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on 6/15/04 1:15 pm - NEVADA, TX
Kelly W.
on 6/9/04 12:05 pm - Lafayette, LA
Topic: RE: Rescue dog!
Congrats on your new addition and bless you! I am an animal lover myself and love to hear stories such as this. I have a shelter dog myself and she is my baby!!!!! spoiled rotten and sweet as can be. I love her to death. Enjoy your new addition!
Ginney B.
on 6/6/04 9:02 am - Peoria, az
Topic: RE: Jack Russel Terrier in Washington
I'm in Glendale Arizona and looking for a Jack Russel for my 4 year old. My soon to be ex-husband is a major hunter and my son goes w/ him often. We just lost our Samoed to old age and my son cries for a dog. I'm not sure if it would work or how I could get it off your hands but can you just send a picture of the dog. Thanks!
on 6/2/04 5:54 am - Sandia, TX
Topic: Rescue dog!
We just picked up a shelter puppy about 2 years? He maybe chihuahua/rat terrier cross. So far he's getting along fine with the only dog I bought, an old Norwich terrior, a rescue corgi, a blonde something, and a cat I found in the street. If someone is looking for a pet I highly recommend There are zillions to pick from, many purebreds. Can't wait to go home and see if Riley has ventured out of my closet! Spinning Diva Joanne
Kathy J.
on 4/29/04 12:23 am - Liberty, OH
Topic: RE: Jordan Rescue- Placements needed
All have been adopted. Thank you for your help.
Kathy J.
on 4/20/04 4:37 am - Liberty, OH
Topic: Jordan Rescue- Placements needed
I have 4 (four), 8week old, Shepherd mix puppies and their mother that need homes. "Abbey", the mom, was rescued from Mahoning County Dog pound in Youngstown, Ohio. She was scheduled to be put down. I trained her and placed her but unfortunately, the boy developed severe asthma and they had to return her just before Christmas of this year. They neglected to have her spayed and she went into heat immediately. On Christmas day she got out of the house and got caught. The puppies (6 of them) were born on February 26, 2004. Please e-mail me at [email protected] if you live in the Youngstown/Warren area and are interested in adopting one of my little darlings. They are free - although a pedigree dog food donation would be gladly accepted but not expected.
on 2/9/04 5:43 pm - orting, wa
Topic: Jack Russel Terrier in Washington
(State) May need a home as he is too active for retired viet nam vet who owns him. email me... [email protected]
on 11/16/03 8:17 am - Dallas, Tx
Topic: RE: PLEASE Help - Get a pet from your local shelter!!
I totally agree! Either the shelter or a Rescue Group. Big Organizations like the SPCA like to look good on the news and in the papers...but in actuality it is the Rescue'ers that do all the hard work and get nothing. The SPCA is SUPPOSE to take a dog back that it adopts out if the people can no longer keep it. I rescue dogs and specialize in American Pit Bull Terriers, a lady called me and said she adopted a male "Boxer/Mix" that turned out to be a Pit Bull and now it is fighting her UN-NEUTERED Male dog....first of all, you dont adopt a Pit Bull to someone who has the same sex of dog at home, You do not adopt a dog to a person who has an un altered dog at home and foremost you dont LIE about what breed it is! I called the SPCA and asked them about this situation and was told "We usually take dogs back but we will probally just euthenize it since it is showing aggression toward can take it if you want to!" First of all....All dogs have some type of animal agression...2nd Pit Bulls have it more so than other breeds and should not be KILLED because of it, and secondly Dont put your problems off on a rescuer when you are the one sitting there with 100's of thousands of dollars in your bank account!!! Good God, there are people that get paid 3 figures a year working at the SPCA.....I have to PAY out money to save dogs....and I dont kill any of mine (unless they show human aggression).
on 11/16/03 8:03 am - Dallas, Tx
on 5/28/03 12:52 pm - Mission Viejo, CA
Topic: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
Our Own Magazine Has Arrived. We've been busy since January putting together our first copy of our quarterly magazine and it's now available for ordering. Click here to order your subscription today. Proceeds from all subscriptions go to the Association for Morbid Obesity Support. Make the investment in both our community as well as your ongoing education in WLS. Recipes, hospital reviews, surgeon scoring, humor, inspiring photos, quality articles, and much more. All these are waiting to reach your door. Rather than produce just a newsletter, we went all out and produced a 64 page magazine for you. Spread the word, ObesityHelp Magazine is available for the community.
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