S. Ross Fox Bariatric Surgeon M.D.
42 yr Experience
40 yr in Bariatrics
0 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is Depends
Max Age of Patient is Depends
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

42 yr Experience
40 yr in Bariatrics
0 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is Depends
Max Age of Patient is Depends
Biliopancreatic Diversion
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

My first impression of Dr. Ross Fox, was as if I just met an old friend. Over time and many personnal trama's he has always been the one to inspire me. Whenever I entered the office I was made to feel \"good\" about my goals,my health, and the momentum of my self-discovery. Patients will need to know that he will NOT fault you for being obese. His gentle talking will encouarge you to open up to him, trust in him and his staff and to challenge yourself in a positive manner. rnrnAftercare, takes on a whole new meaning for the Fox staff as you will learn, it includes professionals of all kind that discuss issues like diets, nutrition and yes even recipes, some of which came from me, the staff's favorite enchilada maker! There's fashion shows, Under any circomstances please dress nicely, wear make-up when you go in for check-ups, after your surgery. Don't go in looking like crap, golly show some respect for yourself and go in showing how wonderful your looking, that's what gives him pleasure.rnrnI think that he is like a sculpture and just so excited to see the final touch of the molding of his new art piece......YOU!rnrnDr. Fox addresses the risks of surgery plainly discusses how a patient must let him know of al, ALL vital medical history, not only of oneself, but the medical history within your family, if you want, really want this surgery to be a success then be a positive person create a picture in your mind of how you see yourself. That is not a \"Skinny-Minny\", but one that is \"Healthy-Vibrant and ready to Live\" a brand new life.rnrnOf course, my ratings in way off the chart where else can you go and find a surgeon who invites everyone for a Christmas Party for you to shine in your best dressed. And you may wear a gorgeous gown, or Tuxedo that day, but Dr.Fox only see's the life shining in your eyes and that gives him the opportunity to see the succcess of the work both you and he have done.rnrnI will say that competence is more important to me because, hey it's my life we are discussuing my innermost quite feelings/fears/moments with him. rnrnThe bedside manner with my friend always begins and ends with a whistling tune. My late husband used to imitate him to the tee.rnrnThere is another person that I make equally important to my beginings of my new life. And that is his son; Dr. Earl Fox of now the Richmond, Wa. area. In June of 1991, Dr. Earl diagnosed me with Bi-lateral Ductal Breast Cancer. I was given 1 month to live. He saved by life with a Double Mascetomy, later a Hysteractomy. Dr. Earl (as we call him) referred me to his father, Dr. Ross and that is the whole truth of how not one, but two, Dr. Fox's have saved and changed my life for the better.rnrnI want to say that I'm am eternally grateful for the support and kind words from Dr. Ross, Dr. Ki Oh, who helped me go through accepting the loss of my husband in 2002. Dr. Ki Oh, gave me a year time longer to spend with Santiago (Jim) and if you ever need a great surgeon and the Fox's are busy I recommend Dr. Ki Oh a great gentleman, surgeon and friend.

First impression: too smooth; salesmanrnAll other impressions: he cares/feels deeply for Our KindrnStill think he has the best post-op nutrition plan and care availablernHe spends a minimum of 4 hours addressing the hows & whys of obesity cause, treatment and consequences, as well as the risks associated with surgery itself, immediate post-op and long term. rnHe is an Obesity Surgeon, not a surgeon who does a few obesity surgeries. He has spent a lot of time doing nutritional research, what works & what doesn't. His nutritional program seems excessive to others, but nothing that keeps me healthy is excessive to ME. rnHe offers 5 choices of surgery, including the weight loss stats and risks associated with each.rnrnTends to be a bit more optomistic than realistic, on occasion.rnrnShould I have to be revised, I would choose him again. He offers the procedure that I can live with and the aftercare that keeps me here. He does a comprehensive program to keep me healthy and thin.rnrnUpdate: he is now semi-retired, only seeing people for non-surgical weight loss, band fills and follow up.rnrnDr. Ki H. Oh, Federal Way, WA assisted on both of our surgeries. He also did 2 non-WLS surgeries for Don. We have done most of our follow up care with him, because his office hours and location worked better for us.rnrnBut we do love them BOTH!rn

Was very good surgeon. Had stomach stapled in 1989. When in about 2002 went to try to get band/staples tightened was told by different surgeron that this type of surgery only lasts about 10 years. Have tried everyting I can afford to lose weight but nothing is working. Would like Dr. Speigel to perform lap band surgery if approved by my insurance.rnrn

Dr. Ross Fox came up here to Alaska to do a seminar--at the time, there were NO SURGEONS who did this type of surgery up here in Alaska.
His office staff is wonderful, they are all really pro-active, they want you to have a positive experience and also to have a great attitude of the life changing thing you have done or are thinking of doing.
They EMPHASZIE aftercare in a BIG way and have a structured aftercare program. I am 4 years out and I still have contact with their office and staff.
The doctors and staff definately DID address the risks/benefits of surgery.
The overall rating is 5 stars!!!!! After I came out of surgery, Dr. Fox came in and woke me up by standing at my bedside and gently whistling. He had a fresh rose with a card that said "Welcome to your new life"

So far I have been pleased. I talked to Dr. Srikanth, who is an associate of Dr. Fox. He was very pleasant to deal with. I feel confident with him doing the operation.
The only thing that disappointed me is that I called the insurance department 2x and they did not return my call. Maybe they were busy. I got ahold of them the 3rd x I called, so perhaps they just hadn't gotten the message????
The staff has been excellent so far. I feel that they have explained everything - so far as far as what to expect and such. Haven't discussed much as far as financial, my ins is covering 90% of this procedure.

Although there is much negativity surrounding Dr. S. Ross Fox, he did my initial surgery more than 10 years ago, I simply adore the man! He did a great job on me and when I developed some serious issues he and his staff took great pains to figure out what was wrong and developed a treatment plan for me. Two years after my WLS I had a series of plastics and due to one of the meds I took, i.e., Torodol, I developed a staple line disruption and had a small weight gain, again Dr. Fox and his staff took good care of me. I had a revision, Dr. Oh was the primary surgeon on my revision and Dr. Fox assisted. When I developed a serious infection within days of leaving the hospital, again, Dr. Fox and his staff treated me appropriatly. I have nothing but positive comments for Dr. Fox and his staff and would do it all over again in a heart beat.
So as far as I am concerned Dr. S. Ross Fox is a miracle worker1

My first inpression of Dr Fox was that he is a very Companionate and understanding man. My impression has not changed other than he is a funny man to talk with he makes you feel good about your decision and let's you know that it is not your fault you are the way you are. The staff that I have met are very help full and there to help you every step of the way.

So far I have been very comfortable working with Dr. Fox and his office staff. They are very professional and for the most part, if you are serious, they get you in there and going on your pre-op regimen quickly. They are very serious about you understanding that this is a life time commitment. You are required to seek some kind of post-op support and they have thier own support groups if you don't find one on your own. My biggest gripe with them so far is that they like to use the same testing facilities with everyone so I have to drive aways for most of the tests. Small sacrifice for what I am striving for here.