Stuart Verseman Bariatric Surgeon
18 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
97% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 75
Adjustable Gastric Band

18 yr Experience
10 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
97% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 75
Adjustable Gastric Band

I am very pleased with my future surgeon. I am currently on the first stages of getting to a gastric bypass surgery, but I love how informative this doctor is and how his staff is on top of everything you need. I haveno complaints thus far. I am just ready to get my last two steps done before I can get a surgery date. I have to see my dietitian and getting medical clearance. I hope all goes as planned and I am hoping for a surgery date in early July? For now I have no issues with Dr. Verseman.
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Dr. Versman was a true blessing to me. His office is filled with furniture specifically for larger people.I have never been in any other Dr.s office where I was comfortable before.
When I first went there I was in a lot of pain from my hip and my knee and scared to death.The office staff made me feel comfortable right from the start and it helped a lot. They are professional and know exactly what they are doing.
I went to the seminar a year before I made my final decision to have the surgery. I found the seminar well worth my time and noticed from talking to the people that were at my table it helped them decide on wether they wanted the surgery or not. He discussed some issues that I didn't think were a big deal but were deal breakers for a couple of people at my table so with that in mind I can see why he incorporates them. Two of them were no smoking ever, no drinking carbonated beverages of any kind. he did a demonstration with a balloon and a pop to show you what the carbonation will do to your stomach. I found it interesting. I am one of those people that thirst for every piece of information I can get.He also showed pictures of plates of food with the food portions you would be eating when you had solid foods after surgery. He made it very clear that the surgery is a tool not a miracle, you have to work the tool properly for success to happen. He made sure to have people that had gone through the various surgeries there to answer any questions from their perspective.
I completely discussed the surgery with my regular Dr. before I made my decision. He told me what the insurance would expect 9 times out of 10 in his experience, they want you to lose weight and keep it off for 3 months. I had already lost 70 pounds and kept it off for 2 years so that was not an issue for me. I called my insurance company and had them send me a letter of what their requirements were and what they would and would not pay for. My regular Dr. discussed my emotional state as far as food goes. I am always totally honest with my DR.s. He suggested a therapist for me to go see. which I did do. Yes with Dr Verseman you do have to see a psychologist to make sure you are mentally ready to have this surgery. That is not a bad thing it is for your benefit.
I went into the seminar thinking I wanted lap band but upon investigation I discovered some things that I felt may not be right for me individually. Dr. Verseman told me it was up to me but answered all my questions and told me because of my past food issues it was his experience that the rny would be a better fit for me and I had to agree.
Terri the nurse, the first face I see when I go in is a gem. She has had the surgery herself so she understands what people are going through. I have always been greeted with a smile and encouragement. She even showed me a picture of what she used to look like and told me not to worry I could do it too.
Every consultation was full of information and some of it was repeated because it is that important that you understand what is going on. Dr. Verseman is a kind compassionate person. He was able to lower his exam table so that I could sit on it without a problem as I have a really bad hip and bad knees. The exam tables in the rooms I have been in are larger sized for the large patient.
Karen Orr is the most wonderful person to follow up with ever. She is a good listener and gives me encouragement and good advice every step of the way.
Because I had all my ducks in a row before I had my first consultation with Dr. Verseman everything went smoothly for me. He has so many surgeries to do that I was going to have to wait a little longer than I would have liked but it was all worth it. I did get it done before or close to 3 months but I was impatient as many are. For me once I made the decision I just wanted to hurry and get it done. They explained to me exactly what steps had to be taken so I just waited my turn so to speak, it is a very busy office and I didn't expect to be treated differently than anyone else.
Be aware though, they expect you to understand exactly what is going on with your surgery. They want you to be totally educated on what is to happen before you have the surgery as well as after.
There were no surprises before or after surgery I knew exactly what was going on step by step, I was never kept in the dark about anything. Including the bad and the ugly of what happens when you don't listen. He is upfront on mistakes patients have made in the past such as chewing gum swallowing it and having to do another surgery to go in an fix the problem. These are real problems that happen a lot or he wouldn't bring them up. I felt I was given all the information I possibly could have received and feel that has contributed to my success to this date.
Dr. Verseman and his staff care a lot about what they do. They have a passion to help people better themselves. Dr. Verseman hosts a reunion of his bariatric patients once a year and I went. He had people that had lost 100 pounds stand up and each give their name and how much they had lost. some were way over a 100 and there was a lot of us standing there.Many from years past. You could see it in his face how happy he was that he was able to help so many, and the fact that he tries to give people every thing he can for success is wonderful, especially in the long term.
At the reunion I thanked him and told him how he changed my life. He smiled at me and said I just gave you the tools you changed your life. You don't find surgeons with that grace and humility and support and it is greatly appreciated. A surgeon who fixed your leg or arm is going to walk away after it is healed. He is not going to be interested in seeing you five years down the road with a smile on his face for your success. Dr Verseman is special indeed.

