Mary R. 22 years ago

sha-ka-bro Dee. Peace to you too. I lived in Hawaii for 3 years and I loved it. My sons name in Hawaiin is Kepe for Jeff. My daughter is Keli for Cari. Funny the things you remember. You are doing wonderful. I have lost 45lbs since July 3rd and I can't wait until next year I would love to go back to Hawaii with my new look Aloha.

Samar M. 22 years ago

Hi Dee...Thanks for signing my page and thanks the encouragement. I am feeling much better than I did the other day. I want to congratulate you on your wonderful weight loss so far. I hope that you continue to be successful and reach your goals. Thanks for being here for me! *hugs*

Karen B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hello Dee~~~I am so proud of you for going to see your friend. Now you can share your weight loss together. Watch out world!! God be with you. LOVE & PEACE

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Dee, I think it always pays to be the bigger person. Go and see your friend and show your support if you are able. Perhaps she just couldn't deal with seeing you in the hospital knowing that she'd be going through it soon. Love and hugs!

smedley200 22 years, 1 month ago

Dee, I think you just have to follow your heart. Some people are not comfortable with visiting people while they are sick, some people just do not have that much consideration in them. From your posts in the past, I think that you do and I wonder if maybe YOU would suffer more than her if you treated her in the same manner :) Just MHO. Either way, take care of yourself, you are the MOST important!!

pam k. S. 22 years, 1 month ago

Dee, Congratulations on your great weightloss. You are doing sooo good. Keep up the good job! Hugs!

Bernadette H. 22 years, 1 month ago


Tricia P. 22 years, 1 month ago

That's so exciting!!! You are doing so GREAT! My surgery was August 6th, so I'm a couple weeks behind you. But it's fun to see what I have coming to me through your posts. 11days/-17lbs.

Alice W. 22 years, 1 month ago

Dee Hello~~~Happy 6th Anniversary to you and your hubby!!! Wishing you many more! You have done so well with your surgery and recovery. And now you are starting to melt away! Continued good luck on the loosing side!!

jjtheba 22 years, 1 month ago

Congrats on your success and glad to have you on the losing side. May God continue to bless us. Sincerely, Janice
About Me
Kaneohe, Hi
Surgery Date
Dec 18, 2001
Member Since

Friends 2

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My 5th Year ReBirthday!!!!!
