Joshua Kreithen

Plastic Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 11 ratings

Joshua Kreithen Plastic Surgeon M.D.

11 Reviews for Joshua Kreithen
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I first saw Dr. Kreithen in Gainesville and followed him to Bradenton where he is now located. Dr. Kreithen has the best bed side manner of any Dr. I have ever seen. He made me feel completely comfortable, never rushed me, listened to my questions and answered them completely. He even contacted me the Sunday before my procedures to see how I was doing and to see if I had any last minute questions. Dr. Kreithen also happens to be an artist, if you visit his website you can see his work. I can also say the the procedures he performed on me are a work of art. He did a breast lift with implants, tummy tuck and lipo. His work is incredible! I cant believe how natural my breasts look and my tummy tuck incision is beautiful. I also have the cutest little belly button you ever saw! I just couldnt say more positive things about Dr. Kreithen. I not only consider him an excellent surgeon but now a friend. Feel free to email me for my before and after pictures. I am proud to show them off! Thanks Dr. Kreithen!

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