Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 with 174 ratings

Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS Bariatric Surgeon Medical Director at CMC-NorthEast

19 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

Keith S. Gersin Profile Pic
Keith S. Gersin
Timothy S. Kuwada Profile Pic
Timothy S. Kuwada
Abdelrahman Nimeri Profile Pic
Abdelrahman Nimeri

174 Reviews for Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS
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Dr. Bauman was recommended to me by a co-worker. I went to a seminar and at first was taken a back. His presentation was not a sales job for a surgery, instead the simple facts and the results he had seen. Dr. B made me understand that this was tool that he could give me but it was both of our jobs to make it work. I attended multiple seminars from different surgeons and most of them were a sales job. I was and am still impressed that Dr B simply gave the facts and dispelled other mythes.
As others have said Dr B is very no nonsense and isn't all warm and fuzzy but , in my experience it has been what I need. The day of surgery I was on a scale to make sure I kept my end of the bargin up to loose weight pre-op. What I love about Dr B is that he has put together a very well rounded practice... the nutritionist is right there in his office, he has product available for you to purchase should you choose and the staff has bent over backwards to help and kept me in the loop every step of the way during my pre-op, insurance approval and any question I have had since then. The most amazing thing I can tell you about Dr Bauman is he truely has my best interest at heart. I went in with my mind set on one surgery and even had it scheduled and Dr Bauman sat down with me and explained the sleeve to me and why he felt it would be better for me based on my past weight loss attempts. Looking back Dr B saved my life and has given me my health back!

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My first Impression is that Dr Bauman is strict, But also very good at what he does.. I am not nervous at all about him bieng my surgeon because I know that I am in good hands. The staff is very nice and helpful, If you go in the office don't bring your sweet tea ( he stood on the table and said "Stop drinking sweet tea, it's killing you" It was actually pretty funny. I mentioned my lengthy family history of blood clots and he is sending me to a hematologist. I am without a doubt pleased with my decision to choose Dr Bauman.

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dr. bauman is the greatest. I think he is one of the best on this side of the country.When we first met I didnt really think that much of him but I heard he was a reputable surgeon. So I hung in there and his staff were really nice. They do take care of everything as far as the insurance company is concerned. I didnt have to do a thing. Also they are really taking good care of me since the aurgery and really want you to succeed. Overall I feel blessed to have had dr.Roc to have performed my surgeey. If you can get dr.Bauman you will not be disappointed.

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I am post op 3 years as of yesterday, 11/29/09...I lead the Gastric Bypass Support Group at CMC-union in Monroe and after meeting and getting to know others over the last 3 years who have had the smae surgery from Dr. Bauman and others, I can unequivocally say he is the only surgeon I would go to!rnrnPeople who have surgery with others in the Charlotte area, aren't required to attend monthly nutritionist visits for the first year, they come to the meetings at 2 weeks post op and say, I can eat soft foods!\" They don't know what foods to eat. Dr. Bauman and his nutritionist, Diane Stout, give you a list of foods and instruct you how to measure them and eat the right amount of proteins and healthy carbs. rn rnThis is exactly what obese people need, we have to learn a new way of eating healhty so that we won't go back to our unhealhty eating habits from before surgery. rnAnyone who is post op 1 year can tell you that you can pretty much eat what you want, it you haven't learned the proper way to eat and the proper foods to eat while the restriction is at it's best, immediately post up, you are setting yourself up for failure.rnrnAdditionally, Dr. Bauman is always available, if you experience any concerns, complications, or probelms, even a couple of years out, he is avaiable to see you and guide you to a solution to your problem. I still see him each year around my anniversary just to make sure everything is still going well and there are no new updates I might need, the goal was to get healthy, not just to lose weight.rnrnHe and his staff are always very considerate and helpful in any and all situations whether they pertain to surgery or it ends up being something that needs to be seen by another physician.rnrnSeveral in our group have had complaints about thier physicans and their office staff...complaints from not getting lab results to a complete lack of compassion and concern when problems have arisen after surgery. rnrnAlthough he is very direct and to the point, which some people don't care for, I appreciate his honesty and not mincing of words. rnrnAs a member of the health care field, I can attest to Dr. Bauman's excellent success rates and low infection and compilcation rates. He is superb!rnrnI can't say enough about him and his staff, he truly has a desire to help us achieve long term success. He has helped to facilitate my \"new lease on life\" and words can't express how grateful I am to him and his staff for helping me to achieve my he reminded me from the beginning, weightloss surgery is a \"tool\" it goes \"hand-in-hand\" with my deterination and abiltiy to change my former habits.rnrnKaren Carpenterrn

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Dr. Bauman is very skilled and caring. The office staff is great. He makes sure that everything possible is done to minimize risks and have the best outcome possible. I felt completely safe putting my care in his hands. He is very strict about adherence to the program.

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My Surgeon Dr.Bauman. He is excellent at what he does! He has a very organized system in place for pre and post op care. I have been very pleased with him and his office staff. He has a great nurse, Tammy, who used to be a nurse on the post surgical unit at the hospital. My experience so far has been really great. I would recommend Carolina Weight Loss Surgery to people seeking bariatric surgery.

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He's really straight forward. He really doesn't carry a conversation well, but I think he's the best surgeron for WLS. I would highly recommend him.rnThe staff is wonderful. They always answered all my questions in a timely manner. rnHe emphasizes after care very loud. This is very important for a WLS patient to keep up with. WLS means a total life style change!! Dr. Bauman provides a Nutritionist in his office for your after care. rnDr. Bauman goes over all the risk you could have with this surgery very good. He makes you watch videos, do EMMI online, and verbal goes over everything with you. rnDr.Bauman's rating (to me) is off the chart. If it was between a 0-10 rating honestly, he would be a 20!! rnI think surgical competence and bedside manner were both great. He knows what he is doing!!


Dr b is a great surgeon! My wife and I spent weeks searching for the best and we found him! He is a no nonsense kind of doc though and very strict! He has a zero mortality rate and a very very low complication rate and he keeps it that way by staying on his patients about the rules and taking lots of precautions after surgery.


I recently had to see Dr. Bauman after i had a diagnostic surgery due to slight issues with some inflamed scar tissue after my gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Bauman did not perform the surgery but nevertheless it was his job to give me post op care. Dr. Bauman spent a total of 3 minutes in the examination room with me. This was just enough time for me to tell him that i had concerns with one of my incisions and some new back pain that i had been having. Dr. Bauman simply asked me if i had mentioned this to the nurse, which i had but what was she going to do besides tell the \"DR.\". Dr. Bauman then tells me that my \"real\" surgeon will open his practice in february and i could talk to him about any of my concerns. I do plan to talk with my surgeon just as soon as his practice opens, but what if something happens before then? What if something is really wrong with the knot under my incision and what about the severe back pain that i have been having? I understand that one surgeon may not enjoy seeing the paitents of another surgeon just as patients (like myself) do not like seeing other surgeons, but the fact is i needed medical attention and it was Dr. Baumans job to attend to me and he did not. I was not asking for a friendship when i walked in that office. I was simply looking for decent medical care, I guess that is too much to ask for.


First imperssion he is very cut and dry.rnStaff is great.rn

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