First Round of Plastics in the Books

Apr 08, 2009

On 3/23/09, I had a bilateral brachiaplasty and lower body lift.  Dr. Christopher Davidson at Tufts Medical Center performed the surgery, and I highly recommend him to anyone who is interested in any plastics.  Anyway, I was very scared about the surgery because so many people said that plastics were more painful than the gastric bypass surgery.  For me, that was not true.  I don't know if it's because I had exercised religiously prior to the surgery, therefor, I was in better shape for this surgery than for the RNY, or what it was, but it really wasn't bad.  My armpits felt like I had a bad sunburn.  The incision around my lower body really didn't bother me too much.  Mostly, I felt like I had done way too many crunches because the doc tightened my abs.  I came home after one night in the hospital with 7 drains and a script for an antibiotic and dilaudin for pain.  Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to the dilaudin and, because it's a narcotic, the doc couldn't "call in" a script for a different pain killer.  It had to be in paper format for the pharmacist, and we lived an hour away from the hospital.  He was able to call in an emergency 2 day supply, which he did, and then he mailed me a paper script.  As luck would have it, I ran out of the percocets before the paper script reached me, but I lived through it and all is well.  My biggest piece of advice fo anyone going through the surgery is to take a stool softener right away.  I had the worst case of constipation - painful!  As for the drains, he took 4 of them out at my one-week checkup, and the other 3 came out at my two-week check up.  All in all, I feel pretty well.  I get tired, so I go to bed.  Otherwise, I'm great.  Already thinking about my second and final round, which was going to be breast augmentation and inner thigh lift.  But the lower body lift took care of my buttocks and outer thighs, so I think I can live with the inner thighs the way they are.  They just don't seem quite so bad now.  But I still think I'll be getting the breast augmentation down the road.  Stay tuned. . .


About Me
Manchester, NH
Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2007
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