Seun Sowemimo Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS
11 yr Experience
11 yr in Bariatrics
18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 70
Adjustable Gastric Band

11 yr Experience
11 yr in Bariatrics
18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
85% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 70

I first met Dr. Seun in June. He was very nice, had a sense of humor and treated me with caring and respect. I told myself that this was only a 'fact finding mission', that I really wasn't sure about the surgery, but his gentle and reassuring way slowly changed my mind. He has a wonderful staff and they also helped me through my self doubt. On 10/12, I came into the hospital at 5:30 AM for a 7:30 AM surgery. I was nervous and shaky when I was taken to the OR. By the time I saw Dr Suen, I was crying and wondering if I made the right decision. He came to my side, calmed me and told me he would see me inside. That's the last I remember before the surgery. My surgery took twice as long as it should have....I had a big heital hernia that Dr Suen repaired. I can never thank Dr Suen for all that he has done for me. I am now 6+ weeks out and doing very well. I've lost 63 lbs since I first met Dr Suen. He's simply the BEST!!!

On first impression of Dr. Seun I found him to be thorough, kind, and caring. It was my first appt. and I was so nervous but though serious, he had the personality to laugh a little and really helped me to relax. I went to his seminar last night, Wed 09/14/2011 and again he was professional yet light hearted. I feel confident in placing my future and this process in both his and his staff's hands. I have a tentative surgery date of 12/12/11 and I will keep you posted!

When I think of all that Dr. Seun has done for me, it's hard to imagine that a simple thank you would suffice. Yet I cannot help being overwhelmed with sincere gratitude to him and his amazing staff. You see, I suffer from white coat anxiety that has kept me from visiting doctors regularly for over 25 years. It took me two years just to work up the never to even go to a seminar. Luckily it was one of Dr. Seun's, and that was where I had my first real interaction with him, which was truly amazing. Later down the line, I had a great pre-op visit, where he answered all my questions clearly and concisely, and never spoke down to me. He was forthright with his advice and was willing to individualize my plan for my particular needs (both physical and emotional). The next time I saw him was on the day of my surgery. Needless to say, this was not a great day for me due to my anxiety. When I was wheeled into the OR waiting area, I was alone without any other patients in the room, and there was only one nurse there, and she sat on the other side of the room. Being all alone, my anxiety and fear got to the point where I was literally ready to rip the IV out and go home. Luckily after quick visits from a nurse and an anesthesiologist, Dr. Seun showed up. He immediately noticed that I wasn't doing so well, and he took the time to stand there and reassure me that he would take care of me, and that there was nothing to worry about. Honestly, that five minutes he spent with me completely put me at ease. I cannot say enough good about Dr. Seun, and I certainly could never thank him enough for his kindness and for the incredibly high quality of his care. On the day of my surgery, he not only gave me a new tool and an plan to help me combat my obesity, he gave me a sense of confidence in the medical profession that has continued to ease my anxiety. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Seun, and his amazing office staff.

Dr. Sowemimo and his staff are courteous and easy to talk to. When I called for my first appointment, they were able to schedule me for the following week. I'm always in and out in about an hour when I go for fills, which is important for me, as I go during my lunch break. I had my surgery with a different doctor, and now see Dr. Sowemimo about every 8 weeks for follow up and fills.