Nirmal Jayaseelan

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.66666666667 out of 5 with 29 ratings

Nirmal Jayaseelan Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

13 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is 75

29 Reviews for Nirmal Jayaseelan
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After a 1 1/2 wait. I decided to just leave. While I was at the check out area I expressed my dissatisfaction with the receptionist and the doctor walks up. The receptionist explains I had been waiting for over an hour and he says"I know that patient took fucking forever. " as the patient walked by. I looked at the receptionist and said that confirmed that I didn't want to be a patient oh his. Then he said" Let me explain what took so long. "I stopped him and said I didn't want to know! I prevented him from sharing enough to violate the patients right to privacy. He did however violate it as I could tell who he was talking about. My heart breaks for this patient.


In addition to his outstanding skill as a surgeon, I found Dr. Jay and his staff to be incredibly helpful and compassionate. My insurance doesn't cover bariatric surgery, so they helped me find information on other options. I've always gotten prompt return phone calls when I've needed anything. They had to call in my prescriptions twice due to a pharmacy problem, but were happy to do it as soon as I asked. Even then, my pharmacy didn't have one of the drugs on hand, so they talked with the pharmacy to find out what they had available that he could prescribe for me. I can't recommend him highly enough! I've already lost 88 pounds in less than 6 months and once I lose the rest, my only regret will be that Dr. Jay doesn't do plastic surgery as well.


Do not use if you require explanation or any after payment consideration, including checking on you after surgery to release you or filling your prescriptions. It's all about how many he can get in for how much! The better your insurance, the wiser the office treatment. V


Very compassionate. It helped that he went to our alma mater, Texas Tech! All of the people involved in my surgery were top notch. Dr. Jayaseelan followed up well as did the others in the office.


Dr Jay is one of the best surgeons in the bariatric field for sure. He did my revision surgery(Band to sleeve) as I was having too many technical issues with my implant. But I couldn't be happier, now with a more permanent procedure! Total loss of 120 lbs. I have been his patient for over 8 years and you will never find another surgeon like him. He is so down to earth, compassionate and caring. Yes he is a very busy doctor but that’s not a problem for me.I would wait hours for a good surgeon than to go to someone who has no experience behind them. But what other people fail to inform you is that he also has 2 wonderful nurse practioners whom you can see on different days,if you cant wait long to see him. The staff is also very helpful and knowledgeable. They have employees whom have been there since my day 1, so I trust their expertise. I asked the staff the other day about a bad review on this website, that someone had told me about, as I was surprised that anyone would have any negative to say about Dr J. They basically told me that patient never was an actual pt of his. They were trying to help her over the phone as she was from out of town. And because she was a very complicated case she didn’t like the extra testings and cost for her surgery and that’s why she probably wrote the negative review. Plus she lied and said his website got shut down, which is not even true! His website is up and working. So people don’t believe what you read on these reviews as there are malicious people out there who will do bad reviews because they don’t get things their way. Just think about it there is a reason why Dr. J has been voted D’s magazine best bariatric doctor year after year!!!! (2005-2011).

3 people found this helpful


Dr. Jayaseelan is the GREATEST!!!!!!! He has helped me so much with my journey that started on May 20, 2011. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to have WLS!

2 people found this helpful


I would not recommend using Dr. Jayaseelan. His office led me on for three months, lied to me about the surgery costs and ended up being in violation of his contract with Aetna. His website is now down. SOOOOOO glad I never had surgery by him. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL and in my opinion VERY UNETHICAL business practices.

BE VERY CAREFUL before selecting him for surgery!!!!!!

1 of 3 people found this helpful


rnDr. \"J\" did my Lap-Band surgery five years ago and everything went smoothly. Not only is he a top notch, brilliant surgeon, but he is kind, caring and compassionate. Another surgeon removed my band without my permission and did not replace it, nor did he attempt to repair the slip. I gained 60 pounds before returning to Dr. \"J\" for help. rnrnHe suggested the sleeve this time as he felt it was a better option. Even though another surgeon had been involved, he did the sleeve for me as a revision and did not charge me. Medicare would not pay because they consider the sleeve too new. I did have to pay the hospital costs and feel the he gave me a second chance to succeed. Sandy McCoy, his P.A. is also wonderful. They are both involved in follow-up and aftercare. The office staff in congenial, but the wait for your appointment is often quite long., I would rate him the top bariatric surgeon in Dallas, or anywhere else for that matter and he has been given that designation several years in a row by D Magazine. Competence and bedside manner are important and he is superb at both. If you are considering bariatric surgery, please talk to Dr. \"J\" before you decide on a surgeon. In my opinion, He is just simply the best there is!

2 people found this helpful


An outstanding surgeon in every respect.Would recommend him to all. I am one month past the operation , have lost 30 pounds and had none of the side effects normally associated with this operation.rnNever required any pain medicine. Doctor Jay is truly outstanding

2 people found this helpful


Very busy doctor. Long waits to see him. Office staff has been very helpful.

0 of 1 people found this helpful

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