S. Ross Fox Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
42 yr Experience
40 yr in Bariatrics
0 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is Depends
Max Age of Patient is Depends
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

42 yr Experience
40 yr in Bariatrics
0 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is Depends
Max Age of Patient is Depends
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

I first meet Dr. Fox at a support group meeting along with patient advacant Debbie. I thought he was too nice, phony even, but after awhile I got it, he is that nice. I have had the pleasure of talking to him a couple of times now as well as my daughter and we are both very impressed. My daughter is my support person and she worries about everything so I knew that she would worry about me having surgery and possible complications or worse. After meeting and talking with Dr. Fox she has become very excited for me and has told me she thinks I'm in the best hands possible. Dr. Fox is a caring, compassionate man that I trust completely. In talking with him I also found him to be passionate in his ability and convictions to battle the Insurance Companies when it is needed, which I felt was in my best interest.
Dr. Fox and his staff are what I would call top of the line professionals. I feel that each and everyone of them truly care about what they do. As far as bedside manner I'll have to let you know, but I expect nothing short of the best.
If I were to have a complaint it would have to be the time it takes from the first consultation to the actual surgery. As with most of you, once you make up your mind to do the surgery it seems like it takes forever.

Dr. Peter LePort performed a gastric bypass on me in November of 1999. I was told by his office during the scheduling phase that he would do a distal bypass on selected cases. When I actually arrived in his office he informed me that he would not do a distal procedure and did not do stomach separation. I was devastated with that news as that is the procedure I wanted to have done. I had flown all the way from Alaska to Fountain Valley California to have this surgery done. I went ahead and had this procedure performed. The hospital and the staff were great. I did well for about a year and then I had a small bowel obstruction. Possibly caused by adhesions. These are sometimes seen after bypass. The alarming thing is that Dr. LePort never responded to messages that I left about the complications. I faxed ER reports and Xray reports to him to ask for his help with the complications. He never responded. That was a devastating thing to me and made me realize that you need to make sure your surgeon is willing to follow up with his cases even if they live 4000 miles away! I would like to add that I am not saying his surgery was the cause of the small bowel obstruction but it was related and a simple phone call from him or his staff to check on my status at least once during the year after my surgery would have been a nice gesture on his part.
I have since decided to to research different surgeons to find one who could do a revision on proximal bypass. Dr. Fox in Tacoma, Washington, called me back immediately upon receiving my message. He didnt even know me I might add! Since that time he has been attentive, interested and I have now scheduled a revision with Dr. Fox. HE is witty and fun to talk to! I feel much safer in his hands. He demands certain followup obligations by his patients and you are required to check in with his office at least monthly after surgery.

My surgeon is actually Dr. Oh from Federal Way, WA. Dr. Fox will be assisting since he is certified in this type of surgery (proximal by-pass).
Dr. Oh is not a talker but is very understanding. I was approved right away but I chickened out at the last minte the first time. I wrote him and explained how I felt about the surgery and how scared I was to have to live my life fat and how afraid I was of making this major decision. He asked me to come back in and offered to put me on a physician assisted weight loss program for which I tried for several months.
I never even told him this but I gave up on it when I began to feel so irritated on the prescription he gave me. My heart raced and then I woud fall into a mean slump of some kind and felt horrible (tired and aggitated).
The risk were described graphically enough for me to have second thougts and to delay the surgery by three months (in which time I gained more weight than I lost on the diet pills).
After care and a promise to him that you will follow all orders exactly as they are given, are essential or he will not do the surgery. Note he is not hurting for money that is for sure and can easily afford to deny me his serivce.

