11 months out

Jul 30, 2008

It has been almost a year. Boy, time FLIES! So much has happened in a year. I have a new job, new body, new life! I have done so many things that I couldn't or wouldn't do this time last year. I went to Carowinds and rode anything I wanted to and didn't have to worry about not fitting. I can actually go for an hour walk and not be out of breath the whole time. I can go to a family gathering and not be embarrassed about being the biggest one there.  I can go on 4-wheeler rides with my husband and not be self concious the entire time.  I can go swimming in an actual bathing suit :)  I suppose I could have done all these things before (exept the amusement park rides), but my mind would not let me because I knew I'd be stared at and feel so bad about myself.  It is an AWESOME feeling to be at a normal weight again. I am actually excited about going to my high school reunion next year - you could not have paid me enough money to go before! Can you imagine - the homecoming queen showing up weighing 300 lbs!  I thank God every day that I was able to have the surgery.  It has given me back my life.  My marriage is stronger, my family is happier and my faith in God is stronger. I am SO  BLESSED!  I pray for anyone having the surgery and if anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer:) Oh - I almost forgot - I weigh 177 now - that's a 119 lb loss!

6 1/2 months out

Mar 29, 2008

WOW!  Time flies when you're having fun!  I am 6 1/2 months out and doing great!!!  I have lost over 100 lbs now and I can wear a size 14 !! HOORAY!  I would like to lose about 20 more lbs and wear a size 12, but if I didn't lose another pound I would still be happy.  I am so glad I had the surgery.  I don't regret anything...only not having it sooner.  People ask me all the time if I feel like a new person.....I always so "NO - I just feel like myelf again".  I was a different person when I was 296 lbs.  I know I did a lot of reading on this site before I had my surgery....so if anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer!

3 weeks out

Sep 24, 2007

I am 3 weeks out and feeling much better.  I still have a little soreness on my left side, but I am going back to work, so it isn't too bad.  I am getting some appetite back...not sure if that is good or bad!  I have been trying so hard to get in protein, but it is so hard to get in what the Dr wants me to have.  I have been kinda tired, but pushing through it.  The scale hasn't moved this week, so that is frustrating, but I know it will.  My incisions look great - I don't think it will even scar.  I'll update again at 1 month....then every month after.

2 week post-op

Sep 19, 2007

Hello all!  I am 2 weeks out and thought I'd better update.  I got my staples out and my drain... the drain wasn't very pleasant being pulled out, but not painful.  I was glad to be rid of it.  I have been very sore.  I ran out of pain meds on Sunday, so Mon, Tues and Wed were miserable.  I had so much pain on my left side I was sure something was wrong.  I called my Dr. and they said it was very normal, just muscles healing.  I woke up today and it is almost like the pain went away over night.  I credit that to all the prayers.  I've had a very hard time getting in my protein.  It is almost impossible without taking some kind of supplements.  I have found 2 items that I can stand....  low carb slim-fast (20g of protein) - this tastes ok, not great, but tolerable.  ISOPURE grape frost - it has 40g of protein and tastes like a grape artic freeze from DQ - I love these, but they cost $45 a case......  I don't like any of the powder...yuck!  I have lost 20 lbs!!

Surgery details

Sep 07, 2007

I wanted to add some details about my surgery for those interested or researching having it done.  The night before was terrible, I was scared to death and nervous as could be.  I had to leave my kids with my sister and they both cried, so that made it ever harder.  My hubby and I got up about 4:15 am and left around 4:45.  Got the the hospital at 6.  They took me back, asked a few questions, gave me a gown and socks to put on, and then I was on my way.  I cried going down the hall....I couldn't help it - I was scared - I've never had any kind of surgery.  Once I was back in the surgery area they came and gave me an IV - I have weak veins, so that was painful.  They had to stick me on the bottom side of my wrist...OUCH.  That's all I remember!  The next thing I knew they were waking me up.  Luckily while I was out, they found another place for the IV.  It wasn't bad at all.  I was in and out the whole first day.  I did get up and walk shortly after surgery, but then laid down again.  With my pain meds I have little to no pain.  Day two.... I still felt good, was walking, getting in my water... but that night I got gas.  YUCK!  It was painful.  I had to take 2 supositories (sp?), and 2 servings of milk of mag... still didn't pass gas!  That was a yucky feeling.  I did have a little bowel movement.  Day 3.....  I got to come home!!!  YEAH!  Although my hospital stay was VERY pleasant, I was ready to come home.  I have been very sore, especially on my left side, but nothing I can't deal with.  I go back to the Dr. on Monday to get my drain out and my staples out.  If I can answer any questions for anyone, let me know.  I know I had a lot before surgery.

I'm Home

Sep 06, 2007

Hello everyone!  Thank you all so much for the prayers...they helped!  I had my surgery on Tuesday. I went in SCARED TO DEATH...but everything went very well.  I am very sore today, but as long as I have meds in me it is managable.  I will write more later when I am feeling better.  If anyone has any ??? let me know.

My goals

Sep 01, 2007

Ok... I am 3 days away from surgery.... I am getting nervous, so I thought I'd look on the bright side and post some of my goals!

1. To go to a movie and not have to sit with my arms crossed and uncomfortable because I can't fit in the seat good.  
2.  To walk and not get out of breath after 5 minutes.
3.  Take my kids to an amusement park and actually get on rides with them.
4.  Go snow tubing!
5.  Get under 200 lbs.
6.  Feel pretty again.
7.  Not be the fattest one in my family...(I have 7 siblings)
8.  Go swimming.
9.  Ride a bike.
10.  Shop in regular sizes, no plus sizes.
11.  Be able to get out of bed without my knees killing me.
12.  Have energy!!
13.  Be healthy!!

Pre-Op completed

Aug 29, 2007

I went for pre-op today at Women and Childrens Hospital in Charleston.  The nurses were very nice.  They weighed me, drew blood, made me pee in a cup, did an EKG and a chest x-ray.  Easy and over with quick.  I then went to Dr. Stickler's office.  Kelly went over everything I needed to know for next week and she went over some life style changes to come.  My surgery is on Tuesday the 4th at 7:45 - I am the first that day. On my way home I got so weepy - don't kow why - I am more excited than nervous or scared, but all the same I cried.  I guess it is all just overwhelming.  Wish me luck and pray for me!

I am Approved!!!!!

Aug 21, 2007

I got approved today!!!  I called BCBS every day until I got an answer.  I finally got to speak with the nurse handling my claim and she told me all she had to do is speak to someone at the office and verify some things and I would be approved.  Soooo.....after several phone calls I got word that I was indeed approved and my surgery is scheduled for Sept. 4th.  WOW - that is only 2 weeks away.  I can't wait to get started on my new life.  I am so excited I could bust!!  I give all credit to God.  I have prayed and debated so much about this and finally I just left it in HIS hands...if it was meant to be then I would get approved and if not then I wouldn't.  I know God is on my side and I will be fine through the surgery.  I will update again on Aug 29th after my pre-op session.  Wish me luck and remember me in your prayers.

Pre-auth process started

Aug 14, 2007

BCBS has received my information and it is now in medical review.  I have had a hard time getting my psych evaluation paid for - I paid for it upfront and my ins is supposed to reimburse me (it was $300!!)... so now I am trying to get that straightened out and waiting to see what the ins answer will be for the surgery. 

About Me
Glen Daniel, WV
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 10
11 months out
6 1/2 months out
3 weeks out
2 week post-op
Surgery details
I'm Home
My goals
Pre-Op completed
I am Approved!!!!!
Pre-auth process started
