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Susan A. M.
on 1/25/05 4:21 am - OH
Topic: RE: Abandoned Animals!
Did you ever find a home for the kittens? I live in TN so I can't help, but I am interested and think you did the right thing.
Jennifer B.
on 1/1/05 9:36 am - pgh, PA
Topic: RE: Potbelly Pigs!!
Tina, What a wonderful person you are to love so many *****ally need it! Great job on doing what's in your heart! Good luck and send some photos. I'd love to see them! I don't know anything about piggies, but I'm willing to learn.
Tina K.
on 12/31/04 10:17 pm - CONRATH, WI
Topic: Potbelly Pigs!!
Hi everyone!! I live in NW Wisconsin and I met my first potbelly pig at a flea market where a lady was selling them. I fell in love from the first time I saw Frankie (that's what I named him). Well that was probably 8 years ago and now I have 23 piggies...many rescues from around our area. People think 23 PIGS, what are you thinkng!!! But I love each and every one. Many of them have suffered through terrible odds to make it to my home. I remember picking up Rudy, Stewart, and Maggie from a breeders house... I had only intended on taking one pig at the time but when I arrived and found them all living with their mother in a large water tank I took them all. They were all malnourished and Rudy weighed less than 2 pounds at 8 weeks old. The mother died the day after I took the little ones They are over 3 years old now and although they are healthy they are very small for their age. Rudy was a special problem because he also had a strange birth defect (but I won't get into that). In Jan. of last year I got a call from a breeder who said that his pig had babies and wouldn't take care of them. So I went and picked up 3 one-day old piggies and bottle fed them every 3 hours for the first month of their lives. One of the pigs (Oscar) didn't make it but the other two are doing wonderful. Each of them have a bad eye from being born out in the frigid Wisconsin winter. (I think it was -40 that day). The last pig (so far) that found it's way to our house is Junior. When we first met him we about fell over......he's a BIG boy!! The worst part is that he isn't fixed and we don't know how we will get him to a vet or even if the vet will want to work on such a large pig. We get all the boys fixed right away to avoid any accidents. We don't fix the girls because there isn't a vet around here that will do it...we have to travel 60 miles for the boys! Anyway, that's my story, or at least some of it. There are many more stories of how some of these lovely piggies came to be mine. Once they come to our house they stay, I just can't give them away. Frankie sadly passed away 2 years ago but we will never forget him or his legacy. It's because of him that we now have: Rudy, Stewart, Maggie, Colby, Maya, PJ, Junior, Charlotte, Puddles, Adrianne, Eddie, Arnold, Henry, Stanley, Betsy, Elliott, Bubba, Scooter, Lincoln, Hoover, Dupa, Ebony, and Beverly. So here's to all of you who care for your pets and for those of you who take in unwanted or abused animals of any kind. All animals deserve love, food and shelter. Take care
on 12/20/04 8:32 am - Mountains of, CA
Topic: RE: Sick bestfriend.....
I wish I had resources or a good idea for you and Tinkerbell - My dog had a murmer to & unfortuantly he passed away this summer - Please let me know what happens to Tinkerbell - WOuld the hospital let you make payments? That's what I would do if it were an option. Blessings and prayers.
on 12/20/04 8:29 am - Mountains of, CA
Topic: RE: just a little story...
Jennifer - what a great and sad story - Our rott was abused - tied - she came to us with ligature marks around her neck and at 22 pounds for a full grown dog - It's ashame dare i say criminal what some people take for "care" - You are truly a wonderful person for taking him in - & I imagine he will be grateful every day for the love he now recieves! On a sharing level - my father talks of his youth & castrating sheep with either a rubber band type setup or by simply shearing them off with their teeth - and of disposing of unwanted litters by drowning - I am only guessing here & it's a level of realization I have had to come to with my father - the old ways of regarding animals - are not maybe as evolved as ours are becomming... so it may be that her pride may have been from a long family understanding of how animals are regarded. I'm not condoning it - just sharing.
