Ellen H. 22 years, 2 months ago

<b>OKAY--AMOS Family...my friend Jan will be undergoing WLS this Friday. <i>Jan is no ordinary mortal, she had enough pull the get the federal government fighting for her to get this surgery!!</i>Please send her some good thoughts & wishes!! Thanks. </b>

Ron E. 22 years, 2 months ago

Good luck on your coming surgery. My prayers are with you, and hoping for an uneventful surgery, and a speedy, painfree recovery. Keep your focus on healing. Make sure you walk, and keep up your breathing exercise. YOU CAN DO THIS! See you on the other side.

Cathy W. 22 years, 2 months ago

I wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming surgery. I'm sure you are doing a happy dance accompanied by some serious "NERVES", but don't worry be happy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything goes well and you are up and out and about real soon. Cathy Whitmer

mickie5535 22 years, 2 months ago

Congatulations Jan, I will be thinking of you on OUR surgery date. We are truly WLS sisters. Have a speedy recovery and I will send a guardian angel your way. Mickie

lfo 22 years, 2 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. You will be in my prayers, that God will watch over you and that you have an uncomplicated surgery and a speedy recovery. God Bless.

Debra M. 22 years, 2 months ago

Jan~ God Bless your surgery and recovery. May the Lord guide your surgeons hands through your surgery as he did mine. Much Love Debra

Alice W. 22 years, 2 months ago

Jan Hello~~stopping by to wish you all the very best on your surgery. May you be blessed with an easy surgery and a rapid recovery. Good Luck on the other side and may all your dreams come true. Aug is a busy month, having my surgery on 8-29.

Stephanie D. 22 years, 2 months ago

Jan- Wow, there are lots of us on August 2nd! Good luck on yours. I look forward to hearing from you that all went great and you're recovering.

GMSKAT .. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hi Jan! Wow! Another WLS sister! It seems like Aug 2 is going to be an awesome day for surgery! I wish you the best and will say a prayer for you & for all of the other WLS brothers and sisters we have for Aug 2. Hugs to all! God bless!

Debbie A. 22 years, 2 months ago

Jan - Just wanted to send good thoughts and prayers your way, regarding your upcoming surgery. I hope all goes smoothly and that you will be another one of the AMOS board's "incredible shrinking women!" The road to this day can be a long one. I'm glad that it's finally come for you! May God watch over you!
About Me
Sapulpa, OK
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2002
Member Since
