Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.6 out of 5 with 174 ratings

Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS Bariatric Surgeon Medical Director at CMC-NorthEast

19 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

Keith S. Gersin Profile Pic
Keith S. Gersin
Timothy S. Kuwada Profile Pic
Timothy S. Kuwada
Abdelrahman Nimeri Profile Pic
Abdelrahman Nimeri

174 Reviews for Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS
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I meet Dr. Bauman today(3/17/03) He was very nice. I would recommend him to others. His office staff was great too!!!


I've seen Dr Bauman my consultation visit. He seems competent, has an excellent reputation and is easy to talk to. He answered all my questions--was very patient.

03/12/03 I had my surgery 02/24/03 with Dr Roc Bauman, Concord NC as the surgeon. He did an excellent job...visited me twice daily every day I was in the hospital. I was pleased with him as my surgeon. Also his office staff is very helpful.
Aftercare is very important. Dr B has you see him at 2 weeks post op, then 4 weeks post op, then every 6 months for follow ups. Also he has an excellent 1 year program with a nutritionist he encourages every patient to utilize---it's 1 visit a month for a year. And also you see an excerise physiologist at 6 weeks post op.
Prior to surgery he shows you a video (on his laptop) of the surgery & explains it & possible risks & complications in detail as well as providing you with about 10 or 12 pages of information explaining the same.
I understand he's now doing the lap band procedure as well as Laproscopic RNY.


When I first met him I was shocked that he was so young looking. But when he started talking he made me feel very confident that he knew what he was talking about. I have only seen him once so my oppinion has not changed about him.The staff seemed to be really nice, like they were really concerned about their patients. Dr. Bauman is very clear that you have to have very good after care. He wants to make sure that you have a good doctor that is going to follow up with you.He has you going to Diane Stout and she is very helpful and friendly. Dr. Bauman was very clear that there are risks with the surgery, but with his confidence of talking to you he makes you fell very comfortable. At this point I would rate him a 10 for his surgical competence.


I am very impressed with dr,Bauman. He's a strait shooter and I like that.Says he will be ablke to do LAP thats good news. I have completed all my test and am now waiting for date,1-29-03


I have only met him once. I had a consult last week. I had to watch a video in which he was the speaker, telling all about the procedure and what to expect.

He seems very intelligent and knows what he is doing. Everything seems to be covered.

I was not impressed with his office staff. They did not seem very friendly, or maybe it was just me.


My first impression of Dr. Bauman was very favorable. He really took the time to make sure that my husband and I really understood what the surgery entails and he stayed with us until all our questions were answered.


9/24/02 - I have chosen a new surgeon, Dr. Roc Bauman. The Lord is so good. I have more peace with this surgeon than the one I had before. I know it may sound funny but I never met him but feel like I know him already by the postive reactions from others and especially my cousin. I have attended his support group this month with his Nutritionist Diane Stout. I have learned so much from the support group. Thank you Wendy for being very supportive especially in time of need in me having this surgery. I will post later as soon as I find out when my consultation will be.
1/7/03 - 1st Consultation with Dr. Bauman. I saw a video and seen the 3 types of surgeries and the history on them. It went over the complications. Then Dr. Bauman came in the exam room and asked me if I had any questions. He was upfront and knew exactly what he was talking about. He has a great aftercare program. It was well worth my wait. The Lord knows what is best for all of us and I found out that Dr. Bauman has enough confidence to do the Lap RNY vs the Open RNY. He is very professional and skilled at what he does. He never hesitated to give an answer to any of my questions. He told me that he thought that we could take care of me all in one visit and he would see me on my surgery date. He felt I did enough research and did ask if I would like to schedule another visit before surgery but I said there really was no need too. He said I will most likely have surgery in Feb. then. I am very pleased with him! The staff is wonderful! I will update more when I have surgery.


Dr. Bauman's nurse kept me informed as to what to expect when I came in. I answered an rather extensive questionnaire before going in. We did not go over that in our meeting. I did not know I would see in detail the procedure on the laptop but it was good to see it and have it explained by my surgeon. Dr Bauman is laid back, to the point and oh yes. When I went in to see him I had already done everything his office requested, psych eval, therapist, endo dr, nutritionalist etc. Dr. Bauman welcome me into his office very professionally, staff professional also but friendly. He showed me exactly what he would be doing on his laptop. He did not glorify it but rather told me of the problems that could occur then proceeded to tell me how my life could change. He did not try to talk us into the surgery but laid out everything to us for us to decide. When I left that session I went for a one on one with him. He is friendly and personable but to the point. He seems to have covered most everthing. I had researched this for about 10 months before seeing him so I was very aware of alot of what he said. It was good to hear and see the exact procedure. I am not able to answer all of your questions at this time. I cannot say too much now except that I believe he has done over 200+ surgeries and appears to know what he is talking about and I feel confident in his ability and education on this type of surgery.

During my stay in the hospital...Dr Bauman met me just prior to surgey. After surgery he was in to see me every day, sometimes two or three times, he even called me on the telephone. I contacted infiltrates which was a mild case of pneumonia and my temperature would not break. Dr Bauman stayed constantly in touch with me and kept me informed of every test he was running, what to expect and the results the same day. He was absolutely wonderful. I am very happy with him and would highly recommend him at this point. He performed my surgery within 2 1/2 hours and his follow-up has been more than I expected.


I am very pleased with Dr Bauman and all his staff. I have worked with 2 other surgeons and I find him the best. He seems very knowledgable and caring.
I've had my surgery and I am still very happy with Dr Bauman. He really seems to know his stuff. My surgery went great!


My first impression is he is competent and caring. the office staff especially Robin show true compassion and professionalism and make a difficult situation much more bearable.
I would warn people who are considering
Dr. Bauman that he is very busy so get in line for a consult as soon as possible and have your questions ready for him when you meeet him.
His after care eprogram is a blueprint for success esp. for having the exercise physiologist as well as the nutrition and psychologist.
The risks of surgery are made plain and clear several times there can be no confusion as to the seriousness of the procedure.
I rate Dr Bauman with the only vote I have life.

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