Alexandra P. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hey girlie, I was so happy to hear from you today and talk to you. I missed you and you are doing so awsome. I hope I do as well as you did! Thanks for telling me to join this group I am loving it. You are an inspiration! Love Alexa :)

Karen97869 22 years, 1 month ago

DEE~~~WELCOME HOME HON! Congrats on your successful surgery! I pray that God continues to heal you at lightening speed so that you can begin this NEW LIFE you have chosen to live!!! Blessings to you!!! †

Melody D. 22 years, 1 month ago

Dee, congratulations!! I am so happy for you. I hope that your pain is very minimal, and your spirits are high. Welcome home. Melody DeRose

Hellcatmama 22 years, 1 month ago

Glad to hear it went well!!!!! Welcome Home and hope you recover quickly. God Bless and Peace~~~

Teresa H. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hi Dee, I just wanted to welcome you to the other side of a better life. God speed for a quick and painless recovery. Take it easy when you get home. Teri

shorty M. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi everyone this is Plumeria - Dee Real's Angel again! I went to see her at St. Luke's today and she looked GREAT! she was blabbling away, seating on a chair and talking up a storm as if she didn't have anything done to her belly. She is moving around and getting in and out of bed without any difficulty. She sure looked very strong. She had her NG tube taken out and got rid off her good old friend Morphine. She's on Lori liquid.....Dee is very strong and looks like she will be just fine. She had lots of visitors I'm sure she will get some rest when she goes home. I gave her a copy of the greeting card from all of the AMOS ppl who wished her well. She was very greatful. Dee - Congratulations! it's a great accomplishment....... Keep up the great work...........I will pray for your uneventful and speedy recovery..........Lova Ya!.............Your Angel........

Laura P. 22 years, 2 months ago

I am glad everything is going well. I miss seeing you in the chatroom and on the Hawaii Page. I wish you a speedy recovery and may God Bless you! :) Laura P in Hawaii

Cindy P. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi Dee, I have been thinking about you so much. I hope that everything went well and you are on your way to a quick recovery and a new healthier life. I am having surgery at UCLA August 19th and I am very excited. I hope to hear from you soon with all the good news!! Take care, Cindy P.

karen D. 22 years, 2 months ago

Aloha Dee!!--Wonderful to hear that your surgery was a sucess and that you are doing ok!! Get up and walk those laps and you will be home before you know it!!--Take care and may Peace and Love be with you always---PS--I just came home from a visit to your beloved islands and I brought home 2 Plumeria trees -- I am planting one in your honor!!!

Kathy A. 22 years, 2 months ago

Way to go DEE !! congrats on job well done... remember the 2 w's Walk and Water !!! ((HUGS))from North Carolina.
About Me
Kaneohe, Hi
Surgery Date
Dec 18, 2001
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 1
My 5th Year ReBirthday!!!!!
