Update on Me

Debbie C.
on 1/8/12 1:07 pm - Manchester, NH
I have been so busy!  Too busy with life finally.  But too busy to post, sorry.

As of today, I am down 114 pounds since the beginning.  Is that even possible???

Tonight, I finally gave in and got rid of 4 more trash bags full of clothes.  I have to trust and believe that I really am now a size 8/10 and I can let go of the 14s, 16s, XLs and above.  Why is it so hard to do that?  I've been afraid that I might need them again someday, but do they just keep the safety net?  Instead, I've gotten rid of everything other than one nightgown that was a 3X just to remind myself how far I really have come. 

I had to try on a couple of things again, just to be sure that they really were too big for me.  One pair of shorts that I remember desperately wanting to fit into again were so big that even when buttoned and zipped, they fell straight to the floor.  I don't know when the reality that I've lost 114 pounds will set in, but maybe it's better that I never take it for granted. 

When I can figure out how to shrink my newest photos to an acceptable size for OH, I will post new pics!  

Good luck to everyone out there, just starting the process or veterans on the journey.  I went to my first info session on December 7, 2010.  13 months later and 114 pounds lost.  I could not have done it any other way and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Denise R.
on 1/8/12 8:53 pm, edited 1/8/12 8:54 pm - Manchester, NH
I know how you feel. I to have had to do the purge of my clothing and I had to do it in stages. I just couldn't face letting them go either. It wasn't until I would try each item on and have it fall off that I'd say ok it can go. I have kept a few items just to remind myself how far I have come and there is still one closet to go thru. I hope to be able to do that soon. I don't really know why it is so hard but I know that the 82 pounds I've lost sometimes doesn't feel real and I think my variety of sizes was my safety net as I would go up and down between my size 22s and 26. Now I'm a 12/14 and almost at my goal weight. Good luck to you and and everyone on this wonderful journey.
on 1/8/12 9:44 pm - Milton, NH
  so happy for you, I am still purging my closet.  It is so funny how we cling to things that don't fit.  I will admit I am keeping some sweatshirts that are too big, but for sentimental reasons (my mom gave them to me) I will wear shirts underneath them and maybe make them into pillows soon. 

I love the thrift stores, I am constantly shopping them now.  Nothing I buy is full price lol and I can't believe when I can wear a 10 or even the 12's that I wear.  Not sure when I made it to a medium top either,  but they fit and I am so excited. 

I have 4 weddings this year and I just bought an outfit for .99 so happy and can't believe it fits size 10 WOW.

Keep it up Debbie and you will do great!

You may be only one person in the world, but to someone you are the world

on 1/10/12 7:59 am - Derry, NH
 Great job!! Very Happy for you!! Keep up the good work!!

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