A teeny bit more

Jun 19, 2012

199.2. I've reached oneder land. Haven't seen it in over 20yrs. I can't imagine where I would be or how fat I would be if I didn't get this band. I was over 300lbs and miserable and was dealing with a loser guy because I didn't have the self confidence to ditch his miserable behind.  Life is good. Got a great husband, I enjoy size 16 clothes and some 14s too. Losing more weight will just be a bonus. My goal was 199 or less so here I am.


10 days to lose it, one to gain it all back

May 13, 2012

It will never cease to amaze me how it takes so long to lose a few pounds, but only one bad day to put it all back. Life is so unfair.

Seeing the light

May 12, 2012

1.7 lbs to go till I reach my personal goal.  WHOOOOP

hills and valleys

Apr 05, 2012

Slipped up to 207 briefly but I"m back at 204.6. I'm much happier with my current fill and my restriction. Hopefully the weather will get a little warmer so I will be motivated to do more outside. These last 5lbs are going to be the hardest. Alot of my clothes are getting to big on me, or should I say I am getting smaller. (I wish I could do the same for my height)

Lowest ever

Mar 29, 2012

204.6  Never saw this number since before I had my kids. New low since surgery over 3 years ago too.
I may actually see ONEDER land. I love the lap band forum but I can't stand the band-bashers who feel it is there duty to be the first one to respond to any new banders and band bash. Just because it didn't work for SOME, doesn't mean it won't work for anyone.  They band bashers should stick to their own forum. We overweight people have had enough negativity and we need support, not doom and gloom. Trust your surgeon and his/her team. Do what you are supposed to do. Pray and have faith in the Lord.

Finally getting somewhere

Mar 21, 2012

I now know restriction. Down 7lbs. At my lowest and hopefully I can lose the 8 more to meet my personal goal.

It's been a rough 2 yrs of gaining.

Sweets and sugar and bad stuff

Feb 16, 2012

I can't seem to go below 214 because of carb and sweet cravings. It seems if I go over 1000 calories in a day, I don't lose and if I eat ANYTHING like cake, icecream, candy, regardless of the amount, I gain. Why is it the thing I crave most is the most damaging to my weight loss?

Going down

Jan 26, 2012

Lost 2 more lbs. Starting to get the hang of this big time restriction. I haven't gotten to 1000 calories until yesterday.  I am making sure I have a protein shake and try to get some protein in at each meal. 16 1/2 lbs to go to goal. I have 9lbs to go to get back to my lowest point post op so far.

Start over, another fill

Jan 24, 2012

A week past my last fill. Lost 7 gained back 1. Can't really eat solids. This has been the first time I obeyed the 2 days liquids, 2 days smash mash before.  I can't eat more than a tablespoon of solid food without barfing. It took me 3 hours to have 1/2 cup of seafood salad and Special K chips cause every bite causes me to feel stuck and i had to wait until taking another bite. I knew I would be hungry soon if I just stopped at that one bite. Still an all, the whole meal was only 200 calories and I have only had 476 calories as of 3pm today.

No Willpower/failure/no self control

Dec 29, 2011

I dont' know what to do. Get an unfill so I can eat meat, or get a fill so I can't eat SO MUCH. I have no self control. Eat slider foods to satisfy the head hunger that I always cave to, Debating about revision to RNY but hey, ppl gain the weight back from that too.
I can eat 3-4 bowls of chilli or pasta with meat sauce but cant eat a hamburger patty or chicken breast (unless is was cooked in the crock pot) I know its a bad thing to vomit, so I guess that's why I avoid the meat. I have gotten stuck on cookies too and vomited. I wish I could wire my jaws shut. This was so easy the first year, what happened?

Cookies, crackers, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, seafood salad, coffee with flavored creamer, lattes from the coffee shop..hell I can even eat a fucking donut. Had 8 crescent rolls last night.  I  have eaten 3 hot dogs in the past with no problem either. (Only dinner or after)
Mornings I have restriction so that is why I have been sticking to flavored coffee and cottage cheese or yogurt. (flavored coffee...can we say empty calories?) The coffee keeps the hunger at bay as long as possible and I wind up eating breakfast aroun 9 am, lunch 11:45 and dinner is one pig fest from 6pm on. OH and let's not forget the pkgs of pop tarts I can eat. When we go out to eat, I usually have pasta, baked potato, or nachos. Sometimes salad which is a hit or miss. OH and the blooming onions go down with no problem either. If there is nothing I think I can eat...it is iced coffee or dessert drink. example - Can't eat anything from most fast food places so I get some sugary latte with non fat milk or other iced coffee type thing. I never cared for ice cream or shakes, but lately that seems to be what I fall on if I can't find anything that I think won't get stuck.
I seem to have sugar issues and I don't know what to do. I went through all the "What is really bothering you? You don't want to eat" and it is TRUE but I can't seem to friggin stop.
Exercising has gone out the window with my heel spur that in tearing up my achilles tendon and my wrists, elbows and shoulders constantly ache and no Dr wants to take me seriously about it.
I have an appt with my surgeon in 2 weeks, I guess I will address it all then.

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2007
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