I feel so blessed that I was a patient with Dr. Verseman, Karen Orr, Terri, and Gwen and all the staff at this office. I had a MAJOR hernia operation in February and then ended up with a serious abcess and had to have surgery in March. I've never been treated with such caring and dedication as I was with Dr. Verseman and Karen. I truly appreciate their over-the-top concern and care for me, the responsiveness to any issues I had and their dedication to getting me back to health. I would highly recommend this doctor and this practice to anyone! Bless you Dr. V, Karen, Terri, Gwen and all the staff!!!

I have seen Dr. Verseman since September of 2010 and I am extremely happy with the results. He did my RNY on March 29, 2011 and I am continually satisfied with attention and support from him and his staff. His office staff is professional and extremely knowledgeable about the entire process. From procedure options to paperwork and insurance qualification the staff is amazing. The nursing and support staff are fantastic and are always there to answer any question. From nutrition support to pre-op / post-op concerns no question is dismissed and all are answered in a way that provides you with an understanding of what is happening and how to deal with it. I can only say thank you to Dr. Verseman and his staff for helping my wife & I with making the choice that changed our lives.

I've been very impressed with Dr. Verseman and his office / staff. They have their program down to a science -- you come in, you're seen by everyone, and you're out. Granted, the appointments aren't quick because they're so thorough, but I appreciate the time I have with him / his staff nonetheless.
1 of 2 people found this helpful

I have been heavy for most of my life. I signed up for a seminar with Dr. Verseman in January of 2007 and had a lapband put in on May of 2007. When I went to my consultation with Dr. Verseman I was very impressed, he is so confident, HONEST, kind, compassionate and TRUTHFUL. I was afraid going in and was more confident coming out of the consultation. I didn't experience any delays or buying of time or LYING.
I went in to surgery and came out with one question, do I have a band? During surgery Dr. Verseman didn't have to band me, he experienced problems with blood vessels and had to wait for a biopsy of tissue from lymph nodes to check for cancer. Thankfully, it was negative. The Doctor waited for biopsies, dealth with fatty liver, worked around large blood vessels, and he was close to closing me up, could not get the band to go around the stomach the normal way, he had to take the band around the back side, an older procedure, he then banded me.
He didn't have to do this, he could have quit. I owe him my life, yes, I would still be 250lbs without Dr. Verseman.
Now, I am reading some things that upset me. Someone is not happy. I believe this person is not happy with himself, depressed. I know what it means to be heavy, if Doctor wants him to lose 60lbs, it's for a reason, it is for the patient's safety. I think Doctor knows what's best for patients.
The Doctor is not confused, he knows that the band is not for everyone, especially if you're too heavy. The band would not satisfy this patient because he would not lose as much weight as he wanted. Guess what, then it would be the Doctor's fault. It's only a tool to help you lose your weight, yes, you cannot drink carbonation, straws, WHISKEY, big old chunks of meat and pasta. You can only eat so much and be full. What did you expect? Back to basics, you cannot eat a lot with weight loss surgery, any type of weight loss surgery. Were you surprised to hear all this at the informative seminar and see the beautiful patient who lost weight with her lapband? She did this with the Doctor's help and she abided by the rules. Yes, she does look good and feels good about herself. Too bad you can't have the same satisfaction.
I continue to see my favorite Doctor, Dr. Verseman, he SAVED MY LIFE. Love Dr. Verseman as a bariatric surgeon. His staff is also very caring and helpful and friendly. I am not a number there, I am a person. Thank you so much, Dr. Verseman, for banding me.

