6 Days Post Op

May 07, 2014

I feel like I'm on top of the world! Have I lost weight? Nope. Still 228lbs. But I've never been one to accomplish anything for MYSELF. And this week I have...it might not be big to any of you but I'm still very proud of myself. I committed to doing this right and I have. I've officially been on liquids for 9 days (3 days pre liquid). I thought I'd be a cheater and eat some puréed or something but no. Just darn liquids and I'm so excited to finally get out of this stupid stage. I don't crave food since I'm not hungry but thinking about food has been at an all time high. I even wrote a "Once I'm at Goal weight" lists of fatty foods. I might not tolerate them but it gives me a sense of peace knowing I'll eat them one day. Like guys I'm not even joking, who watches cooking shows all of a sudden when they can't eat. Ughhh life sucks being fat. lol but anyways I'm great. I get no pains, can drink water like a normal with sometimes slight pain in the chest but very rarely, and I've been drinking the proteins. One a day actually, it's 30g so I'm not super far behind I know I should be trying more but it's just so nasty. So hopefully this weekend I can buy some non tasting powder and start sprinkling on my pudding or something. So pretty excited, Saturday I will introduce gerber and pudding and chocolate sugarfree Popsicles in my diet so I'm pretty excited lol so that's it about now! :D


About Me
May 04, 2014
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