Samer Mattar

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 52 ratings

Samer Mattar Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

7 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 70

52 Reviews for Samer Mattar
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This Dr is amazing he saved my life.
Thank you Dr mattar


Dr. Mattar is a wonderful surgeon. I'm so blessed and happy that he was the one doing my surgery. I experienced no pain (used the On-Que pain ball and it was a miracle too), no nausea and recovered very quickly. Dr. Mattar is extremely knowledgeable in these surgeries and I recommend him highly. If I every have to have gall bladder or anything else done, I'm going to see if he can do it!


I think the world of Dr Mattar. He is a great surgeon who truly cares about his patients. I had the gastric sleeve 1 year ago and have had great results. I have had no complications since the surgery. I would recommend Dr Mattar.


my daughter and I have both went to Dr. Mattar and we both think the highest regards for his professional attitude and true respect for his patients. I have lost 160lbs so far and wish to continue.Did not have a bit of problems with the surgery and the follow was has been as sincere as Dr. Mattar. I have already pointed a friend in his directions and she is getting ready to loose her dream amount.Speaking of Dreams he and his staff have and are helping me achieve my dreams. They have the most instructive classes I have ever attended and if you do what they say you will too achieve your dreams of living to see your grandchildren grow up which I have 14 of them. Thank you Doctor for caring.


Dr. Mattar is the most wonderful doctor and person in the world. He treats people witht he utmost respect and care. Dr. Mattar made this process so much less stressful. He and his staff are the best. They all work together and make things easier for me. The process just works! Dr. Mattar and his staff they are like family. They care. It did not stop after surgery it just continues. We are joined as Dr. Mattar said... "Joined for Life" Thank you God for bringing the wonderful man into my life. He cared and cares about me AND my family. We are a team. Dr. Mattar again thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. You have changed my life for the better and you have saved my family. I love you! Your the best. Keep doing what your doing. You do make a difference. Thanks for making the difference in my life. I would not be here if it werent for you.


Dr. Mattar has taken me on as a patient! He is an amazing person. He was so nice. I am thrilled to be going through this process with him.


I met Dr. Mattar on 09/13/10 and it was a wonderful day! My first impression was that he was a tall, fit man, very sure of himself. We started talking you could feel, hear, and see the care, concern, and follow through. He has a wonderful bedside manner and is very compasionate. He looks at all aspects. And he made a comment that our meeting was like that of a marriage. He said that after surgery for years forward we would be seeing each other. The people at the Clarian Bariatrics center, everyone, is simply wonderful. They make you feel like you are an individual. You are somebody special. Your not a number. There is not one thing that my husband nor I disliked. Future patients should know that he is serious and thorough and in your life period. He has a structured program from begining to end. Aftercare is very important because he wants you to remain healthy, safe, and able to reach your goals. I was extremely impressed with the topic of risks. Yes he covered the basic risks for everyone however, he went beyond and talked about "MY" specific possible problems and he paid particular attention to how he would deal with trying to prevent risks and or problems from happening. On a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the best he is a 12. He hit it out of the park. He has studied for many years, he is up to date on things from what I have seen so far. He is a well rounded surgeon, Dr, and person from what I have seen so far. His compasion and the way he listened and answered all of my questions was just awesome. Now a days your just a number to Dr's, your given 15 minutes or so to go over everything. The Clarian Bariatrics Center has everything mapped out and set up. Folks working there seem to like their jobs and they work together not against each other. They treated me with so much respect. I felt at home. Top notched, Top quality. I am so impressed with Dr. Mattar mostly because he treated me with respect, dignity, and talked and listened to me at the same level. He did not talk above me, he did not scold me for being sick and overweight. He genuinely cared about me, he seemed worried about my health and future. He made me feel good about me. He wants so much to help me to live a quality life. For once a doctor did not pull out the prescription pad or point me in another direction. He seems to be a can do kind of guy without the ego and I like that. I feel this is going to be a great journey and I cannot wait to move to the next level. He said we will be working together for years and you know what I believe him with all that I am. Thanks Dr. Mattar and Clarian Bariatrics Center. I am so glad your in my life.

1 person found this helpful


Dr. Matter is wonderful. soft spoken. reassuring. calm. I went to Clarian Bariatrics and everything was like clock work. Everything happened like I was taught. I dont think his staff could have had me any more educated or prepared than I was. I would recommend him to anyone. I had no complications. No nausea no vomiting which I believe is due to the medications he gives routinely in the hospital. I couldnt have been more pleased with my experience and with him as my surgeon. Considering Im an RN that is saying alot.


Dr. Mattar has been WONDERFUL so far! I chose him for his experience and great "bed side manner" reviews.....he hasn't let me down on either!


Dr. Mattar was warm and caring. I grew to enjoy seeing him and work hard to make my goals and get his approval. The office staff are nice with the exception of a couple, however Dr. Mattar was guick to fix it once he found out. He is very positive and encouraging, he is also soft and caring. He is very emphasizing of aftercare, with a structured program. He addressed all the risk of surgery and the pros as well. His office holds a class to teach anyone interested in surgery about the many options he offers and how it is done. I would highly recommend Dr. Mattar to anyone! I had my surgery at Clarian North were the staff was beyond wonderful!

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