The Holiday

Nov 24, 2010

Ahhh....the day before Thanksgiving!  This is a day in my family usually filled with fun, food, and laughter!  A lot of food prep going on in the kitchen and constant bites of this and nibbles of that as the day progresses.  You know what, I am not missing any of it right now.  I am so pleased with my decision to have this surgery I welcome Turkey day as a challenge.  I have conquered the grocery store and seen all the lovely little treats people have placed in their baskets.  I just smiled and carried on to the items suitable for my body.  Mind over matter!  I have made a commitment to myself to follow the recommendations and get through the first few months of post-op with no complications.  So far I have done well.  The only thing I backed away from was a trip to the movie theater because I was not ready to smell the zillion calorie movie theater popcorn.  I am human and I have my limits, we all do so it is important to know what, where, and when they may strike. 

As you go through Thanksgiving remember it is about so much more than food.  It is about being thankful for the opportunity to potentially save our lives by reducing our weight and all the complications that come with that weight.  It is about our family and friends who are sticking by us and being our personal cheerleaders!  It is about us! It is about life!

Happy Thanksgiving To You All!


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2010
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