
Dec 20, 2010

Today most people are dealing with the stress of the upcoming holiday.  Me, I am dealing with the stress of a very ill parent who I adore more than anything on this earth.  Only being a month and a half out of surgery I know I have been tested beyond limits.  I admit I have not been compliant to the diet and the stress has me wanting to eat an entire red velvet cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  I am surprised I have managed to avoid that particular excursion.  The thing I need to most remind myself is I have to take care of me in order to be of any good to anyone else.  The past two weeks have seen little sleep and little protein.  Today I have changed my schedule to work harder at including the two.  Protein shakes will resume their position as my best friend.  In addition I have added protein whey shots.  As for the other stuff, all I can do is leave it in God's hands.  After all, I have no control His decision making process. 

For any of you out there dealing with stress, of any kind, know we can make it through.  Sometimes there are set backs and that red velvet cheesecake seems like a great solution.  But, in truth, that is the pesky part of the brain that has kept us from great health in the first place.  If you fall, pick yourself out and brush yourself off.  We can do this! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2010
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