Being overweight affected me in many ways.  All my life I have been overweight, and since about the age of 16 I have been battling with it.  The more I try, it seems like the more I fail at the end; by gaining twice as much that I had lost.
I have tried many methods, some more then once.  I don't remember the dates and how much, because I have tried so many times.  I tried not eating, which of course did not work.  I tried several pills that you send for in the mail.  I watched what I ate and took the pills as directed on the instructions.  Again, this did not work either.  Instead of pills I sent for DetoXykall, this wasn't helping much with weight lose (maybe a few pounds here and there).  It did make moving my bowels much easier and more frequent.  Their were two clinics that I tried.  One was LA Weight Loss Center.  I do have to say they did work, up until it got too expensive.  I just could not afford eating all the protein, fruits, and vegetables every day.  I went through LA about 3 different times, each about a year long.  Weight Watchers was the other clinic I went too, I went there 3 times also.  this was more realistic, to where I can eat what I can afford and just count the points.  This also worked for awhile, and then I hit a plateau.  Along with all the diets, I was also going to the gym.  I would spend at least an hour or more working out.  Then I went through knee surgery, and that slowed down the work outs and the weight loss dramatically.  I would then "give up" and be in a phase where I just didn't care anymore.  This is how I was put on this earth, so just suck it up!  I would eat one day and not the next.  It all depended on what the scale said in the morning.  Within 2 years I had 3 surgeries on the same knee.  I gained over 100 pounds back, quicker then I took it off!  I was at a loss and didn't know what to do anymore.  I went to my PCP and he had several tests done and introduced me to a couple diets.  After about 9 months or so, all I did was gain more weight.  The doctor then referred me to a bariatric surgeon.
I don't like to go out with friends anymore.  I make an excuse up, because I am too embarrassed.  When i do go out I don't have fun, because I worry what others are thinking.  I get the feeling that everyone is looking at me and talking about the way I look.  As for a relationship with someone, I am once again too embarrassed to meet anyone.  If I do it's always the type of guy that thinks you are vulnerable and can get whatever he wants from you.  At work I have slowed down and when I need to squat it is impossible (do to my knee and the weight).  Working in a small room, I am always knocking things around with my hips or butt.  If I work at a faster pace I find myself sweating and my face is bright red.  Even sitting in a regular chair is impossible, sometimes I would stand because of this.  I try to eat alone, even when invited to go to lunch with the gang.  I think they are looking at my plate, thinking 'wow, no wonder she is fat'!  When I sleep, I wake up just about every night sweating.  From all the ups and downs from weight loss I have clothes ranging from size 12 to 28, and keep them all just in case.  My goal is to burn my "BIG" clothes and not feel as though I will need them ever again!

virtual model at 315 lbs

virtual model at 150 lbs

About Me
York, PA
Jul 11, 2008
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