Dr. Verseman, Karen Orr, Surgical Staff, Recovery Nurses, Gwen , Patti, Terri, Cindy are commitment to saving people’s lives.
Anyone reading this review and possibly considering having Bariatric Surgery please know that Dr. Verseman and his staff are just the greatest !!
I had Gastric Bypass and my husband had the Sleeve surgery by Dr. Verseman and his team. I have lost 150 pounds.and am down to a 25 bmi My husband has lost 160 pounds and is also a 25 bmi..
Another review listed here says and could not find better words.
"Thank God for Dr. Verseman's abilities, professionalism, wisdom and commitment in making sure that all patients are correctly prepared for this life changing surgery. Yes, it means that you must attend seminars, appts with the Psychologist, and the Nutritionalist plus the numerous Dr. visits with your primary care doctor and any other necessary Dr. visits.
Dr. Verseman and his staff are 100% committed to their patients. Many of Dr. Verseman's staff have had Bariatric surgery as well and have firsthand knowledge that they can share with each of the patients that come in. Dr. Verseman is truly the surgeon that I would recommend for Bariatric Surgery.
The Seminars that Dr. Verseman provides for his patients that are considering the surgery is very helpful and informative. We live in a society where obesity is prevalent. There are many people that are reaching out to find help to live a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Verseman is now offering group consultations which include a private one on one consultation. My husband was able to participate in the group consultation before his surgery. This allowed for my husband to meet other patients that were scheduled to be on the recovery floor at the same time. One of the patients stopped by several times while walking in the hall. They were able to give each other support. Speaking of support, there are several Bariatric support groups that are phenomenal. This is so important to continue to be successful as the years go by.
Ever since day one, Dr. Verseman has stressed that this surgery is only a tool, the rest is up to the individual. It is important to realize why you may overeat and be overweight. With the necessary Dr. visits you continue to learn the new ways of living life after this surgery. You must be willing to be committed to changing your old habits and ways and realize that it is important to rely on Dr. Verseman and his staff to guide you along the way. They are the professionals and they do know what they are talking about even though sometimes we don't always want to hear the things that we need to change."
My husband and I are living proof that Dr. Versman and his team are true professionals.
5 of 6 people found this helpful

