Darlene- I think of you everyday and check your page to see if there are updates! I'm so happy you are on your way to recovery. You are a strong person and I know you're working your way towards a wonderful life. Take care of yourself! Lots of love-- Crystal
sorry all been little crazy around here darlene is still doing little better ever day still in icu its going to be a long ruf road but with god help we will get there thank all of you for your prayer.ken
Hey Darlene... no updates on you in a few days, I just wanted to let you know you are thought about... I check every day to see if any news and hope you are doing good and getting better...good luck and God bless... Pam in GA
Hi Darlene,
I hope your move o rehab went easy and you are now settled in and finding a whole new crop of cute male nurses and therapists to flirt with. Keep heading in the right direction!!
Darlene, This is Great news!!! Keep up the good work ~~ Look forward to seeing you on the message board again very soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers every single day. Much love and hugs!!
<b>Darlene, Im truly thinking about you and am still praying a healing prayer for your recovery. God Bless you hun and remember we are here for you. **hugs**</b>
Darlene, i hope you are feeling much better now and are on the road to a quick recovery. may my thoughts and prayers be with you. keep up your faith and you will get through. take care, dorothy
HI DARLENE I am so happy to hear your getting your out of ICU. I am praying for you sweetie I know in time the Lords going to restore you to good health again.You will beable to enjoy those grandkids of your and be the grandma you really want to be for them LORD BLESS