2 weeks out today!

Apr 27, 2010

I am still sore in the abdomen and today I woke up with the headache from hell!!! I thought I was ready to go back to work and went 1 day, then called in sick yesterday. After talking with my doc's office, we decided I would not go to work today either and rest up. I described what I was feeling...pressure, pain and general uncomfortableness...she said everything sounded normal and working for 12 hrs sitting in a chair was most likely way too much pressure, too soon, on my tummy and my surgery sites. I think she was right. I came home in terrible pain and still walked for a mile with my husband and son, then really didn't feel good. Ugh... I have been resting since and I am starting to feel a bit better but can't shake the headache. Doc's office also suggested upping my fluid intake and getting back on regular gas-x for now. Which I have done. I took 2 tylenol today to help with the headache, but not working so far. I am going to try to get a nap in soon (I slept AWFUL) if I can get my son down for a nap. I think I should've had my MIL come watch him today so I could sleep...But I told her I could watch him. I still can't lift him but he's a pretty self-sufficient 2 yr old, he doesn't require lifting at all and will climb up in my lap if he wants. He knows to be careful of Momm'y belly... he's still saying "your belly hurts, mommy? are you betters?" haha He's the sweetest kid ever, I'm sure of it.
I will be back at work on Sunday. I think I will be ok by then as long as I take it easy the next few days. I am supposed to attend a friend's bday party on Friday night, it's a Tacky Prom theme, which sounds like a lot of fun, and who couldn't use some fun. BUt I am still debating whether to go or not. I think it will be a last minute decision if I go. I am fun without alcohol so being the only sober one there doesn't bug me. I offered to drive a couple friends if I do go. My husband has no desire to go, so he'll be home with Hunter. I am going to try to find a thrift store tacky dress Thursday in case I decide to go. I love theme parties.
Today I am in the recliner, again. Just took a shower and put fresh jammies on. Planning on watching a few movies and just chilling out. Rain is coming (it was 80 and beautiful just 2 days ago) so I feel blah anyways...

I am still GLAD I did the surgery and have no regrets. I knew with my autoimmune diseases recovery might be a little tougher and I expected it. I am attributing some of this to those diseases. I am not taking all the meds I normally take because they make me oversleep and then I am comatose all day the next day--- I don't wanna be so groggy. I may have to take something tonight to have a good night's sleep though. Lack of sleep really makes me flare up...so does stress. So I am trying to stay calm, positive and hopeful!! I can't wait to feel my version of normal again. I'm sure it will be soon!!


About Me
Turlock, CA
Dec 20, 2009
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