Wade Barker

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.54545454545 out of 5 with 251 ratings

Wade Barker Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Varies

Max Age of Patient is None

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Laparoscopic Greater Curvature Plication



and 1 more...

251 Reviews for Wade Barker
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My first impression of Dr. Barker was that he was a good doctor who spends time with each patient (so much so that my only complaint in the beginning was that he is always incredibly late - sometimes as much as 3-4 hours). However, my opinion COMPLETELY changed during aftercare. I was having EXTREME nausea and vomiting, losing as much as 2 lbs. a day and getting sicker by the minute. His staff COMPLETELY blew me off; tried to say it was just sugar dumping, when I was METICULOUSLY following the diet I was given. Finally went to see another doc and found out I had EXTREME reflux and so much draining from allergies that there was no room in my stomach for food. Steroid shot, antibiotics, and GERD medication, and I was fine. WILL NEVER GO BACK TO DR. BARKER!!!!!


Dr. Barker was highly recommended by a close friend. The consult went great. The office staff was so nice. Steve is awesome! He has been so patient through my question asking. The office was comfortable and relaxed. I enjoyed sitting in the waiting room and listening to success stories!


I love Dr. Barker. He and his staff is very personable. They make you feel very comfortable and at home.


I never meant to offend anyone with my previous testimonial. Firs of all I didn't think anyone read this stuff, its just a way to get out your feelings and emotions. I am aware that I have the best surgeon in Dallas. That's why I chose him.


My first impression of him was like, wow I have a nice lookin doctor. Over time the visits was awesome because he made me feel like a person and not just another fat lady.


My wonderful surgeon Dr Wade Barker has goin on!!! He has the whole hospital at his finger tips..He is wonderful. Alot of people are upset because they dont see him after surgery..Not me I understand this man is busy he completed over 2500 surgeries last year he is busy but he makes sure his partners and staff take very good care of you..I have no complaints ...he is very friend and fine !!!


He's very handsome. He has a very nice & caring office staff, even for how busy they are they keep great attitudes. He wants you to know indepth how important eating right & taking your vitamins are. I rate him as a Perfect 10.


I was comfortable with the staff. The office has huge, comfortable chairs. I like that I was told the same thing consistently. The people I met must say the same thing all day, every day, but I felt they were talking to me as a person and not as another potential surgery. I have not had surgery; mine is scheduled for Mid-March. I look forward to adding more information after surgery, but if I summed up my experience so far, I would say the word professional. Yes, at times they are slow, but never impolite or unconcerned.


My expierence with Dr. Barker has been AWESOME thus far. I am now working on my 4th month of my 6 month diet required by my insurance. Each time I go into his office, I do physical thearpy and weigh in. Even when I had gained 5 lbs, the office staff was so awesome. I was really embarrassed and they made me feel comfortable and gave me suggetions about what I could do to change this. Dr. Barker is GREAT about spending the time needed with his patients. My sister used to work for a Dr. in Greenville, who is friends with Dr. Barker and she gave him rave reviews. The only downfall I've heard is bedside manners... if there isn't a need for him to be there, then you probably won't see him after surgery. Which is TOTALLY fine with me. I'd rather have a GREAT dr. not come and hold my hand, then one who had to be there because he messed something up!! I can't wait for my surgery and would recommned Dr. B to my own family, which says a lot!!


Very nice! And knows how to take care of business and to me...thats all that really mattered to me...I heard he didn't come bedside from the forums, but that was fine with me. But my mom was able to catch him on his way out from my surgery. she said he gave her some good information. Great Doctor.

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