1 Year and 10 Months Post-Op Update

Jan 07, 2012

I feel like a jerk for not checking in around here. I made so many "friends" on this site and learned so many valuable things pre and post-op.  I can't promise to check in more often, but I shall try!

Here I am 1 year and 10 months post-op and I currently weigh 170lbs. Thank you Christmas over-indulgences...and lack of self-control! Yes, I veered off of my high protein, low carb, no sugar life changing diet... woopsie. But BACK on the wagon once again.  Even had a protein shake the other day for breakfast, instant 48g protein and NO CARBS! Woot Woot!

I uploaded a new album, featuring my family and myself taken Nov 2011 for our Christmas cards and yearly family photos. There are a TON more but it takes so long to upload so I picked a few of the best. I am so happy with the way I look and I take photos all the time now. It's weird not to shy away from the camera and to see a "thin" me instead of the "old" me...the unhealthy version of myself.

My fibromyalgia, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis has greatly improved since my weight loss... although they are not caused by weight necessarily (weight bearing joint pain is related, however), surprisingly my symptoms have improved dramatically. I still take muscle relaxers (cyclobenzaprine) and other meds as needed... Fibromyalgia often disrupts sleep and without my relaxers (1 every night) I DO NOT sleep well... do not.  Unfortunately, sometimes it also makes me sleep too long and keeps me groggy when I was up early for work or something, then I depend on caffeine all day. Yikes. However, the trade off is worth it to be pain-free or have less pain and be able to walk without aching and whining. lol. But seriously, autoimmune illnesses are very frustrating... mostly because we don't know what causes them, we don't necessarily know what treatments will relieve them and there are no cures.

I went for a plastic surgery consultation with a well known and well respected plastic surgeon in my area... Unfortunately, the procedures themselves have been postponed because of the immense cost. $16,000!!!! This is for a tummy tuck with my abdominal muscles being attached back in place (separated due to large pregnancy, not weight gain, for once!) and breast augmentation and a breast lift of ONE breast.  My left is bigger than my right, always has been, therefore it also sags more than the right and has to be lifted, the nipple "moved" and then a smaller than the right implant goes in.  I loved the way I looked with the sports bra on and the implant inside. I wanted boobs NOW.  But I am weighing my options and considering going to UC DAVIS Medical Center for a consultation...they are less expensive and well respected, it's just a teaching center so you could have students watching ... I DONT CARE at all about people watching. I will never see them again. I did get a wonderful compliment from the surgeon I saw and her assistant, they were very complimentary on my weight loss and impressed by what little skin and sagging I had considering a 100 lb weight loss. They commented that I would heal VERY well and my operation would be routine and I was an excellent candidate. Granted, she would get $16,000 from me for this, but she seemed sincere. Lol
We'll see.

Other than that, life has been wonderful.  I changed jobs TWICE... I start my new job Tuesday, as Special Events Coordinator for Society for Handicapped Children and Adults.  I have worked for the last 4 months as a Program Director with United Cerebral Palsy of Stanislaus County.  The new job is a better fit for me, as I have dabbled in event planning since 2006... But I did love my time with UCP also.  I met some amazing people, made some wonderful professional connections and learned new things that will carry on to my new job. I am excited to see what I can do at Society for Handicapped. I have worked with them before when I was a "contestant" in a local, high profile, competition called Valley Apprentice, last March to July.  Although my team didn't win, we did amazing things for the organization including a Special Needs Ball at Del Rio Country Club, in Modesto, CA. We did that Ball in partnership with UCP, which is how I got to know the Director and eventually led me to a job with them.  We are doing the Ball again, this time in March, same country club and made a few changes. I am thrilled to be part of it once again.  life is good.


About Me
Turlock, CA
Dec 20, 2009
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