Sports L. 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, sweetie, I pray for you to get well. I know you are going through a very bad time but I also know you will make it. I have a friend who is actually going through the exact same thing you are and he is pulling through. He was on a respirator for over a month, on oxygen, etc. You can do it also. God bless you. You have so many people praying for you that God will not let us all down. Bless you.fight.we all love you very much....Carol

Denise W. 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, please know that you and your family are lovingly being thought of today. I will continue to ask God to bless you with His healing touch, give you strength for each day to come, and to lift your spirits even as you read this. You are SO very precious to Him.

Carol C. 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, We are all praying for you. It will not be an easy fight, but I might be so bold to say that all of us are here for you.. Prayers go to God for your recovery.. Big Hugs, Carol

cleo718 21 years, 7 months ago

Dear Darlene, you and your family are in my prayers. I've followed your profile for a long time and have always been moved to tears, and then had to smile because you always kept your sense of humor amidst all of the adversity. You are a brave, strong lady. Fight the good fight. Don't let this get the best of you. Life is waiting for you, to walk, run, laugh and play with those grandkids. Fight harder than you ever have and go for this. This is just a bump in the road. I'm praying for your complete recovery. Love, Wanda

Donna H. 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, You are in my prayers.Fight hard and get back on your feet soon! Donna

janeh 21 years, 7 months ago

I'm praying for you that your strength will soon return. God is able to do miracles and you have many people praying for just that.

Jamie M. 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, just know that God is watching over you. With so many prayers flying up to him he knows how much you are loved. HANG IN THERE GIRL! Another prayer is coming your way. Get well. (Hugs). Jamie Martin

SassySamara 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, I am saying a prayer for you in the hopes that everything will work out for the best. You are in God's hands and I know he will keep you and protect you and help you and your family through these trying times. God Bless, Samara

betterfitness 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, I wish that all good things come your way. May God Bless You. I will keep you in my prayers.... God loves you.... Hope you are feeling better soon. Janice

Char G. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi Darlene: I just want to let you know what a special and courageous lady you are. God has big plans for you. I pray with each passing moment you are able to feel the love and prayers that are send just for you. Get Well Soon.
About Me
Midwest City, OK
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2001
Member Since
