Just about 8 months after having surgery

Sep 16, 2009

Wednesday September 16, 2009 at 2:30pm

     In six days it will be 8 months since I had my gastric bypass.  So much has changed in myself alone.  I feel so much better about the way I look.  I have clothes that I LIKE to wear.  I even have more then 2 pants that fit me!!  I just got 14 inches of my hair cut off, that was a BIG step for me.  My hair was always my "security blanket", people complimented me on it.  My hair was the only thing good anyone has ever seen in me.  People tend to shy away from getting to know someone for who they are, and not what they look like!  Now I want to get out and do things, before I wanted to stay home and hide.  Always making an excuse up to not go somewhere. 
     I am still losing about 1-2 pounds a week.  I didn't hit that "plateau" yet, but I am waiting for it!  I have lost 120 pounds and have about 45-50 pounds to go.  If I reach my goal, that would be the first time I weighed that since like 7th grade!!  I am on my last box of clothes that I have kept over the years of "yo yo" dieting.  I no longer will be keeping my "big" clothes...they will be going to my friend that just got the surgery on August 27th.  Then she will be boxing them up for another friend that WILL have the surgery one day, too!!
     I am able to eat just about anything.  Sometimes chicken is a "no no" if it is real dry.  I made pork and that was "stuck" for about 8 hours!  UGH...it doesn't feel so good.  Makes you want to throw up, but as much as you try, you can't.  Meats are my problem foods, and string cheese is my favorite to eat!  I even suck on hershey kisses with almonds, when I need chocolate.  Everything is normal eating wise, just a lot smaller portions then before surgery!
     I am finally ready to look for a more active and challenging job.  Before I had no motivation and wanted to do as little as possible...and then go home and go to bed!!  My resume is just about the way I like it, and I am excited to look into new opportunities.
     I can't seem to think of any down falls about the surgery.  The first 3 months I had a whole list of them.  Now, the only thing that might bug me sometimes is...seeing a bunch of food I like or even just one food I really enjoy, and not being able to eat a lot without getting full.  That is on a rare occasion and I don't think it would actually be a down fall!!
     Once all the weight is off, the next issue will be the extra skin "hanging" around!!  I know that my "bat wings" will forever bother me...they always have.  I hope to one day take care of them, once and for all.  I am starting to have loose skin on my thighs.  So when I sit it makes me look bigger then what I actually am.  Once I get up to stand then it kind of all hangs south and I can usually hide it, or it evens itself out with the rest of me.  My boobs just hang around now, I have to situate them in my bra to make it look like I have something there!  So, cosmetic wise their are a few problem spots to hopefully take care of one day.
     I will post more pictures, as I take them monthly!  I hope all my friends on here and doing as good as I am.  Please update me on your progress, when you find the time to! 

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York, PA
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