Shelton, Vivian

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Shelton, Vivian Organization

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Vivian Shelton Profile Pic
Vivian Shelton
Clinical Psychologist

1 Review for Shelton, Vivian
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I loved her! She took her time and explained in detail, what the point of the clearance was for and how it could point out key things to help me in the future or how it would affect me. She is a member of the ASMBS and very knowledgeable in the field. I went in on a Tuesday I filled our my evaluation, had a short interview and then met with her again on a Thursday. She normally will have your information back to the doctor within 10-15 days I believe? However! She did make an exception with me due to my crunch time with my insurance company to have it in by the weekend. I felt comfortable, I was scared at first thinking what type of information does she want, What is she going to ask.... Those types of things. All in all it was a good experience and I would/will recommend her to anyone.

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