MommaAngel 21 years, 1 month ago

HI BECKY Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Michelle H. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi sweetie, So happy to hear about your big day at the zoo and your wonderful 1st month post-op picture. I can relate to the long day at the zoo without pain. My husband comments on how fast I walk now. I tell him it's alot easier when your not towing an extra 100lbs! Isn't it amazing how in just the first month you feel so much better. I am so happy for you. Keep it up and enjoy the ride! I can't wait to see your photos up here soon.

Michelle H. 21 years, 1 month ago

Becky thanks for your imput on the pregnancy issue. My family and friends tell me I don't need to loose any more weight. It's a personal goal not a neccessity. The baby fever is out of control! I want to tell you how wonderful your weight loss is for your first month! Please take your photograph every month. I was amazed at my picture taken 2 mos out. There are times you get anxious and discouraged but the photos say it all! I would look at the photos and say "Damn, I have lost alot of weight!" I still can't believe it. I laughed about your comment on your profile saying you can't wait to be 6mos. post-op. God, I remember saying that alot! I hated the throwing up time to time. Thank God that all stopped about 3 or 4mos post-op. I wish you the best! Your going to have a fun summer girl!

Darla K. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hi Becky, just wanted to give ya some ideas to help you get your proteins and your liquids in at the same time... 1. Carnation Instant Breakfast Sugar Free.. I use the choc. flavor i go ahead and use 2 cups of skim milk.. 2 packages... =24g of protein... = 16 oz. of fluid 2. Go to GNC and buy Designer Whey Protein Blast Fruit flavored drinks... orange flavor, grape, or tropical.. they are premixed.. in 16oz bottles.. this is a clear liquid... has 170cal.. 1g.sugar. 1g fat.. and a whopping 40 g. of protein. I mix one bottle with ice and 160z of fruit flavored crystal light to cut down the flavor of the protein.. which is a light flavor to begin with... but the crystal light totally knocks it right now.. where i am from they are on sale buy one bottle get one free... $2.99... even at regular price i feel it is worth the money.. i get more than half my protein in just one drink... and its not a chalky powder = 32 oz. of fluid. 3. Just tried this cause i am on liquids for 3 weeks due to my stoma is closing up on me ,,, and have to wait for some healing to take place from the last time it did before they will dilate me again.... anyway.... Designer Whey Protein Powder Natural FLavor... I mix it in with everything.... has 18.5 grams of protein per serving.. i mix it in soups... etc... my carnation... almost everything... 4. Mix non fat dry milk in to your yogurt, milks, coffee, soups, puddings, etc. to add extra protein... These are just some of the ideas that i have found that work for me.. I am 8 weeks out and down 74lbs. hope this helps ya.. write me if ya need more ideas.. i have a lot more.. and recipes too.. darlak.

Becky F. 21 years, 2 months ago

3/17/03 - well I am home now, I hardly know where to begin - I woke up from surgery thanking God that I made it through. I was in pain but not as much as I thought I would be in. They quickly gave me pain medicine - the nurses and hospital staff were stellar!! DR Rod is awesome. I am atill a little scared, kind of a what have I done feeling, but I am sure that will pass. I have no problem keeping down and the jello broth and watery cream of wheat but when I drink water it upsets my stomach... I will ask DR Rod about it when I call. I will update more later - thanks so much for ALL your posts and support, it helped SO much!

summewe 21 years, 2 months ago

Becky - Best of luck on your journey. I wish you a speedy recovery. Wendy (P.S. I'm excited for you!)

Melissa S. 21 years, 2 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

Cheila E. 21 years, 2 months ago

Becky, I will be praying for you to have a safe journey to the losing side. :)

Sandy T. 21 years, 2 months ago

Becky, Just wanted to say good luck on your upcoming surgery. I hope all goes well and that you have a speedy and easy recovery. Just think, you are almost on the "other side". Oh, and get up and walk as soon as they will let you, it really does help.

Becky F. 21 years, 2 months ago

3-10-03 - well I leave in the morning for all my pre op prelims - I am still nervous because I can not picture life on the other side but I had a long talk with God this morning and I am feeling better. I will not be able to post from the hospital so I will keep a written journal to record my first few days.
About Me
arlington, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2003
Member Since
