Appt update

Mar 14, 2014

Saw my sx yesterday and explained my issues.  He thought I was too tight and had some residual food partially stuck in the band and there was probably irritation and swelling from it.

He took out HALF my band fluid. (I was not comfortable with that thought) I am on liquids 3 days, mashed food 2 days then back to the reg band diet.

He also wants to repair my hiatal hernia. He said something about taking the band out, repairing the hernia then putting the band back.  I am hoping this is all done at one time. My fat clothes are all gone and the thought of regaining weight scares me more that death. I have to get the disk from my cat scan that diagnosed the hiatal hernia and take it from there.




Mar 13, 2014

I may just close my account to this obesity help thing.  I post on the forum to get advice from those who have been there and all I get are band bashers telling me how the band is going to kill me.  WELL so would obesity with it's heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and misery of being repulsivly fat. 

I have issues and I put them out on the forum for support, not bashing and horror stories of people tryin to tell me how I'll die with the band.  

More surgeries because of erosion or band slippage??  That was an option you were told about before surgery. If you were going to have a problem with that, don't get the surgery.

GERD and vomiting??? Well that is a given as well, told to you before the surgery.

THERE IS NO MIRACLE WLS.  EVERYTHING has a down side and there seems to be a whole club of bashers out there ready to tell you that you have a foot in the grave.

The best I saw was how one person said they would rather be "fat fat fat" than deal with the lap band issues... REALLY???? Why did you get the Sx in the first place if your were okay being OBESE???

I have the band, I would do it again in a heartbeat, so bashers, please watch your words, we, who are OK with our band, but want some information do NOT need to hear your crap. Most of which was probably brought on by your own bad habits.  My issues ARE mostly my own. If I was a perfect dieter and could follow a plan, I wouldn't need the band at all.   You screw up, you pay the price.  I will do so but would like to hear from others who have stuck it out and not talk trash. Therefore, I will be staying off the lapband forum and hopefully there will be a PRO lap band forum; for SUPPORT of issues that come along, not "scare the pants off you to take it out" crap.  I gave away my fat clothes, I will NEVER go back.  If it puts me in a casket?  At least I will fit in nice clothes in a standard casket box, not bloated in a piano crate like I would have been if I had that heart attack, diabetes complication, stroke or just die in my sleep from sleep apnea.

I'm DONE.  Going to the Sx for my tightness issue in a bit and I won't be posting on the forum anymore. I will post to my blog and leave the den of negativity and bashing.



Surgeon visit Thursday

Mar 10, 2014

I'm sure something isn't right.  When I get stuck on italian ice, that is bad.  I was miserable like I just swallowed a hunk of chicken that I didn't chew enough, just on a bite of italian ice. I was miserable for a half hour. Burping and my stomach making all those weird "stuck" noises. The only way I can even get down slider foods, and I mean thick liquids, is to be reclined. Even that sometimes causes misery.  I guess I'll be on the road to find out Thursday.



Brick Wall Body and Mind

Mar 06, 2014

Hovering around 198.  At this point can't even drink coffee or juice in the morning. Can only eat comfortably around 6 or 7 pm.  Waking up in the middle of the night choking on saliva going down the wrong pipe.  Working out 3+ times a week but can't budge the scale.  Can't really eat either. Shakes, soft foods. I get stuck really easily.  Debating a small unfill. Haven't had a fill for over a year.


4 lbs gained from one meal

Feb 24, 2013

My wedding anniversary was the 22nd and we went to Olive Garden. I had a baked chicken dish with soup and pasta alfredo and I also splurged on an alcoholic beverage.

I get on the scale every morning. I ate very little that day because  I knew I was going out. I had a protein shake and oatmeal for breakfast and lunch.

The next morning, 201.4 lbs.

I'm down to 199 now but why does it take one meal to gain, and 2 weeks to lose it?


197.4 and hiatal hernia

Feb 19, 2013

I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia close to a month ago. The nurse at the surgeon's office told me but I have yet to hear from the Dr. to tell me what to do, what happens, what now? I don't even know which kind it is, I don't know if I need surgery. All the nurse told me was to make sure I don't overeat. Going on a month....WTH am I supposed to do now?  I called over a week ago and the Dr. wanted the films of the CAT scan. Still nothing.



Jan 18, 2013

Started eating chia seeds and feel bloated and up 2 1/2 lbs in one day and I barely ate yesterday.  The only way I seem to stay below 200 is to eat NOTHING but protein shakes, like 2 a day. I do drink skinny lattes but maybe one a day. I drink coffee as well with ff creamer. Revision surgery is not covered so it sucks to be me.

1 comment

Still bouncing around

Jan 08, 2013

I have been cruising 199 to 202 since summertime. I did get to 195 and was elated, but that was short lived. I have been having burning pains, day and night under my lower ribs. Not sure what that is. Ulcer maybe?

IDK. I have succussfully stopped hitting the snack machine. I am getting better with taking my meds, but I have to get back to my vitamins and water.



202 UGH

Jul 09, 2012

Icecream, fat loaded hot dogs and burgers and a binge of funny bones. No exercise but gardening. Has been over 100 degrees for a week and this week it is raining. I need to start drinking more. Get my butt out the door and do something. I like 198.2

Oneder land

Jul 02, 2012

Been bouncing around 199. Yesterday was 198.2 but back to 199 today. (It was the icecream).  Not really even feeling like eating much. Things have become too much trouble to eat. Don't feel like barfing, so I don't eat. Bones and joints are hurting so I know my vitamin D is down. Have to find those vitamins....

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Sep 16, 2007
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