Avera McKennan Hospital

They were very able to care for me.

The hospital itself is very well kept. It's nursing staff unfortunately was very unacceptable. Now that doesn't mean EVERY nurse there is horrible, but my experience was 2 out of the 5 I had over the 3 days I was there were very useless, unacceptably unprofessional individuals. I would never be a patient there under free will again.

I entered Avera McKennan weighing 1072 lbs, and they seemed to be prepared for every eventuality. The thing that concerns me about this and other hospitals is that they initially refused to admit me for "liability issues." Even Supermorbidly Obese patients deserve to have medical care, and hospitals who are going to have a bariatric unit should admit every patient that desperately needs care. Dr. Harris's office negotiated on ky behalf and got me in, but that shouldn't have been necessary.

I am still a big fan of Avera McKennan. I appreciate their Catholic background. I do however feel they need to work on a few things.

I was there for a long time! In the ICU I dont remember much, then I was moved to another room that was very noisy because it was right next to the nurses station and had only curtains for walls! I was eventually moved to a room with real walls and a door and that was much better for rest. Most of the nurses were excellent!