Scott Watson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 64 ratings

Scott Watson Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

64 Reviews for Scott Watson
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I have only met with him one time so far on Oct.24,2002 to learn about surgery. He was so nice he didn't give me the feeling that I was just another over weight person sitting in his office.He took the time to talk to me and answered my questions! I have decided to go through with the surgery and am in the process of getting all my pre-op procedures done. wish me luck and I highly recommend Dr. Watson


he is very compitent
his staff is friendly. he has been doing th
is surgery since jan.2002. he does lap.
will know more after surg.


My first impression of his was that he is very knowledgable about this surgery. He sat down and with pictures explained to me exactly what to expect. My impression did not change over time. I am very very pleased with the work of my wonderful surgeon. He and his staff were nothing but professional and caring. Dr. Watson's skills as a surgeon are outstanding and being able to have this surgery Laproscopic meant a lot to me. His skills in this area are the best. You can put your life in his capable hands and rest easy that you will be fine. Dr. Watson encourages you to follow his advice with your eating habits to the letter. He encourages you to join a support group and even provides the site when you go for your first consult. He has a very structured after care program, and he and his staff are always there to answer questions. He addressed the risks of the surgery verbally as well as providing you with written materials. I would rate him A+ in each and every area. Surgical competence it top of the list for me but with Dr. Watson you get both. My only bad experience was that my hospital room was too hot. This had nothing to do with my doctor.


I haven't meet Dr. Watson yet, will update as soon as I do. I have only heard wonderful things about him from other patients.


Very good with patients. Very knowledgeable.


I have my first appt. on 9-5-02.
9-26-02 I had my first appt. with DR. Watson today. He is a great person and very nice. I also had my nutrition class. It was very helpful.
I have to have a physc.cons.,which I already had. I just have to have Dr.Hanson send in my letter. Then I go back for another appt. and get the insurance going. I can't wait. I am so excited.


I first met Dr. Watson today, 9-24-02. His office was very busy--mostly with patients seeking this same surgery. It was encouraging to know that many others had chosen him to perform their RNY. Although he was very busy, he was very nice and didn't rush me in the least. He answered all of my questions and assured me that he would do all that he could do to ensure a speedy, successful process for a quick surgery date.


Dr. Watson has wonderful bedside manner and he is never to busy to answer a question..He is very infomative and he makes sure you are informed every step of the way. He makes sure you are provided with several phamplets about the surgery itself and what to expect.

It is a requirement that you see a physcologist and nutritionist before being scheduled. Dr. Watson stresses that the surgery is not a quick fix but a whole new life style. The day of your last visit when they schedule your surgery date you take a written test of about 25 question to make sure you have learned something every step of the way.

His nurse Peggy is the best she is a wonderful person and anything you need or ask for she makes sure to follow up on.

I could not be more pleased with my experience so far. Today is Aug/16 and I have my surgery Aug/28th

With all this being said all these comments are my experience so far & I can only speak for my experiance. I am in no way speaking for anyone else.


I have had my surgery now and just wanted to say again that Dr. Scott Watson is wonderful. He is very understanding, personable and competent. I felt that I was being taken great care of and I was never scared or nervous about him doing my surgery. I would recommend him to anyone seeking WLS


My first impression of Dr. Scott Watson, Johnson City, TN was an impressive one. He is very confident and has just received training in LAP WLS. I think I was about the 3rd or 4th patient he has dealt with about WLS so things are very new to his office. I am actually the very first patient that received insurance approval.

When the office staff called to tell me they had the date and insurance approval I think they were more excited than me.

I had to take a psyc. evaluation and a nutritional class. Dr. Watson also had me take a test about the surgery itself, making sure I really understood what I was doing.

There is no support group yet as Dr. Watson wants to wait until he has some post-ops to meet with. He said he wants a medical person to be at the support group meetings as well. I like that idea.

I have not actually had the surgery yet but so far I am very impressed with Dr. Watson.


Dr Scott Watson is a wonderful Doctor, I had my surgery 4 weeks ago. I have been lucky that I have had no complications. Dr. Watson is very careful and concerned about his patients. I just followed his guildlines and at this time I feel great. I have just started eating soft food. I can't stress enough to follow your diet and chew chew chew. Again Dr. Watson is a great doctor, he does laproscopic and open surgery. I had mine lap. and was in the hospital 4 days. I think he keeps us longer, but again he is very careful. I would recommend him to anyone.

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