Taesun Moon

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 22 ratings

Taesun Moon Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

2 yr Experience

2 yr in Bariatrics

2 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

70% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60`

22 Reviews for Taesun Moon
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Dr. Moon seems to be a very gentle person and I was really impressed by the amount of time he spent with my husband and me at my first consultation. He explained the options, really listened to my reasoning for wanting a lap band instead of the bypass and seemed not at all rushed in answering the 5000 questions my husband and I had. He also gave me an assignment--to lose 23 pounds and get my BMI below 50 before surgery. It helped a lot when we discovered that he and my primary doc had gone to the same medical school.rnrnDr. Moon's office is very pleasant with a nice mix of larger chairs set up in such a way that it isn't really noticeable. It's a pretty big place since there are about 4 (not sure of that number but its close) docs all sharing space.rnrnI haven't seen him since then but his very capable and friendly staff took over from there. It seemed really effortless getting through the process with the various people I had to see. They were all nice, most especially Angie, the NP, who did my physical. Somehow I didn't expect it all to be so matter of fact!rnrnMy only real complaint at the moment is the distance I have to travel to get there. I live about 90 miles away, which makes it hard in a lot of ways. I also have the impression that the next time I actually see the doctor will be on surgery day and I wish there was one more pre-op visit.


My first impression of Dr. Moon was that he was young and handsome. I felt very at ease talking with him. I am very confident in his abilities. He has been so thorough with everything leading up to my surgery. I started seeing him in January. His office staff are all very friendly and attentive. I was very impressed with the fact that after some blood work Dr. Moon called me himself. He told what they found and that he wanted me to take this medicine cocktail. He explained what each of the pills were and what they were for. The pharmasist informed me that Dr. Moon also called the prescription in himself which is very rare. I had to have a scope done which Dr. Moon performed. He was very informative and pleasant that morning when I came in. He put me right at ease. He called me when he had the results of the scope again himself. I just cannot stress to you how impressed I am with him. My surgery is scheduled tomorrow 07/19/07. The only possible negative thing I can say is I believe that I am the first lap-band that Dr. Moon is performing at Arnot Ogden. This is not really negative though. I am very excited and I am not nervous about this at all. I know that he will do his absolute best. I am in great hands. :) So far overall I would rate Dr. Moon as a 10. I will let you know more tomorrow. Would I recommend Dr. Moon at this point? Absolutely. He has been Awesome. Thanks Dr. Moon.......rnrnrnrnrnOk I had my surgery today. I ended up being his second one. I just want to tell you that my opinion has not changed. Doctor Moon is top notch. Dr Moon came and talked to me before and after the surgery. He has just put me at ease. He told me if I needed anything or had any questions to get the nurses to call him. He will be in to see me tomorrow. I have been up and walked around. Been to the bathroom. I have not had very much pain. My stomach just feels like I did a few to many sit-ups. I am so glad that I found doctor moon in my search. The whole staff at Arnot Ogden have been wonderful. My only complaint is I was settled in to a room and at 1 something in the morning they came and made me move for someone else to have the room. Was a little upset with this as I was comfortable and had my stuff organized. They took me another room and just kind of left me to organize again. I do not have a button to call the nurse as they never gave it to me so I am hoping they stop in sooner or later. Over all it has been a very good experience.


He is a very quiet and nice man. He made sure that everything was explained thoroughly. He made sure that I understood clearly the differences in procedures and why rny was the best choice for me. He also explained the rest of the process and what to expect in the following months. Overall so far, I think he is great. He showed a great patient/dr attitude as well as surgical competence when explaining how the procedure's would be performed. He has been great post op. There is a very structured after care program and they are more than helpful making sure I have everything I needed.


Dr. Moon was a very pleasent down to earth guy. He spent a great deal of time with my husband and I. he asked me what I knew about the surgery and then went into the explaination of the types of surgery and all the pros and cons. He took his time and he was not in any hurry at all during the consult. He went over the whole process and what to expect and wanted to know about me. I will know more as I go through all of this but so far he was the most thorough doctor I have met in years.rnrnI had my Lap RNY done on June 11th and Dr. Moon was WONDERFUL! He has a great bed side manner an he will do anythng to help you and make you comfortable. If surgery is your option then Dr. Moon is the man for the job!


When I first met Dr. Moon, I was a bit surprised on how young he looked. I didnt think that he was the surgeon for me, but then I began to speak with him. he is a very kind, soft spoken man who is highly intellegent and honest. He answered all of my question to my satisfaction and did not seem bothered that I asked several. rnrnI am scheduled to have surgery with him on June 18. I am confident that he will do a wonderful job.


This is not the first surgeon I have seen, but they are in the same office. I decided to have lap RNY instead of open. Dr Moon is very nice as was the other surgeon.


I thought Dr. Moon was very straight forward he told me about the positives and the negatives. I really liked him alot. The office staff is great they give you so much information that i barely had questions they had it all covered...


I was immediately at ease with Dr. Moon. He's younger, and has a sense of humor and I liked that about him. He spent a full 90 minutes with my husband and I...explaining every detail and answering all of our questions. I asked ALOT of questions and he never made me feel like I was taking too much of his time. By the time we were finished, I would have laid down on the exam table and let him cut me open right there. I just feel like I can trust him and that he's the right doctor for me. I look forward to being his patient for the next few years.


My first impression of Dr. Moon was that he was very friendly and personable. He was also very thourough at my first visit. He knew I was interested in Lap but he went over all of the options explaining each along with the pros and cons. He made sure that I didn't have any questions about any of them. My impression of him has not changed! He had the best bedside manner! It is doctors like him that make going to the doctors not such a bad thing!


My first impression of Dr. Moon was great. He was soft spoken, but extremely knowledgable and kind. I felt very comfortable talking to him about anything. The office staff is exceptional. He has rigid rules, but they are there to make sure your recovery is perfect. I really enjoy talking to him. He has a sense of humor which is nice in a surgeon. He is an excellent surgeon.

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