Well let me see.. For me I started to gain weight as a child around the age of 11 or so, It seemed that after I had my tonsils out I started to pick up weight, I was a thin child till that point. I was chubby in grade school and carried that all through till high school when by the 10th grade I was packing on more pounds. I became preg with my 1st and only child at age 18 and put on 75 lbs with her.I could not seem to lose the post baby weight.As like many others I had tried many diets and was doing alot of yo-yo dieting, I would lose some maybe 20-30 pds but it would never stay off for long. Pretty soon it seemed the harder I tried to lose the more I would gain, it is a terrible cycle that I can not seem to break from. I met my husband when I was 24 and  we have been together ever since, He is a very supported man who has never said a word about me being so overweight, he has always said "I love you for you and the person you are", He has always been on the thin side and never has had a weight problem, He is also a 20yr veteran so he has always been physically fit (running everyday 2 miles for PT in the army), Even today he is still slender but has a little belly.But before him I had not had to many" serious" boyfriends, I was the girl that was the life of a party,but one that no one wanted to "date " seriously , I was always told" you are such a pretty girl, But if you could just lose some weight you would look even better". So with time my self esteem went to about 0 on the scale. Over the past 10 yrs or so I have tried to lose but can never keep it off, I don't have many pictures of myself, I hated looking at them so I would always take them out and throw them away before others could see them.I never "felt' REAL big in my mind funny huh? , but the pics told a different story, I have always felt that there  is a smaller me in this body somewhere I just don't know how to bring her out.My health is now starting to be affected with all the extra weight, My BP is starting to go up and up and my cholcostrol even more,then all the back pain and Urine leakage and leg and foot pain I fell like Iam a old women anymore. I would be so depressed and ashame of myself, I hate not having control over my own body andfeeling helpless, and embrassment over my weight and I feel my  husband, deserves better, But through this all he has stood stedfast beside me.Then 7 yrs ago I had to have a total hystorectomy and more weight came on and now it is even harder to lose 10 pds let alone more.Then 2 yrs ago I woke up to a terrible pain in my shoulders and left arm andsuch a pressure in my chest knowing what this might be ( I teach CPR and work in an ER) I told my husband I better go to the ER so we did and that was my 1st heart cath. I had an 85% blockage in my main artery and had to have a stent placed in it to keep it open. My doctor keeps telling me that I need to get some of the weight off, that I am more than likely following in my mother and grandmother health paths,(both high bp,sugar high chold and my mom had 2 stents before age 60). So once again I tried but just can not seem to get it off.So here I am now 44 have had 2 heart caths and -diabetic, high BP, sleep apnea with hpoxia(sat goes down into the 60's) High Cholestrol, urine leakage (have had 2 bladder surgeries in 7 yrs too)and my BMI is 46.3 and my current weight is 245.6 and I am 5ft and 1 inches tall.The road that I did not to travel is the one I seem to found my self on . So I started to ask questions and do some research on the net to find out what is working for people that just can't do it alone anymore, and I started to look into WLS, I had a couple of women that I work with have it and they have done wonderful and look great, They have explained alot to me and have shared the good things and the bad, I weight all the Pros and Cons of having this surgery and the risks as with any surgery and talked with my doctor and then I did some soul searching and made the commitment that this is what I need to do to finally become the  healthy person I know i can be. My husband and I have 2 beautiful grandchildren that we adore I want to be here for them, My hubby and I made the commitment 19yrs ago to "grow old together" and I plan on keeping that promise.I want to stand proud by him, to be sexy for him, even though I know he would never tell me I am not, I HAVE looked in the mirror if I am turned off at what I see I don;t know why anyone else wouldnt be. But he would never say a thing to hurt my feelings about it,but now it is time for me to take care of me , get my self healthy  for me and him.SO I checked into it, by Ins does pay for it and in about 3-4 mos I will be on the losing side of life for once , I will fianlly have the tool to be the person I know has been inside me waiting for yrs and yrs to finally come out. I have started my diet counseling last week and in about 6-7 wks I met with OSU and the surgeron and hoping by Feb to have had my new tool in place and on my way to a healthier and happier ME!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2006
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