piperkc 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi Dee Yippie!!!!!!!!!!! You followed the trail I left you and now you are on the other side. WTG girl!!! Congratulations Angela in Canada

Jenny J. 22 years, 2 months ago

Dee..I am so happy for you..I loved watching your count down on the board and now you're there..hugs and best wishes..Jenny Jackson

Sandy P. 22 years, 2 months ago

Dee, I knew you woud do just fine. Hang in there just keep telling yourself it gets better. Remember to do a lot of walking. If you need anything just yell. Sandy in Ohio.

shorty M. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi everyone! This is Shorty, Plumeria-- Dee Real's Angel reporting for duty. Dee had her WLS RNY Lap today. I just finished talking to her DH and said she made it out of surgery without any complications. Dee is making sure she's using her best friend - Morphine - every chance she gets. Her NG tube will be remove tomorrow after her leak test. The incoming telephone line to the hospital is restricted until she recovers some. I will be visiting her tomorrow and will print the greeting card, I will keep you all posted on her recovery and will update as often possible. Please stop by her surgery page to wish her the best and pray for her speedy and uneventful recovery.......You Go Girl! you've done it and it's all over..........WALK,WALK,WALK,WALK.....Love Ya! Hugs & Smiles

Mary R. 22 years, 2 months ago

May God be with you today Dee. I love reading your post and I pray that your surgery goes smooth as silk. You are a very beautiful person inside and out and I know that being on the losing side you will be even more beautiful. Take care. ö¿~

Sista G. 22 years, 2 months ago

I praise God for your speedy, safe, non-complicated recovery! He is faithful and just to do exceeding and above what we ask or think! PRAISE GOD for you new outlook! And thanks again for being there for me!

Geralyn 22 years, 2 months ago

Dee, May the Lord pour down his blessings upon you this day. May he be with you to comfort you and give you his PEACE. Best wishes on your new journey that you are about to embark on.

georgiacarol 22 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes today. I know you're going to do great! You are in my thoughts and prayers for a smooth journey to the lighter side.

epape 22 years, 2 months ago


Sharon C. 22 years, 2 months ago

Dee - Good Luck and All The Best on your surgery! May your recovery be speedy, safe and healthy. I'm right behind you on 8/2/02. Sharon
About Me
Kaneohe, Hi
Surgery Date
Dec 18, 2001
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