Jennifer B.
on 12/15/04 6:44 am - pgh, PA
Topic: just a little story...
My best friend is a humane officer and I go with her on investigations on weekends. We checked on an abuse call last March and immediately decided to seize the dog. He (Shadow) was a 16 year old New Foundland who was tied outside in a field by a 3 foot tow truck chain! There was a doghouse, however Shadow had tried to eat it for he was being starved. He smelled so bad that my friend and myself both got sick as we walked him to the vehichle. His owner said she took great care of him and even neutered him herself. We were scared to ask , but she told us anyway that they tied rubber bands around his testicles until they fell off! Can you believe that anyone could be so proud?! At any rate Shadow was taken to the vet right away and found three infections in each ear and on his entire bald body. The illness was so rampant that he will never regrow the fur back around his neck and other areas of his legs! I took him home three days later, after he finished his IV antibiotics and he has become the most loving pet in all of the world! I have never met a more gentle creature in all of my life. Although his age is not on his side, I promised to show him what real love is until the day we part! I am proud to say he has doubled his weight and his coat is a beautiful graying black! Just one look and anyone can feel the love from this worthy soul! God bless animals!
Amanda F.
on 11/15/04 2:16 pm - Santa Maria, CA
Topic: Sick bestfriend.....
I am so sad My best friend is my 6month old puppy Tinkerbell. I came home last night and she was having a seizure. I rushed her to the ER and the ER vet told me she had a heart murmor. He said she needed heart surgery to close off the PDA valve and it would cost me over $2,000.00. I dont have this kind of funds. I have called all my resource and either they dont have the money or they say they can't spend that kind of money on a dog!!. Tinkerbell is a 2 lb blonde chihuahua and she means the world to me. Any one out there have any ideas on how I can get this surgery done? Any suggestions? and please pray for tinkerbell! Amanda and Tinkerbell
Shanna B.
on 11/7/04 9:01 pm - Knoxville, TN
Topic: RE: Really need help
Cats usually don't avoid the litterbox for spite, there is usually something else going on. Some things that might be the problem.... The first thing is to make sure the boxes are clean, cats will avoid a stinky box. Do you have enough boxes? The rule of thumb is 1 box per cat plus one extra. So with 3 cats you should have 4 boxes in the house. Are the boxes big enough? They should have ample room to turn and dig so they can burry their waste. Are the boxes covered? Some cats don't like the covered boxes... especially if the boxes are small. Are the cats healthy? Sometimes an underlying medical issue will cause a cat to start avoiding the box. Have you changed litters recently? Moved the boxes? A good product to clean the messes with is Nature's Miracle. It contains enzymes that destory the odors. Also, try a litter called "Cat Attract". I know a lot of people who have had great sucess with it.
Dawn W.
on 11/6/04 9:49 am - Winchester, VA
Topic: Really need help
I love animals. All of them. I have 3 cats that I would give my life for, all of them are rescues, but herein lies the problem. One of them (and I don't know which one) has, over the last few months, begun to pee and poop outside of the litter box. Of course I can never catch the rascal in the act and I have no clue which one is doing it. It has become even harder to take care of them due to this as DB wil not help me out with the cats in anyway shape or form. With my surgery coming up and the face that I am not going to be able to deal with cat crap (Literally) I am giving serious thought to calling the shelters they came from and asking them to take them back. I have aggressively tried to find a home for the one I took in as a foster cat, but no one seems to want adult cats. I'm just at my wits end and completely heartbroken and don't know what to do.
(deactivated member)
on 10/11/04 9:13 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Abandoned Animals!
OMG! You're a hero Daniel. The planet needs more "soft-hearted saps" like you and all those who take in abandoned animals even though at times it can bring huge sacrifices. I have rescued two kittens myself. Annie (and her sister) were found by a co-worker in a dumpster in 1996 and Chole was abandoned with her littermates by a family to fend for herself in 1999. I love both of them so much. I cannot believe how some people can have such hard hearts. God bless you and all who love animals!! Michelle L.
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