On Feb. 17, 2011 DebbieO2010 wrote the following and I agree>
A Heartfelt ‘Thank you’ Dr. Verseman, Karen Orr, Surgical Staff, Recovery Nurses, Gwen , Patti, Terri, Cindy and all others in the office and on the team for your commitment to saving people’s lives. (Kalamazoo, MI)
Today I want to let everyone who is reading this post and possibly considering having Bariatric Surgery know that I vote for Dr. Verseman and his staff!!!
My daughter and I had Gastric Bypass and my husband had the Sleeve surgery by Dr. Verseman and his team. It has been one year ago today that my daughter age 24 had her surgery. She has lost 150 pounds as of today. I am 11 months out and have lost 90 pounds. On December 28, 2010, my husband had surgery and has already lost 61 pounds.
Thank God for Dr. Verseman's abilities, professionalism, wisdom and commitment in making sure that all patients are correctly prepared for this life changing surgery. Yes, it means that you must attend seminars, appts with the Psychologist, and the Nutritionalist plus the numerous Dr. visits with your primary care doctor and any other necessary Dr. visits.
Dr. Verseman and his staff are 100% committed to their patients. Many of Dr. Verseman's staff have had Bariatric surgery as well and have firsthand knowledge that they can share with each of the patients that come in. Dr. Verseman is truly the surgeon that I would recommend for Bariatric Surgery.
The Seminars that Dr. Verseman provides for his patients that are considering the surgery is very helpful and informative. We live in a society where obesity is prevalent. There are many people that are reaching out to find help to live a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Verseman is now offering group consultations which include a private one on one consultation. My husband was able to participate in the group consultation before his surgery. This allowed for my husband to meet other patients that were scheduled to be on the recovery floor at the same time. One of the patients stopped by several times while walking in the hall. They were able to give each other support. Speaking of support, there are several Bariatric support groups that are phenomenal. This is so important to continue to be successful as the years go by.
Ever since day one, Dr. Verseman has stressed that this surgery is only a tool, the rest is up to the individual. It is important to realize why you may overeat and be overweight. With the necessary Dr. visits you continue to learn the new ways of living life after this surgery. You must be willing to be committed to changing your old habits and ways and realize that it is important to rely on Dr. Verseman and his staff to guide you along the way. They are the professionals and they do know what they are talking about even though sometimes we don't always want to hear the things that we need to change.
I’m glad I got this chance to recognize the people that have truly been a blessing and instrumental in giving us a second chance in life, living a healthier lifestyle.
Feb. 17, 2011
4 of 5 people found this helpful
As of 2-20-2010 there are 35 reviews for Dr. Verseman going back to June of 2006.
If you are looking for a bariatric surgeon take the time and read ALL the reviews I am sure you will see that in the Kalamazoo, Mi area he is a GREAT choice.
As I stated in my previous review:
If you want the BEST, MOST EXPERIENCED AND COMPASSIONATE SURGEON and want to be told THE TRUTH, WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, then this is the place to go!
Dr. Verseman is affiliated with Healthcare Midwest PC and performs surgery at Borgess Hospital. We went to a seminar In January of 2010. It lasted 2 hours or so and you must go to this before you can proceed. This seminar was worth every minute. Remember this if you are planning to attend do not expect instant gratification. There will be real live people in the audience that are patients and had great weight loss success. What you should know and as recent patient (surgery April 23, 2010) I will tell you when you have your consolation with the Dr., he will tell you THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. This is how it really goes and this was MY experience and MY thoughts. I hope it informs you to make the best decision of your life. I KNOW THAT CHOOSING DR. STUART VERSEMAN and HIS PA KAREN ORR WAS THE BEST MEDICAL DECISION IN MY 63 YEARS OF LIFE. I have gone from 330 pounds in 2009 to 165 pounds November 2010. 70 pounds before my surgery, and 95 pounds after my surgery. I have kept it off and I know that Dr. Verseman and his staff are there for me so I will never yo yo again. My parents taught me something that has stuck with me my whole life. If you can't say something good about someone then don't say anything. I went thru the entire journey with Dr. Verseman and his staff and as I stated above it was THE BEST MEDICAL DECISION OF MY LIFE. I don’t want to leave that impression that Dr. Verseman and his staff are miricle workers, Surgical weight loss is an taxing journey in with you must carry your share of the burden. With Dr. Verseman it is a team effort and you can not have a better team!!! As soon as I find out how to share my complete POSITIVE journey with Dr. Verseman with the State of Michigan I will be doing so. Regain your life Dr. Verseman can help
5 of 6 people found this helpful
If you want the BEST, MOST EXPERIENCED AND COMPASSIONATE SURGEON and want to be told THE TRUTH, WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, then this is the place to go! Dr. Verseman is affiliated with Healthcare Midwest PC and performs surgery at Borgess Hospital.
We went to a seminar In January of 2010. It lasted 2 hours or so and you must go to this before you can proceed. This seminar was worth every minute.
Remember this if you are planning to attend do not expect instant gratification.
There will be real live people in the audience that are patients and had great weight loss success.
What you should know and as recent patient (surgery April 23, 2010) I will tell you when you have your consolation with the Dr., he will tell you THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.
This is how it really goes and this was MY experience and MY thoughts. I hope it informs you to make the best decision of your life. I KNOW THAT CHOOSING DR. STUART VERSEMAN and HIS PA KAREN ORR WAS THE BEST MEDICAL DECISION IN MY 63 YEARS OF LIFE.
I have gone from 330 pounds in 2009 to 165 pounds November 2010. 70 pounds before my surgery, and 95 pounds after my surgery. I have kept it off and I know that Dr. Verseman and his staff are there for me so I will never yo yo again.
My parents taught me something that has stuck with me my whole life. If you can't say something good about someone then don't say anything. I went thru the entire journey with Dr. Verseman and his staff and as I stated above it was THE BEST MEDICAL DECISION OF MY LIFE.
I don’t want to leave that impression that Dr. Verseman and his staff are miricle workers, Surgical weight loss is an taxing journey in with you must carry your share of the burden. With Dr. Verseman it is a team effort and you can not have a better team!!!
As soon as I find out how to share my complete POSITIVE journey with Dr. Verseman with the State of Michigan I will be doing so.
Regain your life Dr. Verseman can help.
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