rebecca J. 21 years, 7 months ago

I wanted to say HI and congratulations and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! I will keep you in my prayers...My surgery was on the 4th of Feb. so maybe we cna keep i touch and help one another out? Good luck!

Linda B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hello...Congratulations on your surgery! I hope you have a speedy recovery and meet all your personal goals. God Bless.

Sarahlicious 21 years, 7 months ago

Today a door closes...Tomorrow a new one will open and soon I will be able to walk through it without my hips rubbing against the frame!

kathyb 21 years, 7 months ago

Sarah, Best of luck on your surgery tomorrow. Mine is scheduled for tomorrow as well. May God bless you with a swift and uneventful recovery. Kathy

Jamie M. 21 years, 7 months ago

Yeah! Time is HERE! THis is so exciting. Keeping you in my thought and prayers for a quick and uneventful surgery and recovery! Jamie

Claire B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi Sarah, I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. I have asked for an uneventful surgery and recovery. May God bless you richly on your new journey in life.

cheri123 21 years, 7 months ago

<b>WoW!</b> I bet your excited!!! Mine is finally coming up 3/27! The waiting! Sending you my prayers & thoughts to you for a <b><u><i>Wonderful</b></u></i> surgery and recovery! Keep posting! Love to read your progress! Blessings to you! <i>~Cheri*</i>

Pamela B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Sarah, Best wishes as you embark on this amazing journey. The ride can be a bit bumpy at times so here's to smooth sailing!

CherylS. 21 years, 7 months ago

I wish you the best in this part of your journey! Make sure you walk soon and keep us updated!! Hugs from CT, Cheryl

shelby W. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi- well it's almost here the day you have been waiting for! Are you excited! lol Wishing you a safe & speedy recovery! God Bless.
About Me
Portsmouth, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
September 2000 - My 23rd Birthday...on my way to being one of my last. Highest weight ever, way over 500lbs, but 502 was the highest I ever saw on a scale.
February 2007-Post-op Panniculectomy...I've lost half myself!!!

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