Well, I went to a discussion group that Dr Fox holds every Wednesday. All I can say is...WOW! He is one of the most passionate doctors I have ever met, when it comes to helping the obese. The compassion and understanding he has about what we as "outsiders" of society go through is truly touching. His Patient Advocate, Blanche, started out the group and told us her story of being close to 400lbs (I do believe) and passing around before and after pictures of herself and others. Both Dr Fox and Blanche were very upfront with the risks and complications that any form of WLS can cause, and wanted to make sure everyone understood them before we left. We were asked to commit, in writing, to a Patient Contract that outlined certain rules we promised would be followed if we have surgery...staying away from certain foods, exercising every day, regular visits, going to support groups, etc. You may be asked to see a pyschotherapist, and is one of the rules of the contract to do so, if requested. The contract and other paperwork was very surprising, yet very comforting too. They obviously take the approach of healing the whole person, not just the weight part of you.
Aftercare is a HUGE part of the program, and Dr Fox continually stressed how we would basically become a family, because you will be required to have regular visits with his office for an indefinite period of time. The visits will become less frequent as time goes by and your body accepted and adapted to its changes.
The biggest negative for me was knowing that since he is getting along in years, other doctors will soon be taking over his practice, at least medically. He plans on retiring soon and dedicating his retirement years to enlighten the medical and insurance communities on the treatment and social discrimination of obesity. I'm not sure how devoted the surgeons that take his place will be to his patients as Dr Fox is. We met one of the surgeons, Dr Srikanth, who was very friendly and outgoing. Guess it will just take time to see if Dr Fox's replacements will have the right attitude toward obesity treatment.

I first met Dr. Fox the day of surgery. He was very humerous and made me feel a lttle more at ease. I liked how gentle he was and above and beyond how understanding he is. I have met up with him at follow up appt. and he just puts a smile on my face.
I woud have to say his office is made up of terrific people all so caring and dedicated.His nurse Karen has been a hudge part in my after care and I am always happy to drive 50 miles to see her.lso te patient advocates that was there for what ever question I hd and they are so caring and helpful. At the beginning when I wasn't doingmy protien or I was doig stuff I wasn't suppose to they were there to remind me and guide me(thank you)!! The after car program is so detailed and they stress how important it all is that it is one of the most important things is to remain in close contact for the rest of your life day or night I know there is someone on call If I need them...Thank you to all the staff at Dr. fox's office you've all been Great

First impression I was wary. No one was going to cut into me.
But he has a informational meeting that new patients must attend before a appointment can be scheduled
as he explained the risk/benifit ratios I loosened my resolve to go with adjustable gastric band.
His staff is busy, hard working, very competent and supportive.
He comes off as being too slick perhaps over optomistic, but underneath he sincerly cares and is deeply affected by our unwarranted suffering, shame and the neglect that is offered to us generally by the medical professionals.
Aftercare is why I chose him I wasen't going to be compromising my health just to be normal, I've got some serious living to catch up on I've got to be ready to go....
He is absolutly insistant that the supplements are not optional and he explaines that a lot of people have these surgeries and don't properly supplement so they never loose all their weight....
the body struggles to hold on because it's needs are not being met.
I saw other doctors in my area and their idea of after care was a joke, if you are contemplating surgery please put aftercare on the top[ of your list.
I traveled post op for 2.5 hours to keep my appointments and it was worth it.
I knew that he had performed over 6000 procedures with very low incidents of mortality/serious complications.
This doctor takes patients that no one will take super obese and very very sick people yet his success is good to great.
The bad news is that he will probably be retiring in several years or sooner so get it while you can....

Dr. Fox is a caring compasonate person. He did surgery on me 13 years ago. I had a VBG. I went from 250 pounds to 145 then 6 years ago I was back up to 185 pounds. I then had a dista bi pass. I now weigh 125 pounds. Dr. Fox has fone over 6000 surgeries and has changed so many lives. Not counting the lives he has saved. When ever I have needed to talk to him, he calls me back personally. I have never seen a Doctor who cares so much for his patients.
After care is great. Dr. Fox has support groups all around the country.
Dr. Fox also does a tummy tuck that is out of this world.
My husband also had this surgery. He had sleep apena, high blood pressure, diabeties etc.. every thing is gone.
Contact me for futher information. Would love to hear from any one.
Evon Aldrich
Auburn, Washington