K. in Ky 21 years, 6 months ago

Dear Darlene and Family: Thank you so much for your updates. There are SO many of us who are praying for you and waiting for word on your progress. You're a strong person for coming so far, and know that our prayers and healing thoughts are headed your way. Bless you and please let us know how you're doing soon. Love and Hugs, Kathryn in Berea, KY

1800Bev 21 years, 6 months ago

Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you Darlene in hopes that you are soon healed and on your way to a speedy recovery.

Boopster 21 years, 6 months ago

Dear Darlene and Family.. Still praying for you.. May God Protect you with his love and anointe your body with his healing power. May God Be With You..and Keep you Safe..

Godsgal 21 years, 6 months ago

Dear Darlene, We are still praying for you hon, you are God's precious handmaiden and a sweet, sweet fragrance rising up to Him~ don't ever give up!! All of us at AMOS are in prayer for you and for your victory over these problems, Praise God. When you are better and stronger, we will all send messages back and forth of the wonderous healing you have had! All my love to you sweetie, and Blessings from every state are being sent your way daily.

Christine H. 21 years, 6 months ago

I have been praying for you and your dr. I will also include your family in my prayers. I hope you are home soon to your family and darling doggie. Christine Huls

Amy G. 21 years, 6 months ago

Darlene & family... I'm keeping y'all in my prayers!!! :-)

shambil 21 years, 6 months ago

To the Harris Family...there are thousands of us praying for you all, we all embrace you with love and strength GOD BLESS YOU DARLENE and family Love Terry Thompson Long Island NY

Barb P. 21 years, 6 months ago

I just talked to one of Darlene's family members. Another setback for Darlene today, she had to have another emergency surgery -- her trac bled out. I passed along healing wishes from all of us and assured him we would continue to pray for Darlene.

kjac 21 years, 7 months ago

Your story is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing. I am praying for you daily. May god and his wonderful miracles be with you.

Pat C. 21 years, 7 months ago

Darlene, you go girl! Fight like the Dickens! You have an army praying for you! Many hugs,
About Me
Midwest City, OK
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2001
Member Since
