just 2 or 3 months ago I couldn't go up stairs without breathing heavy. 

2 months out today

Apr 04, 2008

Times has FLOWN by! I can't beleive it. I am so far beyond happy. I have lost 45 pounds since surgery and 55 pounds since I started the pre-op liquid diet. I'm trying to be very strict for the first year to take advantage of the time that I can lose the most weight easily. I exercise almost everyday and I actually enjoy it!

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable to say the least is the looks people give me. If I haven't seen someone for a month or whatever, they stare me up and down over and over to see where I've lost weight and where I haven't. People watch me eat too. I feel like a freak sometimes! Also, my  overweight friends husbands' are starting to make comments and it makes it very uncomfortable. I know if I didn't have surgery that I wouldn't have lost this weight on my own. I feel for my friends and when their husbands makes comments, I want to punch them! 

Other then that, I still haven't dumped or gotton sick or had the foamies. Of coarse I haven't really pushed it.

Oh one other mentionable thing is how free I feel from food. I love what I eat now. I feel no void like I did the first month. I went to a party last night and it was so freeing to say "no thanks, I can't eat brownies, I can't have sugar." I would have drooled over that food before and had to fight the urge all night not to have more then 1 brownie. I just said I can't have it and moved on, no more thinking about it! 


Doing better!

Mar 10, 2008

I got my blood pressure taken today and it was 117/78 or something! WOO HOO! That was a great moment! As far as the weightloss, I am down another few pounds since my last bitch fest blog. LOL 

One thing that bothers me is that I never get full and I eat about 800 calores a day with no problems. Of those 800 calories, 140 of them are from the Citrical creamy bites so I think I need to find another calcium suppliment like UpCalD. I am going to place a big order with Vitalady when we get our tax return. I want to be very aggresive with my vitamins. 

I did go to the family Dr. today and she asked me what blood work has to be drawn! WTH I'm not the Dr?!? I swear this base has the WORST healthcare in the world. I cannot wait to PCS (move) and get outta here just for better healthcare. 

Other then that, I'm doing well.


Mar 06, 2008

WTF is going on?!? I get in all my protein and all of my fluid with no problems at all. I have lost NO WEIGHT in the last 12 days. This is the second stall since I had surgery a month ago! I am very frustrated. I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday and I know I shouldn't let it bother me but I do and it does. I have lost 25 pounds since surgery a month ago. When I lost weight on my own before, I would lose 20 pounds a month so how is this much better?!? I am still hungry. I was power walking an hour everyday but I haven't gone for the last 2 days thinking maybe I was going too often but that hasn't helped my damn stall either. I will start walking again today. My apnts have gone from tight to fitting so I haven't gone down a size or anything. I KNOW I shouldn't compare myself to others and I KNOW I shouldn't weigh everyday but this is harder then I thought and probably the most frustrating thing to go through. I really thought I would lose faster due to my starting weight being high and that when I lost weight without surgery, I started 50 pounds lighter and lost almost the same amount of weight in the same time frame. Anyway, I've lost a toal of 33 pounds and I have 128 more to go.

The stall is ovah!

Feb 22, 2008

WOO HOO! I have lost a total of 28 pounds. The jeans that I used to have to fight to get into now go on woith no problem. I cannot wait for them to be too loose. My first follow up appt. with my surgeon is March 5th so hopefully I will get the ok to start eating normally, but healthy of coarse, after that. So far I've been doing mostly liquids. I do have 2 crackers a day and 2 string cheese sticks a day. I have 2 protein shakes a day as well. I am struggling a little less with the cravings. The first 2 weeks were aweful, I wanted to eat everything in sight. So, things are looking up.


Feb 18, 2008

Today is day 11 of a stall. I have lost NO WEIGHT since I left the hospital 11 days ago. I've been following the rules and getting in at least 30 minutes of walking everyday. In fact, I thought I may have lost a few more pounds but the scale is back up this morning. I just hate this! I know there's a stall at 3 weeks out but I stalled right away...4 days outta surgery. I'm very disappointed but I keep telling myself that it's normal and blah blah blah. Really I just want the damn scale to move DOWN in weight but it's just not happening.

UGH! I will update when this stall is over.

I'm home from the hospital.

Feb 09, 2008

Hello everyone! Things at the hospital went very well. I'm feeling ok bu darn I get exhausted at the drop of a hat. I cannot wait to get my energy back. Right now as I type this I am drinking a protein shake. Everyday gets a little better and now I'm not in much pain, just tired and GROUCHY! lol

So far with the liquid pre-op diet to now I've lost 28 pounds! YAY!

GAINED 4 pounds overnight magically!

Jan 28, 2008

UGH! I've been on this liquid diet and just gained 4 pounds!!!

I know it's probably water weight and will probably magically drop off in a few days. I just need to bitch for a second. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 46

Latest Blog 32
New update at 8 months post-op
No longer obese, just overweight!
Redirecting myself
Dear Sheryl
C'mon weight loss!!!
4 surgerversary update...a few days late
Hair is falling out
dizzy all the time
Wearing shorts!
